Redditor rees all over thread after his father calls him a loser and other redditors confirm

76  2017-12-16 by shallowm


He was previously featured here.

Text of removed OP:

My dad said that I am a worthless loser who has no friends, will never get married and who Allah will burn in hell for all of eternity. I have not uttered a word to him in a week after telling him to get fucked.

I told him to get fucked because he said it after he asked me to use my job to do him a favour. He just snapped for no reason at all. He knows I don't pray and I never go anywhere though. Apparently me not talking to him is also affecting him. My mum says that he is depressed as fuck. He also sort of said the truth (he did) for the first two points and if Islam is true the third point is true as well.

idk what to do, he said hurtful things but you shouldn't be mad at people for saying the truth and in reality my parents are sort of all I have.

Also I did use my job to do him his favour but I didn't tell him.

Removeddit link

Archive of removeddit link

WOW your jelly aren't you?

Of what?

/u/jumbledfun is obviously triggering you just by existing Bogan, you Aussies have some weird hang-ups that make you so eager to comment on Amerifat politics tbh. I equate you with /u/captainpriapism, another Bogan obsessed with Amerifat politics

Strange phenomenon seeing as though us ignorant ass Amerifats mostly have no idea who your politicians even are tbh

What am I jelly of exactly though?

By not being born in the greatest nation ever created, and it's understandable you take it out on the coastal elites.

I'm sorry you'll never experience the sweet sweet freedom of trumps America Bogan, we're all sorry for you here

I don't know why you feel sorry for me to be honest, I'm rich and I'm white and I live in the country ranked 2nd in HDI and 1st in OECD quality of life

Lol still not America sorry. :,(

No one here is shitposting about aussie politics 😒

Well yeah it's basically a better America

I'll believe you when I hear about aussie politics, and even more so when I develop opinions about them

Australian politics is really boring to be honest. We've basically solved every problem there is. The biggest issue we've faced in the past 20 years is the refugees who keep trying to kill themselves by hopping on leaky dinghies manned by pirates, but we solved that in 2013

Don't you guys have an abuse crisis in your refugee detainment camps? Or did I make that up?

Crisis lmfao it affects like 900 people who refuse to move to a new camp because they enjoyed raping the local underage girls

Australian politics is really boring to be honest. We've basically solved every problem there is.

Why did /u/SerenityIsNow tell me the opposite?

Our Conservative Party has been hijacked by a Green Lefty Globalist (PM Malcolm Turnbull - like Hillary Clinton). After almost a full decade of Leftist rule, our once magnificent country is on the road to ruin.

A man like President Trump is precisely what this country needs!

Because they are a dirty partisan unlike my south park neutral self


lol no. Its basically a desert island with giant rats

And koala-tea bussy

Don't worry we are getting rid of net neutrality so you won't be the only 1st world country with absolute shit internet

its almost as though were missing one or two demographics compared to the us

By not being born in the greatest nation ever created

But neither of you were born in Ireland? πŸ€”

Ireland is pretty beautiful tbh. Only place the rain didn't bother me while touring around. Falconing in the countryside there was one of the most fun times I've had

man you get weird when people talk about your country huh

us ignorant ass Amerifats mostly have no idea

yes i believe that was the gist of it

This story becomes much more hilarious if you imagine his father to be the Iron Sheik.


Can’t shake the Sheik

This link is clear warning of the dangers of radical ex-muslim terrorism.

Are you talking about /u/ultrashitpost? He seems pretty dangerous, except for husbsweet orange kitty

Pics of sweet orange kitty pls /u/ultrashitpost

Shoecrab is my alt, since i was banned on /r/cats

That's the cutest thing in the world! πŸ˜­πŸ’ž

What the hell did you do to get banned from r/cats? lmao

I made a pussy joke

Fuck! Hahahahahahaha ok that's totally worth it lol. Did you message the mods for a reversal?

Yeah but they can't take a joke

Story time?

Nothing exciting, i just made a pussy joke and they have no sense of humor


I wish my dad was around to call me a faggot so I could upvote him for it.

Was that supposed to be funny

It's making fun of an incel. That makes it by definition hilarious

Did you die?

Oh time to bully the person asking for help some more. Fucking die, I hope you get ass rammed by Muslim cock infested with goat AIDs. Arabic flair too, oooh an edgy sjw exmulsim


Switch one letter with another, move them around a bit, and you'd be right on the dot. I'm actually a Mizrachi Jew, and I'm not really a fan of that sub anyway.

My intention was only to post drama, like /r/drama is intended for. I would have pinged you if I wanted to bully you.

I think the reason why /r/exmuslim reacted to you so negatively is because you're an incel, and I'm sure you already know how the rest of reddit (and probably everyone) reacts to incels.

In addition to that, incels are well-known for their misogyny, while many ex-Muslims are coming from a background where they are not unfamiliar with misogyny, especially religiously motivated misogyny. It makes sense that incels who promote misogynistic views would be criticized for it, no?

Anyway, if, like you said, your dad called you a loser right after you agreed to do him a favor, I think that's kind of messed up, it doesn't really seem like the time to bring up those issues, and since he's a parent, it just seems kind of immature.

I wouldn't have gone through someone's post history and said "actually, you are a loser" on a support post, but I guess the users got fed up with you dropping blackpills left and right.

Well you are piece of shit directing harassers at me. They are piece of shits as well. I am done with all normies, they are all scum and bullies.

I am done with all normies, they are all scum and bullies.


another cringeanarchy sjw

If you stalk my post history without my consent that is literally virtual rape.



What? /r/CringeAnarchy constantly derides "SJWs".


>that bait looks really tasty

Maybe if you stopped calling everyone normies and females you fucking mongo.

Tbh your dad should bully you even more. Have you considered becoming a tranny?

Yeah you Muslims are pretty notorious for being gay boys. Only gay if you are the bottom tho amirite?

I can't believe you think this is a real person. Look, here's what "he" would look like if he was FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMALE.

How do you guys think this isn't a troll?

I mean I know drama is retarded but THIS retarded?