Traaaanny mods trigger their entire subreddit by banning anime memes

0  2017-12-21 by FatalistVerdi


user reports:
6: It's rude, vulgar or offensive
2: surplus autism
2: It's targeted harassment at someone else
1: This is spam
1: using NP
1: white people nonsense
1: transphobia
1: Np

All these serious reports? Lmao, fucking tourists.

Are you suggesting np is not a serious offence?

I'm suggesting people who use the default suggestions should feel ashamed.

Agreed, but still keep yourself safe.

Why are 99% of trannies MtF? Proof traps are actually just gay?

A woman would have to be pretty dumb to give up their privilege.

"You know what, I want to buy all my own drinks, put effort into getting laid, get told to shut the fuck up when I cry and have literally no one care if I get knocked the fuck out. All for an extra 70c/hr. Seems like a fair trade."

The 70c/hr difference is meaningless anyway because it doesn't account for women, on average, choosing lower paying careers. No employer in their right mind would hire men if they could have a woman do the same job for less money.

Maybe, maybe not. Women do have an annoying tendency to get knocked up and leave the workforce, which must be particularly annoying when you've spent so much time hiring and training them. This is why there should be a wage gap, roasties.

Maybe give them a choice then - lower wage but they still get to fuck off when they get knocked up and inevitably can't remember who the father is so end up on welfare, or sterilise them and pay them more.

god you incels are sad lol

Everyone you don't like is Incels. Absolutely correct.

that actually isn't true, but they do have a much higher representation on reddit

Yeah, but most of those are teens who are just doing it to be edgy. Very few of them are actually serious about it.

most "transtrenders" are nonbinary anyway, not ftm

And there sexuality. Funny how close to 20% teens say they are gay/bisexual and less than 10% of adults. It's almost as if teens are talking out of their asses most of the time.

close to 20% teens say they are gay/bisexual and less than 10% of adults

are you talking about current teens and current adults or is this a multi year study? because obviously current teens are going to be more likely to admit to non-heterosexual thoughts due to being raised in a society where there's less of a stigma.

They've been asking the same questions for more than 40 years. It's been pretty consistent. I'll see if I can find the latest one. The only real shift has been the number of over 30 women who are openly bi-sexual.

It's been pretty consistent

The stigma's been pretty consistent, 'till recently.

Not really and it isn't a stigma that will ever go away.

and it isn't a stigma that will ever go away

There's been plenty of societies without the stigma.

There have been plenty of societies where homosexual activities were not stigmatized, but none where it's been normalized.

The stigma could therefore go away.

The stigma of having sex with the same sex for fun? Sure, the stigma of dedicating your life to a same sex relationship? probably not.

probably not.

Why? You keep making this assumption, but what makes you think that? If the stigma can be lessened (stigma that is wholly dependant on environment), it can exponentially lessen through a few generations until it's completely gone.

Because it is not (and never will be) the norm. Unless a cataclysmic shift happens and men and women are not necessary for the production of offspring, it’s not possible.

Because it is not (and never will be) the norm. Unless a cataclysmic shift happens and men and women are not necessary for the production of offspring, it’s not possible.

I'm asking WHY. Things that seem immutable to some cultures are literally completely the opposite in others. Property and land were seemingly immutably communal for thousands of years of human history, but now private property seems equally immmutable. You can't just say "it'll never be the norm" without a very concrete reason.

Property theory is not critical to the continuation of the human species. 95%+ of people are born heterosexual and people tend to always pick on outsiders. The thought that this part of the human condition will cease is not logical.

I’m on mobile and out finishing up my Christmas shopping. I’ll try to clarify more later.

The "critical to the continuation" bit isn't relevant. Your whole idea rests on this--

people tend to always pick on outsiders

If that's the case, then do you reckon it's impossible for racism to disappear if there's ever a race in a demographic majority?

Human nature is shaped by environment. What you think is right or wrong, what you think is normal-- it's all from your parents and from society. If the outward image you see in the media and from your family is the normalization of something-- for instance, diversity and multiculturalism, it will seem completely natural. This is entirely possible. Saying that either environment doesn't impact "human nature" enough to lead to such normalization, or that our environment can never grow to such a normalization is illogical. If environment can grow to and dictate such things for any other range of ideas, there's no reason that can't be the case for gay relationships.

This particular perception in human existence isn't any more sacred or special than any other one environment dictates, so it can be changed and bent over time just like any other.

If that's the case, then do you reckon it's impossible for racism to disappear if there's ever a race in a demographic majority?

Yes, as long as there are different factions (race, religion, nationalities, ect) there will be people who are all in for their side.

Human nature is shaped by environment. What you think is right or wrong, what you think is normal-- it's all from your parents and from society.

Here's the old nature vs nurture argument and you just put all your coins in the nurture pile. If that's true, that nurture is the sole factor to why we behave the way we do, then it's a really simple solution. Find out what causes homosexuality and remove it from our society.

