/r/LateStageCapitalism rejects charity, because Oscar Wilde says mosquitoes are friends of the revolution.

10  2017-12-15 by throwawayforme9000


LSC is even more of a reason why we need mayocide


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/u/prince_kropotkin i havent seen you on SRD for a while did you get banned?

/u/throwawayforme9000 stop serial reposting ancient news, you tedious faggot

/u/throwawayforme9000 stop serial reposting ancient news, you tedious faggot

That's the top post from within the last 30 days.

Wasn't this same drama posted here forever ago?

/u/throwawayforme9000's last 4 submissions to this sub are all reposts. Really makes you think 🤔