When a user alleges that Gamergate caused Trump in SRD, one user bravely claims that both sides of Gamergate were trash - drama explodes as indignant SRDines screech about nerds bullying womyn and their Saint Quinn in smug fashion

101  2017-12-16 by James_The_Yiddish


"Gamergate did 9/11"

" Putin is the head mod of KiA"

" 18 year old anime fans elected Trump"

In 5 years many people on the sub have graduated high school, then graduated university, obtained jobs and maybe entered a relationship (by coercion, obviously)

Meanwhile SRD is still arguing about dumb shit online where everyone involved is either a retarded narcissist legbeard or retarded narcissist neckbeard.

Ah, r/drama. Classy as always

Said the lady on a sub for posting internet slapfights, u/shadowsofash

Thats no lady

Well, they post on r/GirlGamers.

So I guess you’re right.

Is it "shadows of ash" or "shadow so fash", u/shadowsofash?

The issue with SRD and users like u/shadowsofash is they hate /r/drama since unlike SRD when they get called out for bullshit /r/drama doesn't just issue a lifetime ban for wrongthink. They need their precious safe space to hate the right people.

Ah, r/drama. Classy as always

There's always one fag who makes this comment on the link bot. Today it was u/shadowsofash

If you lay it out, the "two sides" of GG are a handful of women on one hand, and a faceless horde of angry Internet nerds on the other.

lmao /u/mrpopenfresh how is it possible to make a false equivalency this bad? So Quinn didn't have her own faceless horde of harpies?

Your post is so fucking bad; you need to take a step back and think about how you could say something so colossally retarded

It's different when we do it.

Just literally go to any of the stupid anti-GG subreddits and see that it's filled with the same types of people from KiA. Unbelievable that someone actually believes this.

more importantly /u/mrpopenfresh you know that 90% of “anti-GG” was dudes right? GG was just mad about women, but there weren’t enough chicks who could actually manage to take or feign interest in the debacle

When was GG mad about women?

literally the entire duration of its existence lol

Care to give an example?

i mean it started out with Zoe Quinn, even though all she did was suck a little dick, then Anita, even though all she did was be wrong about video games as frequently as everyone else on youtube

then Brianna Wu, although she's the Ann Coulter of the video game world, so obviously they can't resist there




GG's greatest feat was proving Wu a tranny, and that makes it all worth it.

No, it began with the corrupt journalists she was screwing. They were all men.

surrre it did. what about all the rampant gay sex between “game journalists” and Ubisoft devs? nobody cares about it when it’s a MAN’S mouth.

Punch up, not down!!!!

So besides making a video game, what did Zoe Quinn do exactly that qualifies her as “human garbage”?

/u/Imwe, she cheated on her boyfriend with at least five people, some of them married. She deserved the same Internet hate mob that her cuckold would have gotten had their roles been reversed.

You don't understand! That's a woman's perrogative!

Dudes like Joss Whedon, that's totally different, because RAPE CULTURE!

So, none?

Tell that to Joss Whedon.

So none.

Are you LARPing being an autist or do you suffer like this every day?

Is there anyway we can set up a gofundme to support his rehabilitation? I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself after such an attack on his character.

Is this meant to be English? Are you extremely high?

Well you tried at a comeback.

If you were even trying to insult me with that gibberish sentence, pretend I understood it and insert emotions of anger and indignation.

Again with the trying! Good job! I'm here for you.

Well, you tried at a comeback.

She then gaslit her boyfriend in regards to the cheating, threatened self harm when he discussed breaking up with her, and other emotional abuse.

She's an abuser, and you ignore it because you are sexist.

How did he ever survive such an onslaught? Christ he probably has ptsd.

My favorite bit of drama about ZQ is how she got in a private argument with another progressive and the day later that woman got 50 "gamergater" emails threatening and harassing her when that email address had never actually had email before. Quinn is literally a fucking sociopath.



The Truth that Dare not be Spoken!

Faggots still shaking in their boots because one woman made a text adventure and called it a video game, and another woman mildly criticized games from a tepidly feminist perspective. Never been a weaker group of men in existence than the hypersensitive, hysterical queers of Gamergate.

Faggots still shaking in their heels because a few nerds called out an emotional abuser and cheater and called it unacceptable and another woman made retarded, flat out wrong statements about popular games from a tepidly autistic perspective. Never been such a hysterical group of women in existence than the hyper sensitive, hysterical queers of anti-Gamergate.


Giving it from the other perspective.

Don't be so fucking sensitive, it's just shit talk. Also Gamergate is a bunch of faggots.

I literally gave it from the other side but I should have known it would have triggered your rapist, bitch ass.

