Just pure degeneracy.

0  2017-12-15 by BigLordShiggot


Old news! Whatever happened to that minn-e-sota guy btw

OP, you lied to me. You promised drama by posting on /r/drama. There is none. Why do you lie?

Click the video, champ.

Oh, I was hoping for people fighting or getting mad That's boring.


I remember reading about carpet baggers after the civil war and I was confused about why that was outrageous. Now I understand. It's the opinions of others that don't have any skin in the game and pushing their views without any civil discourse.

That's not what "carpetbaggers" are, you jackass. They were shady businessmen hawking cheap or shoddy goods on the post-war south. Most of these people didn't have any other recourse but to buy shitty goods since the union ripped up the railroad infrastructure during the war. It has nothing to do with "opinions" and everything to do with "people not from here coming and taking economic advantage of us"

You should have a better grasp on history before you compare some nonsense on the internet to a generational suffering at the hands of union capitalists

There was also carpetbagger politicians, they moved the south to force political changes for their own gain. Hell, it's even in the dictionary., see the second definition.

It's not just fly by night salesmen. It was also forced government policies to reconstruct at the advantage for the northern businesses. What do you think made the local governments buy their products, services and shipping at outrageous prices?

There was character assassination of some of their local polticians, the common would be labeling them as scallywags -that their own local leaders caused their own problems, issues and strife, that these scallywags clearly had no care for their own townsfolks for their own gain.

I do know my history and there are plenty of references for what I mentioned.

Seriously, just businessmen?

I'm not even Swedish but I've seen a ton of t_D users in r/Sweden (by way of r/all) trying to claim the country has become a 3rd world country because of the refugees. They're so adamant that refugees and foreigners are bad that they go into the subs for other countries and tell them how bad their countries are

Retards who use the term "swedenistan" unironically need the rope. STAT!

I'd forgotten about the RES mass tagger but it seems they're still at it. This is the current list did you make the cut?!

Or when they tried to help Le Pen win in French subs with their "centipedes" stuff, calling supporters "french-pedes" or something like that, when pedes (or "pédés") in French means faggot. Stupid cunts.

Psst, just an fyi but REEEEEEEing at a video you don't like isn't drama.

Are you the guy in the video

Sorry to disappoint friend but no

Awww. I wanted to get up in that sweet man-gash.

have you tried being pretty, rich and charismatic?

Yes, but I reserve that for woman-gash

human women?


Mhm sure