So has anyone made like a comprehensible review of this Krautism drama? I still don't understand who any of these people are.

14  2017-12-20 by a_normal_human

it looks like it's over, where are my cgi animated korean tv news recaps


Didn't you hear? This is a Craft Vinyl Free Advertising message board now. Please keep your posts on topic! THANKS!

Aw shit, you just overplayed your hand. Here I was convinced you were for reals, too.

As I've said over and over again, I am not Nick. I am someone who cares about the brand.

You people have pretty much devoted 24 straight hours to talking about Craft Vinyl, so the way I see it, this is our board now. This is where you guys come to do your part-time job of advertising for the brand.

I just want to thank you, sincerely. You have made me laugh more in the last few hours than I could have hoped.

You are truly insane.

Nick we are turning over all your /r/drama posts to the Virginia Commonwealth as proof you're not fulfilling your paying customers' orders. Sad you're such a fraud, get to work you junky inbred

I'm not Nick

Nick get to work you deadbeat loser, those orders for your low quality vinyl aren't going to fill themselves. You're clearly not in your opium nods since you're spazzing out all over this board, put that methed up energy to work you hillbilly

It's extremely high quality vinyl, that's why there are SO MANY fans

Nick why are you spending time on /r/drama rather than fulfilling all those paid orders your lazy inbred ass is avoiding. Did you spend all the money for supplies on dope and now you have no product?

As I've said over and over again, I am not Nick. I am someone who cares about the brand.

Whatever you say, Nick.

Looking through your post history, you've devoted more time to this than anyone. How do you have this much free time to devote to Reddit? It's sad. Get some help.

I am not Nick. I am someone who cares about the brand.

So does Nick care about the brand?

Wait until metokur uploads his next video.

not funny anymore

Kraut says alt right are bad, some neuroscientist goes into a video war with him about how race realism is real and can be proven. Kraut begins recruiting THE TOP MINDS OF YOUTUBE to his Discord to finally lay the smack down on the neonazis. Unfortunately, some of them have defected after seeing the evidence and submitted Discord dramalogs to said alt right neuroscientist, revealing Kraut to be raycest against Frenchies. Commence collective ree

It's just french realism, tbh.

It's more like.. The Alt Right says A is true so B.

Kraut says, B isn't true so A isn't true

Actual scientists say B may not be true but A is still true

Kraut spends a month tripling down on being to autistic to understand the difference
