Autist pays DMV using pennies only

72  2017-12-20 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


This, but unironically.


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One hopes you are not threatening me young man because it will not go well for you if you are. You dig. I will find out who you are, where you are and I will report you to your local precinct it is against the law to CYBERBULLY on the internet - period. Take your posts down or deal with the cops.

I will report you to your local precinct it is against the law

Jokes on you, Nick has been reported to the authorities.

That is actually very fumy.


Perhaps. But individuals and companies can refuse to accept your legal tender as payment. They can make their own policy on what is acceptable.

No, they can't. It's 100% legal tender for debts public and private. If you don't accept cash it's not a legal debt.

That's....just not true at all and a 10 second google search will prove otherwise.

Private businesses can refuse cash, but cash is 100% legal for creditors. Meaning if you owe a debt, they must accept cash as payment. Otherwise good luck taking them to court. But it's printed on every dollar bill. Of course your fake google search tells you federal law is bullshit.

Quick! Someone repost this thread for meta drama!

Hard to not feel sympathy for the guy in the article, just was asking where he should pay his taxes and the DMV refused to answer until required by FOIA request.

TBF they were wondering why someone claiming to be Jessica, an attorney in France, was trying to pay Nick's bill.

Not enough drama tho, which means it's perfect for /r/drama.

The Bristol Herald Courier estimated that Stafford spent just over US$1,000 to prove his point,

Sounds like someone didn't get a Christmas bonus that year.

Long story long. A lockermate in high school claimed a deal we made on a walkman ($80 paid upfront) was "my dad said that is not enough you owe me $20 to make it a hundred wah". I thought that was retarded, so ended up going to 6 or 7 banks buying up their penny rolls.

I lugged the 12 pounds to the locker early and broke em all open on the locker floor, moving my shit to an empty locker elsewhere.

Can you believe that fucker claimed I owed him 18 cents due to some sliding through due the floor separating from the sides allowing some to be unrecoverable?

what religion was he?

Dont know. He smoked the cheeb but was somewhat cleancut now that you mention it
