Dude lays out some inconvenient biotruths about gender in /r/documentaries, spawning 500 children who wish they transitioned.

16  2017-12-20 by Ultrashitpost


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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u/wtbsem "sexual identity starts at 4" this is exactly what a pedophile would say.

I really did make a shit storm lol

Yeah you should be proud of yourself.

Stirring the pot is one of my few talents

Man, that is a ton of butthurt tranny. OP there is right, you can't escape your origins no matter how much you want to do so.

Sorry, whites. The mayocide can not be avoided no matter how much bronzer and Mexican musician you listen to.

Or eat spicy food. Once a mayo, always a mayo.

Mayocide omfg I'm dying

Then hopefully you're a mayo

More like a calzone.

"Pizza? Never heard of it."

A pizza taco, one might say


Gonna go against the circlejerk ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Not only that but evolution has no room for such nonsense as gender changes. No matter what you do through hormone therapy or medical procedure you will never attain functional reproductive abilities of the wanted change.

No shit Sherlock. Transition helps with (((Gender Dysphoria))), you know, the actual "mental disorder"?

The American Psychiatric Association, publisher of the DSM-5, states that "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition."

So yeah.

At the end of the day what makes a man is the ability to create and deliver sperm and what makes a woman is the ability to carry fertilized eggs and the subsequent offspring. Everything else is a social construct of masculinity and feminity and completely irrelevant to your sexual gender.*

Look at Mr. Painfully Obvious here. Btw statements like these act as "filler substance". Nobody in general is contesting anything. (Maybe man ---> male woman ---> female and if "sexual gender" is a real word?? Just a word change)

You aren't embracing yourself by getting a sex change, you are denying yourself in exchange for the most shallow human trait, vanity.

You said let's treat it and not "glorify it". So where's the treatment doctor? Do you think doctors telling adults to transition as a treatment for their GID are bullshitting?


Or is it the old Mike Pence way of "AC/DC for the LGBT"-esque treatment?? lol

You only proved my point that it's a medical disorder. It's not the wrong body, it's the right body with a fuckup in the programming.

So you attach the head of a batman LEGO figure to a superman's body. Is it the wrong head or the wrong body?


/u/DarthReeder Thoughts on this? Because there have been people who have died (sometimes because of self inflicting injuries) or suffered from severe mental problems due to not "treating" it.

Body integrity identity disorder

Body integrity identity disorder (BIID, also referred to as amputee identity disorder) is a psychological disorder in which otherwise healthy individuals perceive one or more of their limbs or organs as alien to the rest of their body. BIID is related to xenomelia, "the dysphoric feeling that one or more limbs of one's body do not belong to one's self".

BIID is typically accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs. It also includes the desire for other forms of disability, as in the case of a woman who intentionally blinded herself.

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My thoughts stand.

Children shouldn't even be thinking about sexual identity.

Adults can do as the please.

People should embrace themselves without chemically or physically altering their body.

Children shouldn't even be thinking about sexual identity.

Shouldn't maybe or maybe not but they do especially when they reach puberty. I mean it's not as deep or nuanced but they can experience the effects of Dysphoria. It's a tough one I agree.

my thoughts stand

One of your thot was "let's treat it". So? What kind of treatment? A chemical one? Because transitioning is one of the treatments or do you think transitioning shouldn't be allowed before the age of ~ 18.? Is that it? What if they experience "distress" at an early age? Puberty in the late teens will only exacerbate that.

The problem is a lot more complicated then people make it out it be. The only reason we can talk about it so nonchalantly is because it's not out ass on the line. We're okay with who we are.

You treat it the same way you treat any other personality disorder. You fix the chemical imbalance and use talk therapy to give the sufferer coping tools.

First question, are you a doctor related to this field? Why should I take you word for it?

Are you?

In the process but i won't be anywhere close to this field hence I'm not suggesting treatments or criticizing the methods of others without providing proper proof.

What kind of treatment? A chemical one?

Yes. Treated with zyklon

I gotta admit that i didn't read the whole post, i just saw "Comment below threshold [199 children]" and that was all i needed to know.

and that was all i need to know

God bless! Others (not me lol) should look up to you tbh

Transition helps with (((Gender Dysphoria)))

40% suicide attempt rate among trans who say their quality of life is much improved by their transition.

Imo it's sad, but it's not a fixable problem. HRT and surgery aren't good enough tricks to keep the illusion working, and it's harmful to let kids with GD believe it will.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast confirmed as trashy tranny faggot.

Kids don’t transition tho they take hormone blockers if you don’t like that cool neither do I but please you dumb fucks argue in good conscience

Blocking puberty is a pretty fucking big deal, and often irreversible.

🧝‍♀️ yeah but it makes hot traps

Jesus, Geary's dumb ass is in there shitting up the thread.

Whew, you pissed off the Nick/SRDine posters with this one.

Must be Xmas break somewhere.

This is the best part

"You can't castrate until the balls drop"

Link to an antiquated human practice that did just that.


Edit to summon /u/shonkshonk to explain himself.

Shouldn't you be summoning the other dude?

You are right. Fixed

Also from first para of Wikipedia (my emphases):

Castration is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which an individual loses use of the testicles. Surgical castration is bilateral orchiectomy, and chemical castration uses pharmaceutical drugs to deactivate the testes

You don't 'lose the use' of your testicles by delaying their maturity (like you don't lose the use of money by saving it). You can't deactivate something that hasn't activated. Ergo, blockers aren't castrating anyone.

That's not what you said, kid. You can, in fact, be castrated before your balls drop.

Yes if you cut your balls off - then it is permanent.

But delaying the onset of sexual maturity isn't preventing it. I don't know how to make this clearer

When I read these threads I just have to take deep breaths and remember that it's not the fault of the mentally ill that they want to castrate themselves, but rather it's the fault of those who coddle them and facillitate their self-harm harm delusions.

Bussy in a dress is still bussy, but if you bang the mentally ill, is it rape? A: Who cares.