Admin u/sporkicide makes a flaired comment in r/SubredditCancer for some reason, but the real drama involves u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK and the spergs of SRC

12  2017-12-16 by SethRichOrDieTryin


That tends to happen when you keep username pinging my boss. We work in the same office, so I'm certain that that those are two separate individuals.

/u/spez how have you not disabled these notifications by now

Also once /u/GallowBoob banned me from his subreddit, and the ban message was just the entire text to the Bee Movie. Pretty juvenile, dude

Fucking lol

Even God loves us. Hence /u/zozbot

God does not love you, don’t kid yourself

Holy shit that was a month ago? Feels like just yesterday