Wouldn't that make you just as sensitive?

This but ironically

“If Hitler, Bin Laden, and a gamergator were in a room, and I had 2 bullets, I would shoot the gamergator twice”

-SRD, probably

Most nerds want to kys but are too pussy, even if they killed them, srd would still lose.

Woah buddy

At least Hitler was a socialist!

And Bin Laden was a proud POC, the decision was obvious

Hell, same.

if you care about GG in current year then https://i.imgur.com/SLw7Vzn.gif

You're sure getting a lot of kilometrage from that one.

/u/Imwe to learn why she's really garbage, simply google "zoe quinn kiwi farms".

"zoe quinn kiwi farms"


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Try without the quotes, using quotes usually makes it return results that only match the search term verbatim.

/u/Imwe I don't see how you can look at Zoe Quinn's history (and her nudes, God forbid) and not be disgusted. She's a textbook example of a narcissist, has embezzled charity money, and is unashamed in making any tragedy about her. Some school shooter was connected to 4chan? Why, did you know that that's also the site that harrassed me?

I don't give a fuck about ethics in game journalism, but you'll have to be a moron to defend Zoe. I don't even get why you'd defend her after fucking her, because she's so disgusting that you'll probably end up hating her more.

I would give Zoe Quinn a hate fuck tbh

I wouldn't and my standards are low

I'm with you and my standards are positively subterranean.

Same reason people like trump. She triggers the people you hate.

Stupid reason to like someone.

It's dumb to like someone because they start drama? Can someone ban this clear agenda poster please?

Yes, it is dumb to like someone who starts drama. You can enjoy the drama without liking the retard who started it. Do you want to end up being an /r/the_donald user?

It is tempting to vote for him this time around. The last year has been crazy entertaining.

Do you want to end up being an /r/the_donald user?

No way. I want to be a loser!

If you start banning agenda posters this sub loses like 90% of it's userbase.

And Trump makes the economy do sexy things.

Retard alert

Hispanic unemployment is the lowest it's ever been

You're under arrest. I'm going to skip your Miranda Rights on account of you being retarded and all.

Retards have rights to

Prove it

You're still alive

With each passing day I crave the sweet release of death more and more

GDP up.
Unemployment down.
Illegals out.
Salt production levels skyrocketing.

Wall - not built.

Factories - still closing.

Coal - still extinct.

Factories - still closing.

Thanks, Obama!

Obama never promised to keep dead industries alive with taxpayer money. And if a Democrat thinks government subsidies are not justified...

Yeah, Democrats couldn't even bother to pretend to care about Americans. Sad!

Real Americans work in uneconomic widget factories or coal-mines contracting diseases and incurring injuries that their government refuses to help them with. Amurka!

This but unironically

Real Americans work.

Except when their coal mines disappear because it's the 21st century. At least there's always the methamphetamine industry!

At least I know of I ever have to buy shit-quality American coal (lol), it's heavily subsidized by the healthcare the coal workers are simply not getting. Thanks Donny!

of I ever have to buy shit-quality American coal

I don't think we are in danger of having you run a power plant, booboo.

Not a coal plant because, you know, 21st century.

Yeah, there's definitely not a couple thousand of them in North America.

North America

21st century


🚨 🚨 🚨

Trumpies make me want to keep myself safe just as much as lefties do

(HER NUDES, NSFL) https://i.imgur.com/pP6H6b1.jpg Nasty

Jesus that's pretentious. Just show us your butthole like a normal person, fuck.

But she.. oh wait that was her face

Is that a bloke in women’s underwear?

you can never know for sure with those people

Nobody wants to see a naked nerd.

Rn 8 people took the time out of their way to upvote it so idk

All I see is that Ajit Pai smile combined with shit tattoos.

There is absolutely no way that Quinn isn't Cluster B.

A good friend of mine has a gf with borderline personality disorder. She's into polyamory as well. Naturally, i told him to run away as hard as he can, but they're still together.

Well apparently lots of people are still with her as well.


Eh, not really interested in wading into garbage. If you feel as strongly about it as you appear to you probably could source/expand on your claims

Listen and Believe

Lmao, what a bullshit way to slyly try to imply I’m lying. Does this nigga think he’s slick?

Sorry, I think you're confused. You must have mistaken me for some other person who gives a shit about Z-list internet personalities.

You're unironically posting about gamergate in /r/subredditdrama in 2017, there's literally no way you can take the high road here.

You really think anyone buys that?

You cared enough to comment though. You just didn't bring facts with you because as usual just snark is enough in a retarded circlejerk where GG caused the Third Reich.

I care so little about something I went out of my way to post about how little I care about it.

Hey, I made SRD. Go me!

