One of the most popular Twitch streamer goes live unexpectedly out of character and admits to cheating on his wife before shutting down the stream. /r/Livestreamfail implodes.

131  2017-12-15 by IAmAN00bie

Context: Dr. Disrespect is the fastest Twitch streamer to hit 1 million followers on the site. He plays a character where he acts like an over-the-top arrogant and competitive gamer (isn't that every gamer?). He usually never breaks character, until today.

Dude goes on stream without his regular getup and is sobbing. A minute later he basically admits he cheated on his wife and that he is taking a break from streaming to sort things out.

/r/Livestreamfail is currently imploding. 800+ comments in under an hour.


Everyone else gets destroyed for cheating, but this guy only gets love and support. Makes no sense, cheating is the worst thing to do.


Aimbots are pretty fucking annoying though.

Yeah Mussolini really did fuck that relationship up, pretty sad really

Everyone else gets destroyed for cheating, but this guy only gets love and support. Makes no sense, cheating is the worst thing to do.


wow the graphic design there is the worst thing to do

Mousollini did nothing wrong

The only question that matters: was he in character when he did it?

God damn right he was. Probably pounded that bussy in the back of his lambo after doing rails off xer feminine penis.

What a bunch of virtue signalling fags, no one who is unironically fans of a streamer has been in a relationship - why are they acting like they can empathize with either party.

That being said if imaQTpie cheats on Lisha I will kill myself be really impressed with him tbqhwyf.

No one would cheat with imaqtpie

You never see that kind of ugly crying in movies.

The uncontrollable facial hair stroking really cemented it for me. A+ performance.

That's it folks, twitch cunts are our new celebrities. I'd kms but I'm already dead inside, so why waste the energy.

the only time i cried after fucking some chick is when she happened to be ~350lbs

more like dr disrespected his wife xD

t. like half that thread

what does t. mean?

TL:DR bunch of fat uggos who have no idea what it is like to have money and be good looking passing judgement

umm actually last year I had a really big crush on Brenda Watkins and everyone was saying I should ask her to the dance but then I saw her holding hands with Chad Miller and I was so distraught I spent all of 7th period crying in the toilets so let me tell you I know from personal experience that cheating is literally the worst thing you could do.

tbh I would be more disappointed in this guy if he wasn't cheating on his wife. Do you know how many mtf trannies watch twitch? How are you just gonna pass up the opportunity to get dicked by some ripe feminine penis?

Calm down Bill Burr.

Bill Burr was 100% right there

I love that bit. But ffs Arnie if you were gonna pick a side ho might as well pick someone that doesn't look like a ghoul.

Yeah .... I am not sure that women could classify as temptation to any man

I can not for the life of me even begin to imagine giving a single shit about what some twitch streamer did

I used to play ultracompetitive arena shooters at the highest level when I was 15. That was faggotry, but I was 15. I'm now 28 and I have a great job, nice home etc. I still play games but mostly single player story stuff or rocket league, and only on weekends. I play squash every week. I lost a stone over the last 6 months because i was getting close to the start of the "overweight" bmi category for my height.

Im just so glad that I didn't turn in to one of the cretinous 20 and 30 year olds who watch chronically uncharismatic nerds and take games like blandwatch and playersunknown boringgrounds seriously. I know some faggot 30 year old "man" that used to play the same games with me when we were 15. He loves this disrespect guy. He lives with his parents still, been doing a degree for like 8 years (always 'almost finished it'). No plans to move out or anything, no career, no future. Just says he wants to play games all day. And of course he has that basic bitch nerd arrogance gamers always seem to have; keeps giving me 'life advice' despite being a wasteman and talking down to others because he thinks he's a smart scientific type.

Basically, twitch is for faggots

I used to play ultracompetitive arena shooters at the highest level when I was 15

Dude, no one cares that you played Counterstrike before it was popular/money making

What made me angriest about this comment was you calling counter strike an arena shooter

quake is absolutely worse than call of duty, people STILL laugh at quake players to this day.

Why is posting here any less pathetic?

Because I'm doing it """ironically"""

I lost a stone over the last 6 months

Damn dude, that sounds painful. Watch your diet and hopefully your kidneys won't produce any more of those.

I'm so glad I have no fucking clue who these people are that get talked about here. I often feel like my life is shit, but this gives me hope.

