r/imgoingtohellforthis link reaches #1 on r/all with a mod-added star wars spoiler in the tag. People are pissed.

240  2017-12-14 by TheGameJerk


lmao nerds

How people are entertained by movies is bewildering, especially if those people are adults

youre an even bigger nerd


Honestly, finding joy in anything at all is kinda faggy.

Fellas, is it gay to be a happy person?

I mean, happy and gay are synonyms after all...

Look, doing anything but angrily yelling at a blank (((wall))) while committing slow suicide with the cheapest gutrot you can find because you're too much of a pussy to swallow buckshot is for losers.*

*Note: Excepting of course "pretending" to be an idiot and/or asshole on the internet.**

**That's for double losers.

How people are entertained by movies is bewildering, especially if those people are adults

Yeah exactly, same with video games. Damn man children

Maybe they're overreacting, but spoiling a film is a complete dick move. Does nothing but make people's day a bit worse.

Then they should have stayed off Reddit or any site with a semi-anonymous userbase - people are dicks online, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Yea better stay off reddit in case some 14-year old shithead who gets bullied at school for being a fucking autist spoils your favourite movie.

Asksciencefiction is butt-blasted right now over me saying Star Wars and Star Trek are in the same universe

What a bunch of idiots. Just because something happens a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away doesn't remove it from the universe.

That's what I'm sayin! I broke it down irrefutably but that just made them more mad

In what universe are they not?

In what universe are they not butt-blasted?

If Disney buys Paramount Pictures it definitely will be in the same universe

This right here is trolling in its purest form. I applaud the moderators of /r/imgoingtohellforthis as should all of /r/Drama.

That single comment generated around 47% of the comments in the whole thread. Objectively, sure, it was a dick move, but people do worse things on /r/drama regularly. It was genius, and it's funny to see people telling /u/AutoModerator that they hope it gets cancer and its parents and children die (another smart move on the part of the mod that did it to avoid harrassment, but they could have stirred up more drama with the people who would have inevitably sent the mod death threats).

I love how Reddit is against all this threat and violence stuff except when a mod spoils their favorite children's movie. Then it's time to grab some pitchforks and start murdering firstborns

Being a cunt isn't applause worthy.

Hah hope those spoilers arent true, they just gonna cgi her the rest of the way? Shits dumb. The movie title hints at that other bit though so not too surprising

All true

Really shit film.

Yeah well ever since the kikes took over the franchise they've been using it to push miscegenation

Wow, not even subtle. Fuck off

i hope that's true because it exactly lives up to the level of dumb that we're used to from SW

I fucking love star wars, but, lel. Muh spoilers.

This is like the ending of Fallout 4 where your son is the villian and you either have to kill him or nuke Boston.

I had a feeling something like that was going to happen anyway.

Bitch I did both.

You don't have to do either if you side with the minutemen

My silly boy has allowed his face to grow foolish and rude. For this I will take him on a trip to punishland.

ffs. i got bamboozled again.

I started to hate the content of that sub, but these mods never dissapoint.


That whole AutoMod comment thread is a fucking goldmine. This is hilarious.



still caring about star wars


run <c/dos/mayocide.exe>

if you still care about disneyTM presents Lucasfilminc StarWarsTM you should really make sure you keep yourself safe. Also, mayo is probably the spiciest food you can stomach.

Why are they so caught up on spoilers on that when it is the most bare bones spoilers ever; there is more to a movie then "x dies, y lives", like the build-up, visual language that was employed, set-ups, and incomplete plot threads are more important.

Sure Star Wars is about the characters, but I always felt that is was also about the world that we are watching.


I do hope the sub's name applies.

the r/neoliberal mods weren't very happy when I told them this the other night.

THAT is how trolling is done, folks.

I can't believe they spoiled the ending of a kid's movie where the good guys win all the time.


Haha got em.

It's not just Star Wars. On 4chan (and some subreddits) you can't express genuine love or enthusiasm for something without some asshole calling you a shill or deliberately berating that thing. I know these people are a minority, but they're noticeable. Just what drives people to act like that? I just ignore and disassociate from things I dislike and/or find disgusting, I don't actively seek out those things and call everyone who likes them faggots.

