Nick's Daily Lifehacks: Always require payment for your child sex slaves in pennies, which can then be used at the DMV

24  2017-12-20 by starship_litterbox


Looks like one of (((them))) scurrying away with his shekles.

Oh look, a jealous snowflake is jealous! Hi snowflake!

Oh look, must be lunch time. Say hi to Jamie and Steve in the faculty lounge for me!

I know nothing about any of this other than clicking on one link in this thread, but it's still painfully obvious you're this "Nick" guy from Crafty Vinyl or whatever it is. So, like, what's the deal? Do you actually pay for child sex slaves with pennies or is it a money order or what? A wheelbarrow of pennies is only, like, a few hundred or so, right? Maybe $1000? Sounds like you're not getting top of the line child sex slaves at those prices.

DADDY!!! :-D

Hahahahahaha LOL just kidding. But he's the best!

I wanna lube up his bald head and shove it up my ass

*H O T *

Is his just usual retardation, or is there an injoke I don't know about going on here?


OOPS. Here is the real rundown

The Rundown

What is this craft vinyl about?


that explains everything, thank you.

Actually I fucked up. Here is the rundown

The Rundown