Mini-drama when motorcyclist complains about people texting while driving and someone finds multiple videos he uploaded showing him trying to keep himself safe

16  2017-12-19 by Lesmothian


/u/aGeckoInTheGarage why in the fuck would you crusade for public safety if you're going to be a threat yourself?

You know why I don't cry and yell on the internet about people being unsafe? Because I'm unsafe myself sometimes and I'm not quite stupid enough to blatantly engage in ridiculous hypocrisy, even if I don't post evidence of it online.

But you make me look like a fucking elementary school crossing guard wearing football pads and a condom in comparison. I go 80 in a 65 in dry weather and can make it through a day without crying about people who touch their phones while they drive. You go 80 in the rain in a 20 and look at you go.

u/aGeckoInTheGarage btfo

This mentality is similar to cyclists, oddly.

Fuck cyclists. If I had a dime for every stupid ass cyclist that bitches about car drivers because the cyclists can't be assed to follow the basic rules of the road, I could buy them all the cars that they clearly can't afford.

"I'm gonna rolling stop this red light and it's the car drivers fault if I get hit. Stopping and starting again is too hard for me"

That is legit their fucking logic.

In conclusion, when the Mayocide begins, we should start with cyclists.

Mayocide be praised!!!

I have seen some do things that would have resulted in death, had a car been coming. Cycling culture is strange.

On the bright side /u/aGeckoInTheGarage's organs will eventually be put to good use and may help save lives.