Not enough, it's clearly below lethal dose.

Disney ruined star wars first, we're just returning the favor.

mate they posted like 2 sentences and got asssssloads of assravaged responses. its hilarious

“Tranny futurism” holy shit you guys just smush words together. It doesn’t even matter if it makes sense! What else are you offended by? I need more of these. Jewish natalism? Bisexual postmodernists?Just tryin to get the ball rolling

Ok still a diatribe but that's wayyyy closer to what I was looking for. Thanks! :) Hope Trump follows through on that German stuff before the tranny futurist Muslim war bride parade marches in

because people leaq out so much about it

Why say that? Why not just pretend?

why are you so obsessed about garbage that was manufactured for the lowest common denominator to enjoy?

The one where people are obsessed with getting reactions?

Liar. You are definitely on a Mac Book like a fag

kylo kills snoke

rey's parents are literal whos

luke burns out the force within him and dies

leia survives the most bullshit of situations

a bunch of unimportant characters die

kylo ren is still evil

Do you seriously believe radical muslim rapefugees will boost the economy by doing white people's jobs and paying for jewish entertainment? Talk about fantasies.

"Yeah, fuck enjoying something, I'm too cool for enjoying that, so I gotta ruin it for those who do, so funny Xdxdxdxdxdxdxd"

Yeh...that's right. Must be fake....

You unironically use "soyboy" and yet you post on porn subreddits.

Keep yourself as safe as possible please

I can just hear your low T levels from here. Stay cucked you butt baby

Because a movie is meant to be experienced without knowledge of the late plot at first, to maintain the tension of the movie?

Writing two sentences is not obsessing about it.


They're 100% legit though, as you can confirm by looking at spoilery reviews like the one in Variety.

The thing is-

If you're in the Star Wars demographic, you shouldn't be reading reddit unsupervised.

If you're not an 8 year old girl, you shouldn't give a fuck about Star Wars spoilers.

Especially with whiny emo laser beam swords.

You. Are. PISSED.


It's a kid's movie spoiler in a place where unfunny rape jokes are posted daily, honestly that is the first in a while that anything amusing happens there.

They did it because it got them reactions. Juicy, juicy drama.

Is it just bitterness resulting from social rejection

Pretty much. Internet trolls are people whose parents aren't/didn't raise them right.

They are outcasts, losers and dregs of society who shouldn't be allowed on the internet at all.

I only show my bhole to soyboys obvs

Star wars got spoiled for me recently. I was pretty bummed about it. But I think whoever spoiled it was probably more happy to see my tears than I am sad that it was ruined. So, whatever.

you seemed confused at the term tranny futurism? tranny + future (space)

trying this hard

Keep yourself safe you fucking moron.

No, you're just an asshole.

lol, bahahaha what! You don't know anything about me you piece of shit. Ruining someone else's enjoyment of something for your own amusement makes you a sad, sad pathetic asshole and everyone knows it. Must be miserable to live your existence. You're a fucking loser.

>do something really annoying

>people get annoyed at you for being an annoying retard

"Omg isn't it so funny that people are annoyed at me being annoying?"

So they were being retarded, they have none to blame but themselves.

light particles

an object

This but ironically.

As an unbiased third party, you do seem like a bitch.

Pls dont

From what I've heard, now "bugman" is in too.

i bet he knows how to spell breathe

Define degeneracy and normalcy then, cuck.

I like doing that, so I care, just not obsessively. It's not like it takes a huge amount of effort, and the reward is quite big.

Well i meant everything after the original trilogy

Bruce Willis is a ghost in the end, BAMBOOOOOZELED!"

There were death threats when Spock died, that's why he was resurrected

im not contrarian most people just like and say stupid shit

eh people can like what they like but theyre going to be judged

You shouldn’t be. It’s better for you guys to identify yourselves.

I upvoted this yesterday before I saw the movie and just got back from seeing it rn.

I can't believe this was in a star wars movie

Dumbledore dies.


I literally believe this. Sounds like the kinda of shit they pump out. gj dude