You tell em Jessica! I mean...

9  2017-12-19 by WarSanchez

24 comments Here have a screenshot

I just uploaded one too. This just corroborates it.

/u/CraftyGirlJessica defend yourself here for your internet honor.

Dammit, she deletes her comment, but I got a screen shot! 😊

Totally Not Jess

If snappy hadn't been taken away by (((them))) we wouldn't need screenshots. My favorite from her

Who's the girl

Friend I was talking to and didn't realize when i screen shot, unfourtantly she edited before I could recap it

Did you get her a Christmas present

Yeah thanks to u/craftygirljessica I found some sweet deals on vinyl

I'm starting to think that chick is weird

Yeah but she can sell the fuck out of vinyl

Tbh what she does is something I could do here at home with my shrinky dinks

Thanks for making Nick richer!

O thank God your back

Awwww. Is life in Mom's basement miserable without me?

The 90s called they want their outdated references back


Does this mean we are friends now Jessica?

Snowflakes with too much time on their hands playing with Photoshop. Yawn. Next!

I think you underestimate how much we care about your buisness Nick

too much time on their hands

False, that's my penis

playing with Photoshop.

False, Microsoft Paint.

You're still doing this nick