Star Citizen developers, CIG are being sued by Crytek for breach of contract.

96  2017-12-16 by ActuallyToiracse

Star Citizen is an in-development game that managed to convince nerds to fork over somewhere around $141m in crowdfunding. Naturally, a lot of these suckers supporters are emotionally invested in the project.


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Lastly, consider donating your internet comment history to science.


Lol that game is never fucking coming out.

A week or two ago they released an "animation" that was probably one of the jerkiest animations I've ever seen passed off as good.


Love watching them gnash their teeth because everyone who told them they were throwing their money away was right.

I love how it attracted some absolutely ridiculous donations. People personally dropping tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Kickstarter fund. What the fuck?

Kickstarter: Where you play as the lootbox.


Investment assuming there's going to be a marketplace to resell the exclusive items on?

That dude who lost his wife over dumping thousands into buying pictures of space ships is particuilarly sad




Giving money to a kickstarter is like loaning to friends or relatives. Never give anything you expect to see again.


I think crowd funding is great, but I also think that 90% of the people who donate to these projects are mentally retarded and don't understand what the fuck they are actually doing.

The entire offering rewards things is also really disingenuous. It makes people think they are buying something instead of giving their money away.

The funding model for SC goes way, way beyond just tossing $50 to a kickstarter. The people funding this thing are batshit insane.

Szechuan Citizen.

I laughed 😍

i highly doubt you've done that on purpose recently

How much beyond? I read ppl have bought spaceships (I'm guessing to use when the game comes out?) but don't know anything else

I read ppl have bought spaceships

"bought" doesnt really capture the scope here

What the actual fuck man. I live in Argentina so if I had 30k US dollars I could pay all my bills for literally years

Why would you blow that up in a game that doesn't exist, wtf

digital spaceships brah

theoretical digital spaceships if they don't go bankrupt first

I bought little over 1000.00 dollars in star citizen ships since 2012 and sold them all but for 1 starter package for 45.00 bucks which is worth 60.00 now. And I came out with 3,000.00 roughly little over 2,000.00 profit and both games for free. But on you're comment, to some of us..30,000 to you is others 30,000.00 bucks is like 5 dollars. and there is even ones that 30k is like a penny in life...would u bend over to even pick up a penny? cause I sure the hell would not. But then you have fanatics that drop ever dime they earn in the game...So in all honesty don't make difference what someone spends without knowning how much they make. I could make the point if you do not make 30k a day, why are you so damn poor? which I do have friends that say that in casual conversations. But I look at it from both sides and my take on it is. it is not the amount of money you have or spend on something, its how you balance what matters and don't matter to your level of budget that makes you stupid or not.

At least it's not microtransactions /s

But for real kudos to those devs who invented an even less productive way to burn your money than spending it all on hookers and cocaine.

I read ppl have bought spaceships

Originally you could only buy spaceships that you would be able to fly when the game came out, but theyve since expanded this to include land and eventually mechs.

Just read the link the other dude posted. These ppl are mentally ill

Nah, itll release but itll be a half finished turd that clearly was rushed out the door because they ran out of money.

Look at Ark if you want to see the shit they'll release.

come on you being hyperbolic it already looks better than that, the real question is will it be any actual fun / not hilarious broken.

Ark is a broken piece of shit despite the money put into it, the hype generated by the players and mainstream publications, and in general a lack of caring by the developers. They're in it for money, which you can see in the pre-release paid DLC they put out, and then releasing another DLC (or at least announcing it) days after releasing the 'finished' game.

oh yeah but Ark was a survival game they all end up looking/playing the same anyone who thought otherwise was just being silly, still not as bad as some (DAYZLOL) shekelcitizen is a unique snowflake.

So Battlecruiser 3000 AD?

Exactly! SC even has Derek Smart involved!

I don't know why he isn't a mod here. He was the great usenet lolcow of the 1990s. Now he's got a good cause to fight for and he does it in the most dramatic way possible every day.

If he can be a moderator over at the Something Awful forums theres absolutely no reason he cant be a mod here! Once again our fascist moderating team has dropped the ball!

Is he there too? He has a hell of a lot of time on his hands. He shows up everywhere on the internet. But now that he's warning victims instead of scamming them, I'm totally on board with him.

Dr Smart's involvement in SC is weird because per the norm he is full of shit and making statements that time has shown to be blatantly untrue, but on the flip side his overall message that SC is bad and people should stay away is pretty accurate. Its a broken clock being right twice a day type of deal and I suspect part of Smart's reason for being so upset is because SC makes a lot of the same promises he made with his stupid Battlecruiser games, but is bringing in massive money.

Pretty sure his reddit account got b&.

An old-school flame warrior who sacrificed himself on the pyre of shitposting. We should all look up to him.

Involved as in, bitching from the sidelines.

Nah, as always hes making tons of empty promises/threats and claiming to have a team of lawyers involved. Its the exact same shit he was doing back in the late 90s, except this time to someone else.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, when Derek Smart says a space sim is over ambitious and will never deliver on its promises you listen because he's an expert at this shit.

Why bother to release a game when you've created a cult.

If it does its no mans sky all over again.

No a lot of idiots actually thought NMS looked good before it came out.

