Boogies wife apparently "found herself" liking non morbidly obese cock and the divorce is final. They are still friends though he says, so I guess he gets to watch finally.

90  2017-12-14 by WholesomeDramaUser


I'm happy for Boogie, I really am. It turns out that fat isn't the only thing he shed from his surgery, he also got rid of the chunky Jewess adulterer. Boogie is on his way, his sexual market value increasing by the day, while the chunky Jewess adulterer will only become more saggy, soggy, and regretful of her choices. Sure, she gets to own half of what he owns for the rest of their lives while she takes gallons of premium African manbeast baby butter in every fold and hole, but it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

His sexual market value is Venezuelan currency levels. It can only go up outside of death.

>being rid of (((his wife)))

/u/uberwolf0 even admits he's no longer after 3DPD anymore, so while true wizard powers might be out of reach, he can at least up his power level

Jesus. Talking about hookers like that is so grimy. Really not an attractive look.

Found the poorsy that can't afford hookers.

Maybe /u/ubereolf0 will finally kill himself so I don’t have to subsidize his ludicrous healthcare costs for the remaining 10 years of his natural life.

The guy needs to hire someone to like lock him inside his house for a year and force him to lose weight by making him excercise and witholding food from him or he is going to die.

To maintain that kind of weight you need to eat so much fucking food. It is literally as easy as what they do on the biggest loser which is spend as much time as possible on an incline treadmill everyday and cutting your calorie intake.

A few months ago, he had weight loss surgery and is actively losing weight.

Was it the one where they make your stomach smaller?

The biggest loser fucked up their contestants, gave them amphetamines, loads of other shit and made them do so much exercise with so little food that they fucked their metabolism for good it seems. There was a big study and most of the contestants gained tons of weight back, even the ones who kept up with the exercise and are well, because it seriously fucked something up.

I'm sure a millionaire making $200,000+ a year isn't going to have too much of a problem upgrading to a better woman, even if he is a ham beast.

i don’t know anything at all about the man in question. what did he do before youtube? how do you know or guess he makes “$200,000+ a year” i’m actually curious, i’m not attacking you at all.

if you have a back story about boogie please share.

making $200,000+ a year

what? for his youtube videos? nooo :/

10,320,000 viewers a month at $1/1000 viewers is $10,320/month. So $123,840/year from video ad revenue. Factor in his sponsors like loot crate etc, he's coming in somewhere close to $200,000. He breaks it down here.

We all saw it coming.

He keeps saying wife lol

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Please don't tell southern white males to kill themselves. They're liable to actually do it.

Big, if true

That made me lol too. Imagine needing to get permission from your ex wife to post online that you got a divorce. What a whipped bastard, clearly consumed too much soy.

If u do keto and still eat 6000 calories a day, youre not gonna lose weight

Apparently the sex thing wasn't even on him, it was on her.

he probably can't do that during gastric bypass recovery. It'd be too risky.

Yeah he's still routinely losing weight. I'm hopeful that he can fix his shit and find a better girlfriend.

so, you’re just going to leave a link without telling us how well it’s working for you? you’re such a tease.

that's actually sad tbh fam

They didn't. She used to disappear for a month to 'find herself', usually after Boogie was telling the internet about their personal life.

That's just a character he plays. He's not actually a virgin, obese, video game playing, neckbeard.

>being rid of a 3DPD Jewess

how is that not a step on the road to mental health?

Looks like he's hoping, even during the divorce procedure, she has a change of heart.

Yeah, here's a video from a month ago. It's getting pretty noticeable

i mean he still low key insulted his wife by saying that the DMV is worse than getting divorced from her

He told me that is actually that is really hard to figure out, and when he was young and without stuff like internet and there aren't many obese people in Iceland to talk to about this kind of stuff, he had to figure it out on his own. What he did was fill several bowls of water and splash water up his asshole and then finish it by rubbing "it" against the edge of toilet seat and wiping the toilet seat of when he was about finished.

also this

white males killing themselves deprives us of the pleasure

Simply "hookers" because sex work is just work and these kinds of euphemisms show you actually devalue the women who partake in it.

Some of us actually pay more in taxes then we take.

We are just horrible people.

Great guy. Legendary simp levels though.