Wow how clever of you

3  2017-12-14 by Chanchumaetrius

Wow how clever of you. You must be a genius for thinking that up. I feel that my feelings may never recover. But I guess that dosent matter since I’m a soulless republican MONSTER. Tell me. Did caring too much come with your birth? Animals are animals and they aren’t CONSCIOUS *. I had a pet mother fucking LIZARD once. And you know what? It escaped. That’s right, the fucker escaped. So you know what I did once I found it? It was under the cabinet under the sink and once I got a hold of that fucker I chopped him to tiny tiny bits. Like a *MOTHER FUCKING HOT DOG. now it just so happens that my dear sweet mama is coming chicken Alfredo for dinner right? So I take the tiny diced up Lizard chunks and I peel the skin off them. So I have these bloody white chunks of what looks like a crossbreed between tiny styrofoam cubes and a hotdog. So I dice them a little more and throw them in a metal pot right? And I start boiling these little lizard chunks and mama asks what I’m boiling. I tell her it’s my old cum sock I keep under the mattress and tell her to fuck off. So the chunks are nice, white and tender at this point so you know what I do? Well the Chicken Alfredo is out already so I BY HAND take out every bit of chicken out of that pot and fill it with my tender lizbits. I never forgot the way my meeemaaaaw looked at my mama as she bit into those sweet chunks of stringy lizard. In fact just the thought of that face meemaaw made me want to jerk my gerkin. So like I did every Tuesday night I came into meemaaws pillow as she snored. Now if you think I’m still inhuman you remeber this tale.