Final update on Alt Right vs Skeptic spat, Alt Right is victorious, Kraut rage quits the internet.

67  2017-12-20 by Oh_hamburgers_

I've kinda lost interest in this but I figure I owe it to you to at least wrap it up.

Part 1 Part 2

The Skeptic Task ForceTM has entirely collapsed. On Monday Kraut uploaded an "apology" video (now deleted, as with all other content on his channel) in which he backstabbed another one of his Task Force members named Zeph and blamed the entire doxxing campaign on him. In the released audio leaks it was made clear this was bullshit and Kraut was fully responsible for attempting to dox the entirety of the "Alt Right" with the help of NYT reporter Amy Harmon. I can't be bothered to find that video clip, but here's a funny short clip in which Zeph admits he is a literal cuck

Yesterday, in a now deleted patreon post as with all of his patreon posts and tweets, Kraut said "I am taking a break from YouTube, possibly forever, I have become a monster in these past few months". I suppose he finally had a crisis of conscience and realized what a piece of shit he was being. It wouldn't be a stretch to say Kraut is on suicide watch after throwing away a YouTube channel with 150k subscribers over some pointless squabble, but let's hope he doesn't keep himself safe.

So that's it, somewhat anticlimactic but sometimes people just realize they're a piece of shit and disappear. The Alt Right folks are taking their victory lap and squeezing every last drop out of this berry and the skeptical Task Force has retreated back into kekistan.


Someone needs to make a "You're getting a lot of mileage out of that gif" gif. 💞

Joke btw :p

Want a GitHub invite to a (fairly leaky, but I’m working on it) shell that will actually output dank maymays on kill yourself instead of an error message? I have a terrible shell, you have gif skills and a pretend gussy—we can make this work, Ed.

Awww! Sure why not but what are we gonna use it for (how too) as I'm 99% of the time on mobile? Plus i can barely make a gif lol. Had to green screen edit this (better quality so I asked for help 😅

Couldn't be bothered to download Adobe Premiere and learn it myself ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Edit: Here's the Ajit Pai cut out .png

Edit: words

Sure why not but what are we gonna use it for (how too) as I'm 99% of the time on mobile?

I literally just wanted a gif where the user actually sends a kill and it doesn’t return an error on yourself. Bugs the shit out of me that the command isn’t/won’t run. 😡

Plus i can barely make a gif lol.

If /u/DrWankalot takes commissions, maybe he and/or you can brainstorm something funny because all I’ve got is the ‘tism and some Chanukah gelt.

username@host:~/bin$ alias kill=/home/username/bin/killy
username@host:~/bin$ cat killy 
ARG=`echo $1|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ "$ARG" = "yourself" ] ; then
    /bin/kill $@
username@host:~/bin$ kill yourself
Do not overtax your powers.

Okay, see, this is why I need to learn some basic shell scripting. Holy fuck was I going the autistic route.

/bin/kill $@ without quoting "$@"

I'd tell you to keep yourself safe, but I see you're already doing a good enough job to eventually get there.

kill doesn't take any parameters where that matters.

Yeah, I too handle wires I know are unpowered nonchalantly while standing barefooted on wet floor, and only train myself to take precautions while handling wires that might be hot.

We could probably go a step further and train a neural net (and somehow integrate it to blockchain of course) that intelligently generates dank maymays when executing it.

train a neural net

What do you think /u/Ed_ButteredToast is?


Oh, right. Good point.

I have a personality okayyy!! 😔

So that's not a bug, it's a feature?



See, there's your problem.

Nah I didn't try powershell.

CMD, PowerShell, same thing amirite.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I was trying to make some sense of the whole Krautism thing on Twitter, but holey shiit I hate twitter, it is buttfuck useless.

I guess we should queue up some alt-right synthwave in celebration.

all I think of when I hear that song are subjects of /r/beholdthemasterrace dancing autistically

I guess we should queue up some alt-right synthwave in celebration.

Huh, TIL neo-Nazi Dance with the Dead is a thing.

And nothing of value was lost.

Any archive of the tweets and video?


The funny part is that it was supposed to be SJW entryism which would destroy the skeptic movement. But the threat was the alt-right? I didn't see that coming!

Please tell me he’s doing a video on K&T.

Should be out today or tomorrow if he'd stop getting in twitter fights.

Metokur would be a lot better if he'd stop getting into retard fights on the internet

Then again, he wouldn't be Metokur

Nvm, change nothing. Godspeed Jim, you goddam beautiful disaster.

Is he still trying to be relevant?

We have an emotional connection, not a sexual one


Everyone involved in this is a horrible person and I hope they die.


A german losing to nazis lol

He's part jew so even more funny.

let's hope he doesn't keep himself safe.

Speak for yourself, bucko.

I dont know who this people are.

Ain't no drama like a youtube drama cus a youtube drama don't stop!