
123  2017-12-15 by tamana1




Stealing mde content and it's I guess ok.

I'm going to do a lot more than meme pirating once the ISP throttling begins :)

Why the FUCK is this guy allowed to ban the internet just to make more money?

I don't want to go back to browsing the internet like it's pre-2015. I don't even want to think about going back.

because fuck you, that’s why

Kill yourself please

/u/broden don’t listen to this man.

we’d much prefer you to keep yourself safe

My heart just shot to too many beats per second as soon as I saw the hate speech your post replied to.

Thankfully the /r/drama community looks after each other and we all just like to have a little bit of fun and games and reassure each other that we don't necessarily need to kill ourselves.

haha I'm broken inside

Then break the outside

You need to consider the emotional effects your words have on other people when posting comments on the internet.

Anyone with strong convictions about the internet needs to end their life immediately.

The sheer amount of retardation over this issue has made it impossible, even on r/drama, to know who is actually serious about this nonsense.

Anyone with strong convictions about the internet needs to end their life immediately.

The sheer amount of retardation over this issue has made it impossible, even on r/drama, to know who is actually serious about this nonsense. this your suicide note?

Caring about anything on drama.

Do you even nihilism bro?

I did the meme arrow.

I am quintessential redditor. I can do nihilism as well as bacon on the narwhal.


After net neutrality was repealed yesterday , my sister was unable to get on to facebook. She died last night at about 4:03 a.m. from no likes. THIS IS YOUR FAULT APPLEPAI!

Can we mod this man?

This is why you don't let /r/bakchodi write policy

I really had to laugh at the (((organic takeovers))) line.

Ajit Pai deserves a medal. He stood up to the combined efforts of millions of low-information whiners led by Russian trolls. That is what you call based.

He managed to piss off more redditors than Trump, he's a saint in my book.

Good bye!

He is a Murican.