Petition to the EPA: Outlaw the sales of vinyl

102  2017-12-20 by starship_litterbox


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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I've never been more proud to put my name on something


You underestimate us Nic

This is gonna be the next Love Canal, we're just getting started.

Hey, /u/bjt23, someone made a reference that we get!

Me too. Have added my story about Nic making me feel icky when he allegedly sodomized those orphans at the pizza party he threw in the movie room basement at his palatial suburban hideaway

Fuck I knew I had seen that place somewhere else on the internet

He touched me too

As long as you carefully read ALL ofthe instruction and followed his simple directions, without ever ever contacting him for any reason whatsoever, then thats what you get.

Well, there is also this

You just made me sign it.

This is wonderful.

Should I sign on behalf of my good friends from the Stafford family?

I signed it. Match me!

Don't sign it's a Big Vinyl psyop data harvesting research scheme.

heres how latex can still win

Signed. I advise everyone to sign this. It will make the world better and make Jessica sperg really hard.

And here I thought vinyl was making a comeback over digital formats

Can a mod sticky this?

I really wish someone would unironically summarize this whole drama.

Some business owner had a tantrum about people wanting their orders on a reasonably timely manner, it was posted in /r/BusinessTantrums and the owner had another sperg out.

If you really want to read through it, here you go.

Personally, I think that /u/CraftyGirlJessica is just an /r/drama user pretending, and while the alleged account of the business owner in /r/BusinessTantrums doesn't seem as fake, I would have thought that the owner (Nick) would have dedicated a video or at least a page on his website to us.

I'm not sure if the posts in the aforementioned link talk about this, but Nick (the actual one, not the fake reddit account) is pretty bad-tempered and crazy. Read through those first though, before continuing.

Absurd terms and conditions on his website

He bought multiple domains to try and stop people from making anti-websites (for example,

His YouTube channel, where he rants about multiple customers

Example of such a rant, but in text, on his website

Him going to the DMV and paying them in hundreds of thousands of pennies

Video of him bringing the pennies into the DMV to pay

Him being reported for his crimes

I'm also pretty sure it's someone from within r/drama. Why else would the spergouts be targeted here? The perpetrator has three qualities:

  • Intelligence - Enough to stay in character at least. That's not saying a whole lot, but it rules out some of the tards here.
  • Autism - Someone had to put a hell of a lot of effort into this and not get bored of it.
  • Energy - It takes a lot of time and effort to post dozens of times in a couple days.

Come clean bb. This was the greatest bamboozle of all and you deserve a medal for it.

Tbh it's really good drama. If you want some good sperg tantrum reading material check out the Facebook page

No blood for vinyl!

Signed. Doing my part to protect the children. /u/CraftyGirlJessica can you say the same?

Signed. Glad this is the last thing I could contribute to you in the year of our lord 2017

I need a ten page report on how this won't adversley affect skanks before I'm in.