Who TF is Nick?

26  2017-12-20 by Matues49

Srsly, what's up with that?


He's the final boss we rightfully deserve https://imgur.com/a/2q0DC

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Short version is a shitty vinyl company owner is having a mental breakdown. Was LARPing as a billionaire havard lawyer woman, but now he's back as himself sperging out.

Always be true to yourself u/realcraftvinylnic

It's funny that he got tired of trying to figure out switching between alts and just pretended that "Jessica" is taking a break or may be gone forever. With any luck "Jessica" will be back.

It always sucks when you miss the beginning of a sperg in progress.

Everyone just starts repeating what appear to be arbitrary comments somehow related to something mundane and yet you just don't get it. You try and read a few related threads and then decide to move on to a new topic. But then you realize even in unrelated threads people are espousing the great deals Nick gives at CraftVinyl. Who is this Jessica and just how fat is she?

Sometimes shit happens in life and you just miss it.

Irk? It's a missed sneeze in terms of unsastisfaction.

On the bright side the next time it happens and you catch it at the beginning you'll appreciate it that much more!

Even spending all day in a VA cancer ward, today might be the best day of my life

Shit homie, cancer is the ultimate SJW. Best wishes, faggot, kys


I should have known.

I hope everything goes well, man. 🌠

Thanks, it's my pops not me, they caught it early and it seems pretty non threatening and nowhere else in body got him on cbds and hes handling it like a champ

That's good to hear! Well, as good as cancer can be.

bless u

There once were some losers from REDDIT

Who just wanted a little bit of CREDIT

They sadly weren't very SMART

And they thought Nick didn't have a HEART

What they didn't realize

In their sad little LIVES

Was that Nick was about to rip them APART

Are you sure it was Santa that delivered this gift and not Satan?

Pretty sure it was Saint Nick from Vinyl Craft.

This is Nick.

Jessica is his wife who shitposted with her actual name. They're pretending she's a satisfied customer.

/u/TheRealCraftVinylNic get in here and tell everyone how successful you are.

He’s firing up LiveJournal to expose some haters

he looks like a disney-esque drawing of a mouse

That dude looks like he shoots heroin and kidnaps kids

Here looks rapey.

I don't know, but I heard xir sells gimp suits that give people cancer

He's a grown man who tried but failed to sell stickers over the internet.

God Trump needs to give Nick a cabinet post

Nick Waffles? Don't you mean Nick Carrots?! hahahahahah