Know This: Losers go nowhere in life. You all think you're very FUNNY, but you know deep down that you're losers. Karma is real and will get you.

186  2017-12-20 by CraftyGirlJessica


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


This made me cry


Maybe that'd be good for you. To realize what you are. A LOSER and a HATER.


That's not me.

If you keep going, it will be.

Google "Amy's Baking Company".

Nostalgia boner intensifies


Just kidding, unadulterated seriousposting is not a thing I miss

Not fat enough?

Prove it


She's your spirit animal.

Why did you say you hate jews in the other thread? That's terrible

Real talk though, how much debt are you in, we have some friendly jews in this sub that could help you, for a fee.

At least we're not fat, like you.


Bro, you have so much gravitational pull NASA launches a satellite to study you.

Omg clever and funny. Way to go nan, grear comment. It was really original and probably made everyone laugh.



What scale of measurement are you using



If you're Nick's wife you are.

I'm not saying you are, but I hear she's kinda fat.

This is why I think Jessica is Nick's wife/lover not Nick. There's pictures of Nick online and he doesn't look fat. Jessica sounds fat.

Whats the story with nick? I’ve seen the name mentioned a few time now

I dunno, that’s sounds an awful lot like what a fat person would say...



You are totally that psycho Asian girl from California and you are fat. Not clinically obese, but fat enough that your little Asian grandmother scolds you about your weight every time she see you.

And, you have that sad Asian ugly face. Not the pretty exotic one, but the one that makes you look like a fat 11 year old boy.

You are a fucking wackjob.

Good thing I wanna die all ready then huh /u/craftygirljessica


I refuse to, actually

I like this new mod.

I hope he literally never stops. Like, ever.


Look what we found! Can we keep it?

I have more karma than you.

You silly normie.

To you, we're just a bunch of trolls and haters that you can shame.

Silly fool, do you not know who we really are?

We are the secret rulers of Reddit, the TRUE ADMINS, We rule this site with an iron fist, shitposting and baiting normie lolcows for our own amusement. Fools like you think you can stop us, but you're wrong. Oh so VERY WRONG.

From our citadel, our subscribers form a thousand strong mod cabal, ruling all the top subs. We are creating an army of shitposters to take over all of social media, and from there, the world.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

And how do we secretly communicate with each other?

A newly developed hashing algorithm called "cryptohate"

FashCash, which uses the latest Sha-1488 encryption algorithm, stores your hateful transactions on the BussyChain. For the low low price of one bussy pic per transaction, you can send your cryptohate anywhere in the world, instantly!

Dude cryptohate ICO's are so hot right now

Written in Go with a Rust backend.

I hate hate. I'm a hate hater. Let's stamp out hate with acceptance, okay guys

Congratulations! You got copypasta'd

deep down

Hahaha, he thinks my issues are buried.

Dude my issues are pretty much my parents right now.


That's low.


If they're buried that would be a solution not a problem.

I'm totally cool with this Thread Title being the text on the /r/drama Christmas card.

It's a Hanukkah card, you dumb goy lol.

Is there 1 card or 12?

Where did you get 12 from? 😒

Isn't Hanukkkah like 12 days of presents ergo 12 cards?

Adam Sandler told me it was 8 Crazy Nights.

Reasonable source. I stand corrected, 8 cards.

Bad goy.

Isn't Hanukkkah like 12 days of presents ergo 12 cards?

This is why we need to teach the torah in school

Circumcisions for all!

Isnt that haram?

I'm sorry but, your authority is not recognized in fort kickass.


Good thing I'm not a loser then.

I visit /r/drama regularly and i support this message. Karma is coming for you fucking autistic children and so bite the pillow.

Sounds like a party.

Thank god. I've been waiting for my day of reckoning for over three decades; it is time for me to suffer.

My poor friend, you hit enter on a submit button on Drama on Reddit

You are already suffering terribly, whether you know it or not

Do masochists ever truly suffer?


Karmas got its kiss for you

Kill yourself

who are you

Miranda, obviously.

the chick with the gore fetish?


Kill yourself

what did she mean by this?

How did you get mod?

By quite literally sucking dick.

Oh fuck.... You are telling the true the true arent you. 😳

the true the true


Yew, please.

Yes, please.

Pics or it didn’t happen.


/u/zachums is this an angrypost?

Telling people to off themselves is only bad if youre downvoted.

When you are a mod, they let you do it

Big if true



I'm hilarious

I already got like 200k karma.

someone had a bad day, what can I getchu baby girl? tea? wine? a hug?

Post Girl Bussy.

Plez no bully 😓


Mickinsay seetay fotop

Comentop sopp

Because he's a scatman

idk I'm a loser and I go places, like the grocery store sometimes.


pls no bully

Do you watch a Rick and Morty?

Karma? Have you been in the real world? All the people winning are evil as fuck, go to a big city and most of the people you meet will have black hearts of coal.

I'm confused is OP salty about /r/drama often making fun of things?

I might be a failure but I'm a stylish failure. Half bohémien, half faggot.

Qu'est que ce?

You're so crafty!

  1. Start up fake vinyl online store
  2. Offer vinyl for 2 cents per sheet
  3. Apologize to all incoming orders, say 'due to massive influx, we cannot fulfill your order. Please contact our associate, NickCrafts, who will price match us'
  4. Sit back and lulz

I actually bought karma insurance and am just trying to squeeze it for all it's worth.

You guys i spent 2 hours of my work day going through the craft vinyl facebook page and fuuuuuck it is spergatory

Is that a threat?

Only our lord and savior Jesus christ is real he paid the cost for the redemption of all souls and the cleansing of pagan superstitions which include karma.

To indulge in karmic ideology is an affront to christ the king and sinful and leads to ruination

Ummm.. excuse me but we do go places in life, like I was just inmate of the year. Were you ever inmate of the year? No? Didn’t think so. #winning