Be on the lookout...

19  2017-12-18 by v_is_one_person

Supposedly Twitter has new rules going into effect today to purge all the troublemakers, and further (supposedly) they will be erring on the side of blunt instruments and laziness and will suspend anyone who receives 10 reports over the lifetime of their account.

So keep a lookout for internet casualties today and do your part to report any suspiciously entertaining or spergy accounts you might be familiar with!



Let's report daddy!

lets report u tbqfhwyf

What kind of stupid, self-absorbed nudge makes a tie-in Twitter account for their r/drama shooting? Fuck you, Ed.

Hey, some of us have a social life outside of Reddit

looks at Ed's Twitter

Ok, nvm...

It's not an active one lol. I don't use Twitter :/

You are such an incredible loser.

It's ok have a twitter I don't use either and would have done the same thing lol



I've never seen someone care so much about their online "persona".

Remember that time he got suspended for a week and then pretended he went on vacation and couldn't reddit

And he said "I'll be going away like this for the next few months now"

And never disappeared again.

I know, we could dream though... we could dream

The same kind of person who gets off on being humiliated, cucked and having their nuts stomped on by ugly fat chicks who say he isn't good enough to even look at them.

Do it!

You're the new pizzashill, who can't stop thinking about trump. But you're far more retarded.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast is the mommy defense force.

He's with Her, and isn't ashamed to make that blatantly obvious

Still talking about Clinton on the eve of 2018


Still defending mommy in [CURRENT YEAR+2]

Rent-free in your peabrain

I have documents here revealingly /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu's MRI scan and it appears she has a perfectly smooth brain. No wrinkles at all, like a billiard.

RIP Tariq's account.


(. )( .) Τ„(β‰–β€Ώβ‰–Τ…)

Those far-right scamps linked by Daddy, Britain First, have been kicked off Twitter. Should free up some bandwidth at the very least.


Shouldn't their investors be on them to do something that might actually make money?

At this point, I'm halfway convinced that Twitter was created by George Soros in anticipation of the financial crash, entirely so that he could foment race and gender strife to distract from class issues.

You can actually advertise on Twitter, as I found out through work. It's handy if you can't be bothered going outside to throw your advertising budget into a bin.

Twitter actually doesn't make money and never really has