Nick the Craft Store Businessman is in my PMs and has admitted he is under investigation by the Attorney General of Virginia.

46  2017-12-19 by starship_litterbox


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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The sweet sweet milk from this lolcows tweets broke the spell that bound Snappy to eternal silence.

You certainly have a way with words 😏

Don't ever leave us again!

Good bot

Notice he slips and admits he's Nick (or at least one of the owners or employees) in the second-to-last message.

Wait, you mean it wasn't already obvious it's a troll/fake account?

Obvious to us, not to them πŸ˜ŽπŸ’©πŸ‘»

This guy is so transparent I have to think this is some kind of publicity stunt.

Watch one of his youtube videos. He's retarded enough to be a mod

Because he called us... I mean, Nick. Who I'm a customer of... shit.

These are the people who vote republican goddamn it.

They all have lead poisoning rom their bullets and shopping at wal-mart.

You see wal-mart is full of lead contaminated products because china is so polluted. And wal-mart is just a made in china store.

So the wal-mart people who vote R are all lead poisoned and retarded.

They all have lead poisoning from their bullets and shopping at wal-mart.

That's why I shoot copper hollows. Maybe that explains my radical centrism.

I like copper I am invested in copper, I need copper to be used for the price to rise you keep going soldier!

Just remember not to steal the copper from the power stations, you'll get zapped.

Don't tell lies, it's perfectly safe as long as you use your bare hands, I encourage everyone here, especially the mods, to steal power line copper

Aren't power lines aluminum? Copper's too expensive for large-diameter wires.

Is it not silver? Is aluminum even a good conductor? So many questions!!! πŸ˜“

Aluminum's good enough for high-voltage, low-current mains electricity.

He COMPLIMENTED Nick's revolutionary new method of dealing with haters and complainers.

yes, im sure this is a direct quote from a high-ranking state official

"Hello, is this Nick, revolutionary hater-slayer with the sweet kitchen? This is Mr. Attorney General. I just wanted to say I'm a big fan."

You're such a loser

Good bet giving up on beauty sleep it wasn't working any way

As some who collects vinyl your a goddamn disgrace to the fandom.

Dude, it isn't even vinyl in the music sense. It's in the arts and crafts sense.

Fucking lol

Dude Nick is imaginary. This whole thing is a catfish designed by malevolent mods to amuse themselves


Woah!!! o_O

We bring you the best things <3

Tell me more about your prodigious kitchen counter


It's from Lowes

Hey nick are you getting a bunch of redditing in now because there’s no WiFi in prison?

Why is it you act high and mighty, when literally all you do, Nick, is bully people? These aren't snowflakes btw, but you are being one right now. I hope when karma comes for YOU, you can actually face it.

I'm not Nick

If I were Nick I wouldn't want to admit it, either.

me too thanks

Imagine thinking that the Jessica account isn't a troll

Exactly, they even went to /r/GamerGhazi to complain about it. You're not going to go there immediately to complain unless you already know about it, which suggests that they use reddit at least somewhat regularly. Also, all the blatant "fuck ups" are way too convenient.

They went to /r/legaladvice, someone from here told them to ask /r/gamerghazi and they took the bait.

Holy shit this is amazing!


Link please

/u/CraftyGirlJessica why are you defending suspected child molester and rapist u/Nick_CraftVinyl?

I'm afraid that /u/CraftyGirlJessica is, in fact, Nick from craftvinyl. He has a reputation for creeping on children who buy from his store.

So not only is he allegedly creeping on kids in RL but he is also catfishing people on the internet? Someone needs to stop this monster.

Are we sure this isn't Amy from Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares?

This reads like someone watched Trump giving speeches for inspiration, but somehow managed to make it sound even more retarded.

/u/CraftyGirlJessica how did my cock taste last night?

Like vinyl and failure.

have you ever said anything funny?

Why aren't you memorable?