Half naked girls get thousands of upvotes, how many can we get for our boy in blue?

64  2017-12-21 by CraftyGirlJessica


Please u/craftygirljessica never leave this message board

I won't! Love that we've finally created a SNOWFLAKE-FREE ZONE!!!


Wait, you're leaving?

You are far to easily amused.

I thought you were leaving

I can't, my fans love me too much!!!

Too bad no one is buying your shitty vinyl.

You literally haven't left reddit all day. Don't you have French lawyer model things to do? Or like a family? Or do you live alone in the back of a trailer until uncle Nic calls for you?

All he does is 'munch on popcorn' all day & lurk Reddit for shitposts to turn into the FBI ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

this is probably just another one of Ed's alts

Is this u/annoysthegoys after a trip to the public fountain?

Reported for doxx

Upvotes? none.

Half-naked girls? Eww. Bussy only plz.

Nick preparing to hit the strip club.

Make it hail