Girl on twitter tweets "Treat men like the kings they are", feminists proceeds to go apeshit

244  2017-12-16 by xXBreezy


"Men literally rule the world lol they do not need uplifting"

Yeah bitch I'm on my way to the patriarchy meeting today. We're voting on how we're going to sexually harass you in the workplace from now on.

That's right - boys rule, girls drool.

Kill all women !! Love boys only !!

that's gay

Kill all women !! Love boys only !! No homo

That better?

Pretty sure that's still gay


ahh, the "no homo", the ultimate telltale of closeted homosexual



In the words of the prophet Richard Spencer (pbuh), homosexuality is the last stand of implicit whiteness.

actually come to think of it, interracial homosex does not produce kids of mixed race, so by nazi standards it's not really a degeneracy

True, that’s why Nazi Germany had such charitable and progressive policies towards gays.

The nazis always gave the gays the best seats in the gas chambers.

Eh, considering how faggots fair with the mud races of the world it's not a surprising position. Its true enough that the Mayo's don't hurtle them from rooftops or set them ablaze like I've seen in so many LiveLeak videos. The Mayo countries seem to be championing DAF marriage left and right too.

Nah man balls didn't touch so it didn't count

This butt unironically.

women are gay, men are better than sex

I'm voting for the butt grab to come back; what are you going for?


That is going too far man, just too far.

You monster.

Of course it was a homely chick with a double chin that said that.

don't play dumb, men overwhelmingly hold positions of power. In a general sense, they rule the world.

I was just saying to Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos at the patriarchy meeting we go to every week how I'm basically exactly the same as them and how awesome it is that we all get to rule the world together.

man you're so original and hilarious i've never ever heard this kind of sarcastic response before. ever.

Hey man, I was at that meeting, and me and u/nmx179 gave Elon a wedgie because of that whole hyper-loop bullshit of his. Bill Gates and the Pope laughed it up when we did that.

Nice to see that for all the times you've seen it, you still have no actual response to the point that it's making.

living under a heteronormative patriarchal society doesn't mean all men are guaranteed to have a great life filled with luxury, it just means men hold the most power and thus are not subjected to the same obstacles women and lgbt folks face. that doesn't mean it's impossible for men to suffer under a patriarchy.

heteronormative patriarchal society

So like, just a normal society? lol That is literally never going to change, no matter how much numale allies and obese cunts screech on social media.

Tell ya what, once a woman takes office of a major Western country and doesn't fuck it up a la Merkel or May, you can get your faggy matriarchal society. Not in the USA though, like Canada or somewhere equally unimpactful. Sound good?

man i wonder why i don't even bother explaining why you worthless assholes are wrong most of the time.

So you admit there's a chance I'm totally right? Noice


Hey, be nice. 😱 He might be sad 😢


living under a heteronormative patriarchal society doesn't mean all men are guaranteed to have a great life filled with luxury, it just means men hold the most power and thus are not subjected to the same obstacles

Which is bullshit.

i'm convinced


That's such a bullshit term. Only around 5% of human beings aren't heterosexual. 95% of something will always be considered normal. And there's nothing wrong with being abnormal.

patriarchal society

Sure, some remnants of our sexist past remain in our collective unconsciousness here in the West. But to say anything is only devoid of misogynistic attitudes when the gender representation is 50/50 is retarded. Men and women are different. Yes, some men can be great pre-school teachers, and some women great CEOs. But don't try to shove people in a direction they don't want to go.

Try not to be an oppressive cunt who advocates for censorship and despotic coercion under your breath. I'm having another beer.

men hold the most power

Except this is bullshit, which was the point of my previous post. The men who hold the power hold the power, and they're not sharing it with other men out of the goodness of their hearts. "Men" aren't a hivemind, it's a category made up of lots of individuals.

to deny that men are more privileged than women is just being delusional or intellectually dishonest.

"Everyone who disagrees with me is delusional" lol pro argument bro you really convinced me there ecks dee.

In the same way that blacks are less intelligent than whites, if you average out the bell curves then that's how it is.

Of course it tells us nothing about why. Men are no more destined to be in a position of power than blacks are genetically mentally inferior.

If you keep getting the same responses, maybe consider that people are simply rejecting your beliefs, and are probably getting just as tired of having to do so.

don't play dumb, men overwhelmingly hold positions of power. In a general sense, they rule the world.

Count the number men heading up fortune 500 companies.

Count the number of men working miserable bullshit jobs (or unable to find work).

Which number is higher, dipshit?