SRD's incessant need to cry over gamergate caused trump.

We have at minimum one GG post a day.

The "forever crying about gamergate" crowd is probably the most pathetic group out there.

GAMERRRRGATATTTTTTEEEEE!!!!! - SRD once again getting angry like always.

Right up there with Gamergate homos themselves.

At least gamers like something. The anti crowd is nothing but hate 100% of the time.

Damn, you called them homos, they can't recover from that.

The funnest thing to do is reading these people's twitter bios, it becomes clear that they're just a vocal minority of sad losers.

imagine being so embarrassed to admit you were wrong about video games that you invent a massive nazi conspiracy to explain it away and justify your ideas

like 3 years later lol

The funny thing is that they're totally invested in it, it keeps them awake at night, and probably will keep them from ever having a normal life. They will get to their 80s without even having a normal life or children because they're so scared of this conspiracy they created.

good,it stops them doing anything productive that id have to cringe at afterwards

I don't think they do productive things either way.

Do you think these people ever wonder why they're so lonely and why normal people feel repulsed by their pathetic asses?

/u/mrpopenfresh /u/gokutheguy /u/Janvs

Good afternoon, faggots. The reason I am pinging you is because you three seem like the most worthless retards in that thread and I thought I would give you some thoughts to mull over.

As you sit in your dirty computer chair stroking your micro-dicks at the thought of those damn dirty gamergoobers hacking your PS4 and turning it into murder machine who is programmed to destory all women everywhere and elect Trump, think about what I am going to pitch here for a second.

Gamergate and everyone in it is retarded. Yes, it's true. From anti to plus, it's all retarded. Why? Because first of all women being attacked in video games is retarded. Women like Roberta Williams, Jane Jensen, Kodama and other female devs were never harassed by gamers and actually quite loved. The reason autistic nerds got so angry was because hipster faggots were being safeguarded and treated like special princesses by reddit/somethingawful mods and buzzfeed level journalist groups.

Gamergate was made of two groups. Fat autistic nerds who believed that PC culture was going to infect game companies they cared about and the laughable "corruption" in video game journalism. Too obese to leave the house - they cradled their Hatred and Dead or Alive beach volleyball games in fear. Then got super angry when banned from online forums for sperging out about it.

Then you have the anti-gg people, like you. You know, malicious small dicked weirdos who believe that you are fighting some glorious battle for women everywhere but can't just face the truth that your life is so pathetic that you really just get a chub from bashing nerds with other trust fund loving marxist hipsters who shit out top ten lists for buzzfeed while drinking a chai tea latte.

Honestly, I suggest suicide.

Mods, please let us know how many inciting violence reports this gets from SRD. Thanks.

Is this copypasta.

Yes. Please paste for your family to put in your eulogy after your heart attack, fatso.

This banter is terrible. I’m kinda miffed to get pinged for this weak bullshit.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, tubs.

When /r/drama sends people, they're not sending their best


no u


lol youre still obsessed i remember you from years ago


i see youve naturally progressed from ghazi and ggffa to chapotraphouse and srd, interesting

Both sides of gamergate are retarded because nerd culture generally is retarded, and you have to be an uber autist to take it seriously enough to think it's deserving of its own culture war.

Although on the other hand gamergate was actually good, because it involved nerds getting bullied by other nerds.

Both sides of gamergate are retarded because nerd culture generally is retarded,

...I take it you don't want to see my porge collection?


do you mean pogs?

It's a creature from the new Star wars movie. Think burrowing owl with the face of one of those fancy cats.

gamergate was actually good, because it involved nerds getting bullied by other nerds.

If it had stayed contained to nerddom, that would have been fine. But then GG spilled out over the whole internet and became a proxy battle for the culture war that was already starting to simmer under the surface in the U.S., which meant that normies started picking sides, which then predictably aligned the whole political system around what wretchedly neurodivergent individuals do and say on the internet.

I swear we're going to look back and say that fucking Gamergate was the moment we began to separate into Morlocks and Eloi.

I unironically use twitter frequently like the disgusting lolcow I am, mostly to folllow fellow artists and programmers. And, while sitting on the can stroking my neckbeard, with nothing better to do, I began to wonder where folks got the idea that GG was a hate movement from start to finish, and why something so irrelevant kept popping up in my feed.

I took part in the circlejerk when I was younger, when I shitposted on imageboards with my cheeto encrusted keyboard.

I was a little bit salty, as I had very little money and purchasing a new game was rare, so I wasn't particularly happy about (((journalists))) misleading folks like myself, and Zoe is a disgusting being that got her harpies to shut down a charity.

