Muh net neutrality

14  2017-12-19 by DrinkProfessionally


How much I wish this shit actually happens

What a great day for this sub

Gives me an erection. YOU give me an erection.

People still play WoW?

They're called degenerates, Donny.

I like the argument that without Net Neutrality, ISPs might charge you more for certain things because they are motivated purely by profit.

Umm...couldn't they just increase their NN rates prior to the repeal? You know...because of the $$$$?

The worst thing I've seen is that they now may be able to do some anti-competitive bandwidth throttling against Netflix and Youtube and direct people to their own streaming sites.

Check out Portugal.

Crypto-asshole just say whatever the fuck your point is

My point is to check out Portugal and how it is doing without net neutrality.

See! I was right!

You didn't any claim other than that Portugal didn't have net neutrality which it does, you're wrong

No, I was right, its right there; read it again.

By virtue of its membership in the European Union, Portugal does have net neutrality regulations; the prepackaged MEO data plans apply only to mobile broadband usage and are add-ons to, not substitutes for, metered plans offering full Internet access.

Exactly, I am right. What the fuck is wrong with you? Can you not read? This is why your Daddy beat your mother, because you were such a fucking failure.

They already pushed their users towards buying digital cable packages that don't count towards bandwidth caps in an attempt to keep customers from using netflix.

Anyone who thinks repealing NN is a benefit to anyone but the telecom companies is a delusional libertarian or a retarded republican party fanboy.

NN didn't even fix one quarter of the shady anti-competitive shit they pull.

I predict that Google is going to build it's own city or some shit and then all these tech companies are going to be busted in a wave of anti-trust legislation.