As the FCC tantrum continues, redditors are convincing one another that they must quit their jobs due to the famous ISP Boycott of 2017

9  2017-12-16 by king_danman


Those who have the ability, change your ISP. /u/kellel1938

Name an ISP that advocates for net neutrality?

How can an entire generation be so fundamentally retarded? Is it something in the food... the water???

we didn't eat our veggies as a child

I was thinking too many vegetables, not enough meat.

I also said "change your ISP if you can." I'm aware of monopolies, and how this wouldn't work for the majority. But there were also other ideas stated.

You do realize making a post about me is spreading what I said correct? Getting my word out there. Am I interneting correctly ???

What do I know, being "fundamentally retarded" and all.


pm me ur CC details ill set you up with my private internet connection, I support NN and you get unfettered access to all hentai sites


Protest NN by... not having the internet.


/u/jumbledfun doesn't have a job to quit

You seem pretty obsessed, parents not been giving you attention?

At least you tried I guess

This is sad now, are you jealous you can't be a coastal elite in the most powerful nation in the world?

I mean, it's obvious Australia sucks, but you don't have to be so hard on yourself honey

I'm rich and I'm white why would I care about being a coastal elite (wtf even is that lol)

Does "Australia rich" mean you can afford to live in a neighborhood without wallaby or snake attacks? Im sorry I'm so ignorant of your criminal populated joke of country :(

I'm not really sure to be honest, "Australian rich" is pretty hard to figure out cause we have the largest middle class in the world

Oh man I'm sorry you're all basic. It comes through in you're posts

What's basic?

You know, like a basic bitch. Like you probably wear uggs and north face and drink pumpkin lattes, well or you would if your idiot venom island nation had the luxuries we enjoy.

Basically, you're like a video game character prior to specialization, the basic model.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing really tbh, if you want to live a basic life you do you bb 🤷‍♀️

I don't own any uggs but thanks I guess :)

I guess you're not fashionable enough

I'm trying to upgrade my wardrobe so I guess I'll take a look into buying some :)

I support you bb. Make sure to post in malefashionadvice so if you fuck up we can make fun of you ;)

I’m so confused right now and it isn’t entirely due to the Long Island ice teas.

/r/menslib solved this the other day. They have to castrate theirself.