A wild Russian Shill appears, it's super retarded!

14  2017-12-18 by MG87



you're clearly not a veteran since you seem to hate America so much. Maybe you can have your court martial right after Muellerat (combination of Mueller's name and rat aka plague carrier aka cancer on society in case you weren't smart enough to pick up on that)

Lol, this guy is off the hook


Is it true that your animosity is derived from a tawdry yet ultimately doomed affair with a man named brock?

dont be mean pls

>don't be mean pls

reported to your FSB colonel for being a massive fag.. Have fun in siberia

I did.. what are you talking about?

damn you got me comrade amerikansky. ill surrender to the nearest US embassy as soon as Im finished hacking this election



Any attempts to remove Donald J. Trump from the office of the presidency will be considered treason punishable by death. Heed this warning or we, the brave patriots of America, will be forced to take drastic measures to ensure our President retains power.

i am NOT a russian national or a bot. I am an American citizen with the right to voting just like you


Dmitri oh no what r u doin baby

how did you find my name? doxxing is against the rules btw

/u/TheGreatestPanini, you know that America isn't Russia No one is above the law, you can't just hope Daddy Vlady will kill Trump's dissidents

why not

I know it’s a meme but that guys English is weird enough that I’d believe he was some kind of foreign agitator t b h

There's 'not first language' English, and then there's 'barely educated' / 'American' English. This dude is definitely the latter.

excuse me I'll have you know I passed AP English with a B+