For the time I was involved, I saw copypasta tier incel posts, absolutely, but they were not only frowned upon but disproportionate to posts that weren't retarded. And I was all over, even on fringe non-chan boards. But, that was the time I was involved. After goobergate got ads pulled by big corps on shitty sites, I left the whole thing behind figuring the mission was accomplished.

But then you have the cheeto encrusted neckbeards that wouldn't let the thing go. And someone really, really should've said something about Milo being Nazi-Lite. The circlejerk reached such unstable levels I can only describe it as an incel supernova. You got all these edgy morons running around that can't let go of their vidya (((culture)) and then it explodes into honest to god woman-hating retardation being led by Milo the kiddy diddler.

Then you gotta look at it from the perspective of the average social media/normie user in the mid 2010s. Depending on what you get in your feed and who you follow, people are going to highlight the absolute worst a movement has to offer. So, if all you see are incels calling for a return to pre suffrage days, of course you're gonna think the whole thing is a wave of autism.

The moral of the story is, shave your neck you fucking weeaboo. Let it go.

I unironically use twitter frequently like the disgusting lolcow I am,

My god... 😑

If anything, gamergate created incels.

Socrates was an incel. Does that mean the Ancient Greeks created incels?

Actually Socrates had these famous quote "Women are like apples, I wanna lick one but instead I'm too busy jacking my weenier to owning niggas in debates lol"

Idk, did he impotently reeeee at a dumb cunt on twitter? Did he talk about vidyuh games all the time?

Socrates was a mysterious manlet.

I thought socrates decided to be celibate, the in in incel stands for involuntary.

I thought GamerGate was retarded but it's so disingenuous to boil it down to "nerds harass defenceless wamyn". Now every article vaguely related to harassment with be prefaced with "GAMERGATE DID THIS".

I still have no clue what gamergate was even about and each time it gets brought up I understand even less.

Really, you have to have been there at the inception to understand. It took over Reddit for a long time. Be thankful you missed it.

I was here during it but I also wasn't autistic enough to want to understand something called "gamergate."

5 guys burgers and fries

some people wanted to make video games more PC, people sperged out, its now just right wingers circlejerking outrage over (((SJW)))

It has something to do with ethnics in journalism but Zoe Quinn is pasty as hell so I really don't know.

Still one less suicide victim than the so-called "sex positive" movement that harassed a porn star to death.

They still pretending that their side wasn't filled with literal rapists?

Imagine buying into 4 year old lies that never even made sense, and was invented by literal rapists.

Don't ping users from the drama.

Fuck you, /u/Zachums.

"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend ... if you have one."

Good bot!

Wow fam, overtly rude.

I'll take overtly rude over condescending prick any day.

Different strokes for different folks. 😜

Wow fag, overtly faggish you faggy fucking fag

Tbh less rude than twizzles was.

After looking at the comments here, I think it might have been a good idea to tag this post with a trigger warning.

it’s not important that both sides of GG were trash. the impressive part is, both sides of GG are still trash

I think both sides are retarded.

I think that "both sides are bad", but only one of these sides had a fuckton of people arrested fired for child porn/rape related crimes.

Yeah you are right.

One side is bad.

The other side is just retarded.

And ghazi is still a pedo defense sub.

This person has got nary a clue; they reckon 'The Zoe Post' came out after Gamergate lol!

Gamergate is simultaneously a few neckbeards in their moms basement, and the most powerful shadow government ever.

Oh the gamergate drama, the grand battle between neckbeards and soyboys.

I got banned for making this post. SRD mods can dish it out but can’t take it. WEAK!

Get the fuck out of here. Post mod mail.

Absolutely broski. Give me like 20 minutes to jump on a laptop.

Fuck 20 minutes. Here it is:


What were you banned for?

He didn't tell me but since he banned me a few hours after I made this post, the logical conclusion is he is extremely butthurt SRD is being made fun of by /r/drama

Hmm, sounds pretty stupid on their end.

Lol we ban all his accounts. He's been banned from SRD at least ten times now.

Thanks, Tits.

aaaaand he's suspended again

What gives him away in the first place? I never understood how people can be obvious with their identity when being secretive is important for punishment reasons.

take the average /r/drama user and subtract 50 iq points, that's him every time

Lol, well, fair enough. I have never had a person come bother me with multiple alts so I never pick up on it.

Worst part of Gamergate: they profited off it. The "voices" never cared about Gamergate, they just rode the wave and got more famous. On both sides.

Their expertise is required on the origins of GamerGate which is being discussed in these child comments.

Some people like to be involved when a topic of their interest is debated. As head mod of KiA there is no bigger authority on GG and he relishes the chance to inform the uneducated.

Autism overload. Why are people treating gamergate like some sort of academic subject?