Star Citizen is already in the place where NMS was a week after release; only the most devoted (autistic) fanboys think it will be good.

Their kickstarter and crowdfunding effort came out so I'd say they were successful in what they set out to do.

make that 173 million in jpgs of spaceships

(proud jpeg holder here)

This game is going to be a nuclear drama bomb when it finally fails. The people who follow it are a level of insane that makes even the various SJWs look sane. Some of these idiots have spent tens of thousands of dollars on this game because they believe theyll be able to rent out the in game ships theyve purchased to turn a profit. They think this videogame is a freaking investment and have sunk their life savings into it.

Itll probably be a few more years, but damn its gonna be good.

Never heard of anyone buying ships to rent it to earn profit. It is to help the development of the game. Also sorry for spending money on a game we believe in, instead of blowing it on drinking alcohol and destroying our brains.

Also sorry for spending money on a game we believe in, instead of blowing it on drinking alcohol and destroying our brains.


lol indeed.

Why sort threads by controversial? The real cringe is the upvoted shit, they're insane.

It's all the same crap that the suckers at the bottom of pyramid schemes say. They want to believe that for once in their life they're in on the secret and that makes them smarter and better than normal people. But really they're just getting scammed one more time.

I put down like 50 bucks on the game figured it would take forever (like 5+ years) but release eventually.

There is no way in hell they're going to keep getting more suckers to pay into it for 10 years to sustain them.

It's basically a scam atm to fund Chris Roberts' addictions.

Like you, you work day in day and out and you're a fucking scam!

it's like betting on the person you dislike winning an election. either way you get something!

Do they even release anything substantial as alpha, or is it all, like, theoretical development? Because the latter is a recipe for the disaster, successful indie projects (minecraft, factorio) depend crucially on feedback that tells them what they actually need and what actually works, instead of wasting time on grand internal projects that don't do any good.

I can't wait for the shitstorm when the Star Citizen bubble bursts.

This is not good for StarCoin

So either the game doesn't come out or they split the profits with crytek

didn't someone like donate them a million dollars for no reason. is this the extra no reason

And then a bunch of backers took back a million dollars because they finally wised up on the scam.

Their kickstarter and crowdfunding effort came out so I'd say they were successful in what they set out to do

After all is said and done, once this game is finally released its development story is going to be a wild one. Funded by gamers and for gamers, yet you had mainstream publications, legitimate developers and illegitimate developers try all these methods of stopping it.

I want this game to be a success just to give these people a giant fuck you.

Snappy pls

This proves that money doesn't make you a good developer. Motherfucker are implementing EVERYTHING but the actual space sim. It feels like they are building a shooter with space as extra. Motherfuckers are trying to implement face and eye tracking, while it runs like a hot pile of shit. The movement is clunky, the shooting is clunky, the space combat is as basic as some indy game.

Apparently this lawsuit is likely Silicon Knights tier of stupid, so we'll have to see if it actually has a result outside of the final end of Crytek.

This thread is like a copypasta factory :

Basically, people get jealous when others are seen as superior and want to take them down a notch.

In this case, CIG is making waves in an industry, and for some reason people take it personally and want to see them brought to the same level of other developers.

Failures don't like winners, and they really don't like workers and visionaries. There's a whole class of cynic out there who get their rocks off 'being right' about things that have nothing to do with them. Their egos are so fragile that they are searching everywhere always for a little dopamine drip to prop it up. They think that if they are 'right' about someone who is stronger than they are in some capacity, that somehow translates to them. It's a zero risk wager though, if the project succeeds they just mumble in the darkness and go find another 'thing' to chase to 'be right' about.

I wonder how many of the anti-SC trolls are actually EA shills? not that i think any specific one is but thinking about it i'd be surprised if none of them were

Because this game is innovative, companies hate innovation because it makes there life harder and cuts into their bottom line. What other devs are gonna have the kinda skill to make a characters face mimic the facial expressions of the player using a webcam or build giant planet size citys that look like they are straight out of starwars. Like this game isnt even released or suppose to be starwars like and its already better than battlefront 2. Crytek doesn't have the coders capable of doing stuff like this anymore and frankly I dont think any comapny does. Starcitizen even in its current state is absolutely insane and sorta a master piece. Basically starcitzen is gonna set the bar really high for everyone else to come after them. It upsets console players and devs cause they cant play or make anything comparable and upset even tripple A pc devs cause they struggle to even come close to something like this. People try to bring this game down cause it has the potential to bring a lot of them down.

This is good for bitcoin

I can see the court day now,

CR shows up with his fan Base following him outside with pickit signs reading, STOP DEREK SMART and Fuck the Law, Our game comes first!

Then CIG Opening statement: I had a envision long ago judge of a game to bring the dead PC back. JUDGE: That is great but where why did you not follow the contractual agreement CIG: We innovated and found that even though we used Crytek at the start, it was not in our benefit to do the right thing and keep the Contract that bound us, seeing it did not serve our favor. JUDGE: Is this your first business? or are you 12? CIG: That is toxic JUDGE: Let the jury know the mentality of this business in not following the contract and give me a verdict so I can do Process them and educate them on what happens when you break the law.

ME: Watching on the tele. Marthaaa, another popcorn this shit just got REAL!!!~