Right-thinking liberal is willing to die, or kill, for Net Neutralitreeeee

20  2017-12-15 by BigLordShiggot


That sounds way too similar to the Navy Seal copypasta.

At least 98% of internet death threats are trolls saying absurd shit like this, and then depending on which side of the spectrum the threat is directed towards faux outrage takes over.

A death threat, clearly absurd and not credible against this guy, republicans will whine about it daily.

A death threat clearly absurd and not credible against some liberal, and the left will whine about it daily.

There's far too many "Navy Seals" on the internet these days.

You can tell it's high-quality journalism because of the GG reference. What article is this from?

An Opinion piece from The Week

Thanks :)

It's a riot. I don't have a link but he says that ISPs ought to throttle the hell out of degeneracy and that drama alone justifies killing net neutrality.

As but one example: Was it a good thing — for people, commerce, or art — that Netflix destroyed the video store industry? As Matt Novak observed recently, the replacement of Blockbuster by online streaming has not meant that we are all allowed to watch whatever movies we like all the time. Say what you want about the musty old Family Video where the only thing more remarkable than the number of cigarettes the middle-aged woman behind the counter smoked was her apparently endless ability to enjoy Ben-Hur on VHS; at least it had Citizen Kane and Seven Samurai on the shelves in addition to the latest Hollywood garbage. Meanwhile, what about all the people who used to make $35,000 a year managing their local corporate video franchise, to say nothing of all the teenagers and 20-somethings who used to stand behind the counter? Was it worth it so that a much smaller number of programmers and executives could make a good deal more money and you can enjoy Wolfcop without putting on clothes? What was wrong with going to the store and picking out a CD (and songwriters making money from the sale) instead of letting a YouTube algorithm decide what song you stream next?

Someone needs to introduce this fag to piratebay.

Also, his argument is fucking retarded it's equivalent to stupid reasoning like: was the invention of the lightbulb really worth putting all those candle makers out of business? Is modern medicine really worth putting all those shamen and leech specialists out of business?

Matthew Walther is an extremely weird Catholic leftist who believes that homosexuality is a capitalist plot to destroy morality and spread pornography and degeneracy throughout society, thereby making it harder for the working class to resist exploitation. Not even joking.

Gamergators are the modern day equivelant of witches