All of /r/TrollXChromosomes gets triggered by the world's shittiest comic about a man who volunteers to do housework.

84  2017-12-19 by DeepDickedHillybilly


/u/mibcomix your """"comics"""" are literally visual AIDS spreading on stage 4 cancer

Dude compared to every other TrollX post, that was comedy gold.

This but unironically.

Technically correct.

Same is true for a wrist fracture

Women are funny. Get over it.

My god. This guy’s life seems so sad.

"This guy" could refer to

  • Me
  • The faggot who drew this literal shit
  • The Jew-looking male protagonist of the comic

And they'd all be accurate for any or all of these

I was talking about the guy who drew this. The comic is clearly autobiographical.

I mean, he could have picked a productive hobby like I did, rather than draw a shitty, stupid, unfunny comic.

Me? I cyber bully people until they feel like they have no choice but to delete their accounts, often losing years of their posts and comments from ever being accessed again.

You seem nice.

Quit fucking spamming Reddit with your talentless, humorless, literal shit.

ok dude

Seriously, it's not going to get any better. Your life is going to get worse and worse and more miserable as every meaningless moment passes in front of you. You may as well just fucking kill yourself.

Dang, that comic really fucking set you off, lolm

Nah, just bored, mate

okay well fyi you went through the looking glass like 3 posts ago

The rules are as clear as day, you stupid hillbilly. Read this:

Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people

I'm not sure if your stupid angry mayo microbrain can comprehend what this means, but rest assured you are, in fact, in violation of the content policy.

Your comics are fucking rage inducing. Keep up the good work, you could be the next jack chick.

Wow thank you for that

Don't listen to these haters, you seem like you have a lot of talent. It looks like you need some places to show off your comics, have you tried here yet?

Had never heard of that before. I'll check it out. Honestly though Reddit has been incredible for finding readers. And so friendly.

I thought that was going to be a picture of a garbage can.

If you want an audience that would actually appreciate your work, check out /r/Braincels. They'd love it!

Why do you hate your wife?

Tbf, I kind of hate his wife.

i really hate her

I really don't understand why you would try to win TrollX of all places over.

I hope things get better, man.

Because it's hilarious?

Thank you for reading with such interest!

This is gold:

there are a lot of female fans, I thought maybe this sub would dig it. My bad, I won't post in here again. Although there's some Lana Del Rey-themed strips that are killer!

And this super polite fuck you:

Can you recommend a book for me to read? Not on this, just something I'd like.

"Hey I'm not interested in actually talking about this topic with you, why don't you recommend a restaurant or band or something, fuckface?"

Although there's some Lana Del Rey-themed strips that are killer!

That's amazing.

Asking as someone who's pop-culturally retarded, what is that supposed to mean?

No I really wanted a book recommendation, as that user had flair saying it was his thing. Not really into comics, but I did appreciate the reply

great pick! Thank you very much.

there are a lot of female fans, I thought maybe this sub would dig it. My bad, I won't post in here again. Although there's some Lana Del Rey-themed strips that are killer!

Omg, that's savage, lol.

I notice you post in /r/deadbedrooms. Just jump on her and take that pussy.

Too bad life doesn't imitate art.

/u/mibcomix Are you the guy who played Zito on Miami Vice?

I think I'd remember that

Hey I like this comic now

holy shit I like this one

I just tell them shut up and get me a beer.

I thought your hobbies were being deep dicked and deep dicking others?


I don't get your comic


Why doesn't he just get a divorce?

I still don't get your comics

sorry :(

This raises more questions than it answers, really.


What did he mean by this?

I am not sure but /u/mibcomix is clearly a Nazi.

Can't leave kid, already overwhelmed and a divorce would just add more problems in the short term, the creeping sense that you're worthless and leaving would make you alone and even more unhappy forever, that thing that happens when you beat a dog every day and eventually it just accepts it and stops fighting back, etc.

What does your wife think of your comics?

If you read his post history, she doesn't fuck him.

