/r/BlackPeopleTwitter freaking out because their "basic human right" the internet has now been banned

49  2017-12-15 by TheSnooper


If broadband internet access is a right like people say then why are they pushing for NN instead of getting it setup like a public utlity like water or electric?

We'd all end up with lead poisoning like in Flint?

You wouldn't download a neurotoxin

Because until the media and leftist politicians started signalling what their opinion on this should be and that they should be angry, they didn't know what net neutrality is and didn't care.

Because like all socialist and leftists they feel entitled to steal what doesn't belong to them because they really really want it

What the fuck are you talking about?

Leftists feel entitled to steal.

First they say it's a right but if you offer it to them at .5mbps they start howling they deserve 1000mbps minimum because it's needed for school.

I had a guy arguing for it saying if NN goes away people will start raping and killing eachother and schools will collapse


they can't afford the NEETbux required to make it all work

Shitposting is a human right

The term "basic human right" is waaaay overused these days

Using the term "basic human right" as liberally as I please is a basic human right.