Your average male does not rule shit, but those who do rule over things are disproportionately male, dipshit.

Your average male does not rule shit, but those who do rule over things are disproportionately male

Which is why "men have power" is a lie. The accurate statement is "the people with power are men."

"technically you should have said this"

Shut the fuck up, you know what I meant.

Yup, it's just that what you meant doesn't actually mean shit. The fact that most heads of state and CEOs are male doesn't mean that I, a lowly peon, get the road smoothed for me any more than a woman does, and it's perfectly possible that the median woman gets a far easier time than the median man does no matter what the skew at the top end.

median woman gets a far easier time than the median man does no matter what the skew at the top end.

I agree, leadership related characteristics are far more commonly found in men. It has to do with genetics and the evolutionary role of men. Furthermore, the Y chromosome is a significant source of volatility. There are a lot more 'outlier' men with extreme personality traits like extreme ambition or intelligence. These are the reasons for overrepresentation of men in the top 0.1% ceo-like jobs.

My original argument is that yes men rule the world but there is a rational reason for it.

I always figure that humans, being adaptable and inventive creatures, must surely have tried female leadership at some point in their existence, and the severe lack of female-led cultures in history strongly suggests that they weren't competitive. It's certainly more plausible than assuming that men world-wide managed to conspire with each other to keep women down.

Yes, it is incredibly frustrating that the mainstream ignores basic considerations like what you described. If there was really a male dominated conspiracy, why do almost all cultures, hell even all mammals, have males as the dominant species? Either all men are oppressing women in a massive conspiracy, or men and women are genetically different. Which is more likely?

Are you about to start ranting about jews orrr?

This fat fuck works at Target and posts her tits on Twitter, I can see why she'd be concerned about anyone but herself getting the uplifting.

You guys vote on it at your meetings?

Let me give you a best practice: all harassment is good harassment. You don't want people to feel discouraged from exercising their privilege for fear they're doing it wrong.

It's a slippery slope. Next thing you know a straight white guy won't even push a black genderqueer amputee into traffic without a vote.

Is that a world worth living in?

fuck me, my man card expired. Can you vouch for me tonight so i can get in and pay for another?

I got an office job for the soul purpose of sexually harassing women. - Anal Cunt

Lol, top two accounts that shit on her is an account with 100000 bots and some lady with " deteriorating mental health".

Also " twitter feminists", eh? If member of original feminist movement had the mentality and " promoted equality" like these chickens ( by doing absolutely nothing irl) women still wouldn't be able to vote and " le Handmaiden's tale" would be a reality.

The bot-follower one has like a weird amount of tweets about how much she hates Post Malone. Like weird that she cares that much.

I like to imagine after a long night of hate tweeting about Post Malone, she walks into her bedroom which is covered wall to wall with Posters and blown-up photos of Post Malone, and says to herself "I can't keep living this lie."

" Googles Post Malone"....


Ok, now I hate him too.

never google Mac DeMarco. You'll have an aneurysm.

He's not that bad lol. His song "congratulations" from the album "Stoney" is kinda good ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

An auto tuned mess lmao

Fucking terrible.


These aren't from Post Malone, I found these randomly on Spotify. Let me know what you think (fuck the lyrics because idc mostly, just critique on the general feel of it)

This is the first time I've downvoted you 😱

There's a first time for everything I guess ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Seems like a nice guy with shitty taste.

you mustve started balling when you were old

 If those members of original feminist movement had the mentality and " promoted equality" like these chickens ( by doing absolutely nothing irl) women still wouldn't be able to vote and " le Handmaiden's tale" would be a reality.

Wtf i love twitter feminists now

Mentally deranged, anti social obese women struggling with the idea that an attractive women can appreciate their lovers as "Kings"

Find someone you can treat like a King because maybe, they are treating you like their Queen in return. Mutual respect, it's a strange concept to many. Instead, the beat everyone down to their level which is like basement #3 of an abandoned parking garage. The world is such a better place when you don't live with such a bad frame of reality.

Perfectly said, mutual respect, it’s not rocket science


Mentally deranged, anti social obese women

Mentally deranged, anti-social obese women set the rules for society now. They had a vote on their tumblrs and the decision has been made, can't go back now.

I see a strong future for this novelty account.

All men? Really? I don't think this guy should be a king of anything

Well I think the mole people deserve a king.

This is fair.

Crab people!

We are Kangz!


*goes to work*

So you's sayin

*holds majority of important positions in private/public sectors*

we wuz kangz n sheiit?

*oppresses women*


  • People Who Say "Yaaaas Slay Queen!"