God damn.. instead of being a weenie he should go ape ahit on her. If that doesnt work, murder always does the trick

Because, tragic though it may seem, he's never actually met a woman who behaves better than this?

>he fell for the vaginal jew

The Jew-looking male protagonist of the comic

I think you're confused by the last panel. He's cleaning the oven, not crawling inside.


Has a Redpill Comics vibe.

Welcome to married life, friend

But seriously, why do they do it?

Are you asking why trollx gets triggered, or why wives/girlfriends do that weird thing where you're supposed to read their mind?

It doesn't take a mind-reader to figure out what "somebody should clean the oven" means. The fact that she isn't already doing it means that somebody isn't her, and there's only one person left.

yeah, I've had a girlfriend like that. She would flip her shit if the house wasn't vacuumed

I just called it some kind of nesting syndrome that women get affected by and rode with it so long as it didn't get outrageous. She'd have the cleanest house but then go and smoke nasty stanky cigarettes. Confused me.

Smokers are gross and should be shot tbqh.

It doesn't take a mind-reader to figure out what "somebody should clean the oven" means.

Yeah after a while you figure that out, but it's still incredibly passive aggressive.

It's a way of asking someone to do something without actually asking them to do it. Which seems dumb when there already exists words for that purpose.

Personally, if I want someone to do something, I'll ask them to do it. If I say something else, it's because I want something else. Like if I say "someone should clean the oven" that generally means "let's have a conversation about who the best person to clean the oven is. Maybe me, maybe you, maybe we hire someone else, maybe the oven doesn't even need cleaning after all."

Yeah after a while you figure that out, but it's still incredibly passive aggressive.

Is it passive-aggressive or just non-confrontational?

Asking to clean the over should not be confrontational at all.

Well yeah, but "you need to clean the oven" puts the interlocutor on the spot in way that I don't think "someone needs to clean the oven" does.

Look, I'm not trying to be the 💯💯💯 best woman respecter 2017 here, I just think "passive aggressive" is a needlessly malicious descriptor for this kind of behavior

I mean by its definition its passive aggressive.

I just think "passive aggressive" is a needlessly malicious descriptor for this kind of behavior

Naw, this is the textbook definition of passive aggressive behavior. If people don't like the label, maybe they should stop doing it.

"The oven is dirty. Would you be able to clean the oven, please?"


Non-confrontational would be actually being ok with cleaning the oven yourself.

Christ who left the fucking SRDine can open?

he is right 😤😤😤

This isn't SRD type shit. SRD would talk about how unfair it is that "emotional captial" in a relationship is slanted towards men or some shit

No it's the writing style combined with the seriousposting.

I can feel that. You wanna get a beer?

Can I fuck your wife too?

If you play your cards right bb

oh i had to play cards? i just fucked her

"maybe the oven doesn't even need cleaning after all" asking the real questions here. Seriously, a woman this nagging and passive aggressive about such trivial matters actually cooks for her husband? get fucking real

Tl;Dr this trash

But we can’t afford a maid!

How about instead of being a huge cunt, she acts like an adult in a relationship and says in a polite tone of voice, "Baby, can you clean the oven so I can start dinner?"

Now it sounds like she's asking for help for a reason, that she'll also be contributing by cooking, and they'll both get to enjoy the results.

Bro, you don't understand women. If she does it that way, she can't bitch and moan about how awful you are to her friends and or the internet.

I like to say "most problems in life can be solved by simply cutting women out of your life on any long-term basis."

In other words, she's rape-baiting.

But they commit suicide more often. They also used to be men so are more likely to do it for real compared to a woman that swallows pills for attention.

Well, if we all switched to trannies and they felt more accepted maybe they won't kill themselves as often.

Excellent point, I am back to full support.

Yeah, that way you get to try out a new hole every few months. I'm not seeing a downside

/u/nperez99 thoughts on this?

The woman in the shitty comic is a passive aggressive cunt. If /u/pizzashill believes trannies are the future for a woman-free life, he should absolutely go get some of that. Go, son! Go! There's a tranny out there for you!

like she actually cooks HAHAHA

Because they know he'll just do it instead of putting on a big performance like Anne fucking Hathaway.

