Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) stumps unqualified Trump judicial nominee by... asking what basic terms mean.

22  2017-12-15 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


How is Sheldon Whitehouse not the president?

The name is perfect!!!

The only thing better would be President Payne, President Maxx or President Degree Men Anti-Antiperspirant

Max Power

Sheldon Whitehouse sounds like what ClickHole would call the president


Is this /r/politics but for even bigger faggots?

Most of us are banned there so where else can't we discuss our centrist views?

lol y u so scared of some rando sub, soyboy?

Wow I'm so shocked Trump is trying to include clueless retards in his government

It's 21C chess.

What was with his final question? "Have any of you ever blogged in support of the Klu Klux Klan?" And then he asks to let the record show that they all answered no. That sounds juicy, I wonder if he's got some dirt on one of them.

Apparently it was a reference to this.

hopefully in the comments in a couple of hours.

No one gives a fuck you incel dingaling

This has more drama than multiple other posts on our front page right now. This subreddit's drama content standard isn't exactly high.