can we get new flairs

16  2017-12-20 by Mamalgam

How can it be that in 2017 there is no Trump flair on r/drama? No Rachel Dolezal? Harvey Weinstein? But not only are "topical" flairs lacking, there's also a massive shortage of flairs in general. Like come on, a monster energy flair, but no Star of David?? How are we supposed to convert goys if we don't even have to necessary (((jew)))elry? VERY DISAPPOINTED


If you want avatars and signature art you need to find a different forum.

Goddamn weaboo degenerate wypipo.

no flair ubermensch get in here

Who uses Reddit with stylesheets turned on?

Can't force that CSS crap on mobile 😎

No vinyl flair :(

I never used a flair because I feel that none of them do a good job of displaying both my South Park Neutrality AND my desire for mayocide. Obviously there are good choices for one or the other (autism flair and autism speaks flair respectively) but I really need one for both.

I'm very content with mine 😇

your pasta isn't even that good tbh

It's not supposed to be.

my flair is the only correct flair. Greatest country on earth baby


Yay Nick!

Get back to shitposting, Nick

Good right now

+ trashy flairs

+ homo flairs


- lack of eurohomo flairs

- lack of slavic flairs

After lpc left, adding new flairs became impossible because the rest of us are dumb as shit.

Ah, that explains why my brilliant suggestion was ignored. So many nights wasted crying and cutting myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i'd add it if I knew how to work the sprite sheet :(

can't you dial down the mental deficiencies for a bit?

Because /r/drama mods are computer dumb and can't CSS

I'd like to request a burger.

If we don't see a craft vinyl army flair soon we're going to riot