Throwing tantrums is how they got daddy to do everything so the carry that habit into adulthood.

bit sexist, mate

Oh shit, you're right.

All the best comedians make sexist jokes. Learn from them.

Reality has a sexist bias

The guy in the comic is a passive aggressive pussy too. He just asks a question back at her when he knows exactly what she meant. Either put up or shut up pussy. Guys who just point out "oh women are so manipulative!" without doing one thing or another are pussies.

Also look at his face! What's going on there? LMAO fuck this cartoonish man who's all like "why don't you ask me to do it"

My blood pressure's rising even thinking about this.

Women are born with this little hole between their legs which every man on earth just wants to stick something into, and they’re weaker than men so they learn strategies. They deploy their minds, and their sex, and they intuitively learn to humiliate.

Tell me more about your mother, Ed.

This is why we need women beating.

More like why they need it.


Trollocide when

The fuck is the drama. Literally zero drama. Maintain personal safety OP.

Question, do you know how to read?

Do you know how to post bussy? Clearly not.


What kind of device do you use to make your comments?


Do you have any pets.


Do you have any lizards

Dude I love lizards especially dinos

Do you like garlic bread?

Gotta stick my dick in something

More specific

whats ur dick look like

Mine has this corkscrew thing going on.

This is the tale of Danny Cool
A man who was born with a spiral tool;
He spent his life in a fruitless hunt
To find a girl with a corkscrew cunt,
But when he found her, he dropped down dead -
For she was born with a left-hand thread.

Hell of a left lean - turns out the ladies love that

This long string of caps has got me worried & concerned.

This thread has more drama than the linked one, so I guess it wasn't totally a waste.

Cleaning the oven does suck.

I kind of like it tbh. If it's not too dirty, I use the self cleaning function. If there is a lot of good and gunk, I get that oven spray. Then clean with a sponge.

And actually, that comic is funny because clearly they both don't know how to clean an oven. The two methods I described above just require you to lightly wipe.

I have a patented oven cleaning method.

Its called paying someone $100 every 4 months or so to do it for you.

I don't get it

yeah I got a similar vibe. The nagging wife is such a tired trope and it's not funny

You know, you hear this a lot.

But I always wondered, have women tried not nagging? I mean, it's kinda hilarious when you have someone saying that the nagging wife is a tired stereotype, right after a bunch of ladies bitching about how manchildrem never keep shit clean.

It sounds like your view of marriage is “woman overrunning man.” That’s honestly depressing, nevermind misogynistic and personal-accountability-absolving


Imma steelman that shit for you, you ratnerd, and say it's about how the man blames the woman for making him unhappy, when the real source of unhappiness lies in himself, and his refusal to accept Allah's truth.

Inshallah the man should stone his wife should she nag him this much

You mean 'get a second, prettier wife'



I hope Roko's basilisk gets you


If she doesn't want vermin to be tearing the house apart in 6 months

But baiting the oven is the best way to eliminate vermin!

We should just start calling passive aggression "woman aggression".

Then passive aggression can go back to meaning showing up late to work everyday so your boss understands who has the real power.

We should just start calling passive aggression "woman aggression".

This is really woman aggressive


This is like the exact opposite of knowing your audience.

While the webcomic is awful, its basically captain beta man because no one would put up with that bitch if they had a set of balls, the comics audience isn't women, but men who feel trapped in a bad marriage.

.... Right..... That's my point. Advertising his comic on a sub full of women is the exact opposite of knowing one's audience. Was that unclear somehow?

Wait, HE posted it there? Haha, ok your point is taken. I assumed it was someone bitching about the point.

I will take criticism of my work, but not Mad Magazine. You have gone too far.

Sorry man, someone had to tell you.

you have provided a valuable service to me, gentle stranger.

So are you in a bad marriage? What I hated was so how unrelatable it is.

The comic?