Slaay Queen! was a really good fb meme page tbh

anyone who posts gifs on twitter should be spayed

Anyone who posts on Twitter should be shot.

t. redditor

The easiest way to bait feminists: say something positive about men.

Feminist: Feminism does not concern men. Not everything is about you. We're just fighting for women's rights.

Non-feminist: Alright cool, so you don't mind me saying something positive about men then?


It's hilarious how easy SJWs in general are baited. It's like that "it's ok to be white" campaign.

Like yeah, the people behind it are likely white nationalists, but why not just ignore them?

They literally couldn't resist the chance to screech about white people. Now the right-wing crazies have a bunch of examples of rabid "leftists" literally saying it's not ok to be white and they'll use that to indoctrinate even more retards on twitter.

Thank god the SJWs are so unlikable, otherwise they would rule the world.

Seriously, the "it's okay to be white" reaction was just so infuriating to me. They just could not walk away. The alt-right set such an obvious trap, and they couldn't help but dive into it face-first.

Wasn’t the “Its OK to be white” a prank by 8chan or something? I didn’t think it was racists that did that.

Channers started it, but the alt right picked it up and ran with it (ignoring the overlap between the two groups).

Funny enough, the "men are trash" thing is similar to a reverse "it's ok to be white" campaign in some ways. I saw a lot of people respond to others getting offended by the "men are trash" thing and they often said that this highlights the problem because men just defend themselves/other men instead of addressing the problem, so it's basically a litmus test for problematic men.

It seems like the tweet in the OP wasn't intended to outrage people, but Twitter will be Twitter.

mayocide basically

The difference is that "its ok to be white" is not offensive but "men are trash" is pretty damn offensive.

Feminist: Feminism does not concern men. Not everything is about you. We're just fighting for women's rights.

They only say that about 50% or the time, and the rest of the time claim "feminism is for men too."

Then they proceed to REEEE in exactly the same way.

Men are cool, I guess.

I bet some of these women don't even consider themselves feminist, they just hate men.

why you on my page being a hater hoe??

I think you just answered your own question

I... I am kang?

you wuz


All those radical feminists giving equality a bad name like i just dont get it why call yourself a feminist etc. If you think someone is trash based on their gender there was nothing wrong with the original tweet everyone should be treated like royalty until they do something seriously over the line

Twitter users make redditors look cool and original in comparison. I'll take a million le bacon updoot memes over whatever the fuck that twitter thread is.

Throw in some jolly ranchers and cumboxes in there and we'll have a deal



god i hate twitter so fucking much. every single tweet is a stupid, unfunny from the like 3 shitty tv shows that they constantly make gifs of.

Women should NOT be allowed to have twitter.

Quit doxxing me.


Twitter was a huge mistake.

men are trash and they will always be trash. i hope you impressed whoever you were trying to impress 💀

Going to her profile we see

i love kdramas

Here's a kphrase from k/r/drama: keep yourself safe.

Where do I begin? Most rapists are men

True, as well as all male feminists.

tbh I'm in a 2 year relationship, first relationship, first everything, and we deadass never argue and men are still trash.. my man isn't, but as a whole demographic men really ain't shit :/ And this is coming from a truly non bitter bih

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas kween sleigh. Needs more 👏 though.

Man definitely ain't throwin' the D right, that or he's actually gay and just using her to stop his parents from finding out.

the man aint real, she's a femcel i bet it

Rewarding men for no reason is why we have incels.

i thought we killed all our kings

We is kangs and shit?

She found her own "it's ok to be white". It's like code golf on Stack Overflow, except people are trying to cause as much drama as possible on Twitter with a minimum of characters. Soon someone will find a way to cause worldwide panic with 2 emojis.

I'm gona make my bitch call me her king next time we fuck


Hmm, gee I wonder why so many of these feminists are single.

What if she was talking about the king in a chess board?

Hmm... Priceless irreplaceable asset, objectively stronger than a bishop or knight; I'd take that.

Can we talk about those eyebrows?

tbh I'm in a 2 year relationship, first relationship, first everything, and we deadass never argue and men are still trash.. my man isn't, but as a whole demographic men really ain't shit :/ And this is coming from a truly non bitter bih

Owning a cat doesn’t count as being in a relationship. A truly non bitter woman would know this.

Stupid shit to say, tbh.

That's not an anime. It's fan art of Sam Manson from Danny Phantom.

How sheltered can you get?!

Why do these women hate men so much, is it penis envy?

this whole tweet is sad

All of it?

I should stop interneting.