The key to milking a lolcow is to also be able to recognize when the udder is dry and needs a break.

18  2017-12-20 by pwpas


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Yeah but there's plenty o' milk left in my balls so I'm good to go. 2% of all milk contains semen.

Ugh, is that true?

Not really semen, but supposedly there's a significant amount of pus around 2% because of the machinery used to milk cows. The upside is that it increases my immune system and sexual virility.

a significant amount of pus

Untrue, somatic cells are just 'foreign cells', not automatically pus.

And never forget that all fruit and vegetables has insect and animal piss, shit, jizz and hairs on it. Safer to eat nothing but meat. You can't live without blood so obviously the foods with the most blood are best for you.

Pus is the new oysters!

Only if you're milking bulls.. don't milk bulls son.


oy goy don't be coy, it's time to enjoy the soy

Upvote autists and lolcows.

Downvote serious posters and those gatekeeping the lolcows.

/u/pwpas milk nick dry or serious post with the SRDines but above all else keep yourself safe.

How does one tell if something is a seriouspost? Not everyone is a retard that takes shit seriously if there isn't the /s at the end.

If you don't like or disagree with a post it is a seriouspost.

I'm icyhat and I approve this message!

Upvote everyone but /u/ed_butteredtoast and u/pizzashill (mommy defense force)

U got it!

Let me love you (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)

If u muts

Yay! <3

You supposed to milk them until they stop coming to the milking shed you idiot. Then you go out into the pasture, find the skeleton and then make an "Old but Gold" nostalgia post in their memory, largely in the hopes that the salt will resurrect them for Round 2.

We scared off /u/prince_kropotkin :(