Never watched him but he’s got some new ad deals popping up on my feeds. I wonder how bad the company that paid for his image must regret those now.

imagine defending a cheater who destroyed his family because you want to waste 3 hours a day watching a grown man play video games

his wife does some work with the cameras sometimes is my guess. really could have just said he's taking some time off but others speculate the 3rd party might have been threatening to expose him so it's better if this shit comes from him rather than the mistress.

Hell, I don't even tell my friends about my personal life..

They're overrated anyway. Humans in general are a bunch of cuntwads. Dogs are better.


I heard that it was /u/ItsOppositeDayHere that slept with him.

I don’t know where the creators of MLP are going after death but it sure as shit ain’t heaven.

Vloggers and other “social media influencers” keep their fans interested by sharing their personal life to them. This keeps a continuous fan base.

What’s the point of telling all his fans about his personal life?

What's the point of live streaming?

the internet will always be more forgiving that you are to yourself

>not having a functionally limitless reserve of egotistical rationalization to protect your self-image

this guys no alpha, i can tell you that much

Or a life

Is it for additional attention?

The only answer.

Everyone else gets destroyed for cheating, but this guy only gets love and support. Makes no sense, cheating is the worst thing to do.


explain how he is wrong then because tbh right now it seems like you're just trying to suppress your libidinal impulses in a desperate attempt at preventing your ego from taking over you super ego and making you post bussy.


The psychiatrist I was talking about used the concept in cases similar to this one. I was just trying to apply my (very limited) understanding to this particular scenario because I found it interesting.

I fully realize I might have (and probably did) overstep, however.

Look at his chat

They sucking his cock like a mother fucker and saying it was just a mistake

Who wouldn't run to that when they know they fucked up?

He is a nice soft guy

Betrayed the the trust of his most important people and risks his and their futures and happiness

If your "bad choices" affect other peoples lives in major ways you need to grow the fuck up and look at yourself

Everyone who is suddenly far more attractive than they're accustomed bangs like methed out bunnies all con long. Happens at all of them always. Plan accordingly.

Either his wife told him he had to publicly tell a million people he was a cheating POS, or he felt like he hadn't humiliated her enough.

If it's the first one, I'm banking on a chaturbate stream where he has to sit there while his wife gets fucked by a man of her choosing and he has to tweet out the invitation to all of his viewers.

Apparently a girl he talked with at Twitchcon. I saw the vid and she was very attractive.


Nah you need a third variable for genetics and body muscle. Can't lump it into weight without making the formula full of 'magic numbers'. also as long as you're 6'1 or taller you're good for height, otherwise it becomes a negative. if you're 6'7 or taller you can experience negatives too.

there needs to be a variable for status or confidence. status is hard wired into animals and effects how you behave. wealth can be an indicator, but not always, so it needs a seperate var.

with these updates:

A=PWBHS. popularity, wealth, body, height, status.

Maybe his wife put him up to it as a way to forgive him? To expose his laundry? Or maybe guilt?

Streamers are not well adjusted people.

it was some average asian chick, he has a tendency to get wasted at these events.

Branding is monetisation. Percieved authenticity is part of that. Better than taking days off and lying or making people guess.

Twitch streamers are, quite frequently, selling friendship. So they disclose personal details because it creates a false sense of intimacy with the people they are hustling for money.

not an argument

the ones that can actually make a real career of it are crazy charismatic

> dressing up in a wig and acting like the average gamer

yeah fair enough. if you're shorter than like 5'6 it becomes a problem. statistically women marry 2-5 yrs old and taller. also i nerded out on that formula for a joke :P it's so fucking weeb to try and math love & sex.

Yes, it was absolutely guaranteed that another streamer would leak it for one of a dozen reasons: they hate cheaters, they want publicity, they don't like the guy, they feel bad for his wife, they just like to gossip, they like th drama... It would come out.

I didn't say it was "okay", I just don't give a shit about some random person cheating on their spouse.

Then why did you post that sperg nonsense? I actually found your diatribe more entertaining than the op. You should sperg out and claim that you're better than everyone more often.


Either he was told he had to, or he didn’t want a rumor to be let or later. He has a chance to recover if he apologizes. If his family breaks apart and twitch fans learn about it themselves he’s fucked permanently