But that wouldn't work because we are a combination of natural impulses and societal influences. Societies have tried (really hard I might add) to cull certain mentalities out, it doesn't work. The primordial brain, our instincts will dictate certain things. Our base consciousness tells us to survive and propagate the species. It tells us other things as well, but those are two examples of base instincts.

If the outward image you see in the media and from your family is the normalization of something-- for instance, diversity and multiculturalism, it will seem completely natural.

I feel like I'm retreading old material, but that only goes so far. You will also have a good 25-30% of the population that will view it with skepticism from the word jump. Tribalism is alive and well in our subconscious.

Edit: That's all I have time for at the moment, I'll be back in a bit. I am getting the feeling that you completely discount evolutionary psychology. Would you say that is correct?

Here's the old nature vs nurture argument and you just put all your coins in the nurture pile.

Sorry, I don't believe nurture is the only power at play. Nature is also an important factor, but it's nowhere near as significant. Nature is only relevant where it affects how a person percieves and interprets environment.

then it's a really simple solution. Find out what causes homosexuality and remove it from our society.

There are biological causes of homosexuality-- people are born gay.

You will also have a good 25-30% of the population that will view it with skepticism from the word jump.

And after generations and generations of the same outward image? Yeah, obviously not everyone would agree with the outward image when it's first put up-- but after generations of the same image, children will become more and more distanced from the perceptions that go against the image until they are effectively completely gone.

I am getting the feeling that you completely discount evolutionary psychology. Would you say that is correct?

No, I just don't think it's relevant. The instinct to "survive and propagate the species" only applies to the self. It doesn't apply to, "my instincts tell me those people over there should be fucking and having children!" That's a second-level thought derived from the instinct-- and those are affected greatly by environment. If you don't think "they should be fucking and having kids" when you see a guy and a gal, it's because your environment hasn't lead you to think that way.

The instinct doesn't apply to outside perceptions of homosexual relationships-- only second-level thoughts and up do. The perception of homosexual relationships is just like any other idea. It isn't sacred or special, and is affected by environment just like any other idea.

It sounds to me like you are assuming that under perfect conditions (and a lot of social conditioning) it would be possible for everyone to accept homosexuality as being as normal as heterosexuality... in a few hundred years.

I think that's about as likely as communism being successful and for the same reasons. People are most concerned with themselves and their tribes. I guess we just are going to have to disagree on this, but it's been nice talking with you.

Not necessarily social conditioning, not sure where you got that. Just social progression. Things've come a long way, in terms of societal acceptance of gay people in the West. There's no reason to believe the trajectory won't keep going upward at this point. The environment is just becoming more and more accepting.

Nice talking with you, mate.

Pretty GD normalized in Ancient Greece. It's totally possible.

Not really, the idea of having some fun with another man was normal, but not a relationship. That’s where the chasm is .

That's a very arbitrary line to draw, mate.

Not really, it makes a kind of sense. Not that it isn't weird (it is), but that was the way it worked in ancient Greece. It's still very much that way in the middle east. Adult men will have a young man that is an apprentice and he will give the younger man business (or farming) experience and the young man will be his sexual companion on the side. It's an open secret. I find it really weird, but it is what it is.

I said "consistent," not "non-existant." It's still there, but significantly lessened (in the West, at least) compared to just a generation ago. It'll lessen even more in time.


Imagine typing this garbage non ironically in [CURRENT YEAR+2]

in 2019 i wager it will be even more common, so i guess you've got that to look forward to ;)

and there's nothing you can do to stop it

right wing chucklefucks may have the power, but ideologically they're vastly outnumbered

LOL the [CURRENT YEAR] is 2016 mong. That's when John "Crooked Teeth" Oliver went on his rant about Trump.

And just remember, at the end of the day you're a tranny, you're literally mentally ill. I'm only autistic. Autism hasn't caused me to mutilate my body. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

LOL the [CURRENT YEAR] is 2016 mong

the meme actually started in 2015 lol, but sometimes people just use it to mean the actual current year. don't try to out-meme me.

And just remember, at the end of the day you're a tranny, you're literally mentally ill.

maybe according to you but not according to medical consensus sooooo

although i do have depression which is a mental illness so you get partial credit there


which is outdated and has been replaced by more accurate information as our collective knowledge of psychology has improved

or are you also going to argue that homosexuality is a paraphilia because the DSM-II said so? 🤔

Well homosexuality certainly serves no useful reproductive purpose, so would that really be so inaccurate?

blue eyes serves no useful reproductive purpose. that's not what defines a mental illness, fucking lol

The only real point of biological life is to reproduce, so yes - I think so.

well that's just fucking stupid. imma blow your mind here - there's no "point" of biological life, it just is. mother nature isn't a sentient being creating lifeforms so that they will procreate, it just happens that some of them do and some of them don't, and the ones that are better at it will end up dominating. that isn't good or bad or whatnot, it just is.

therefore the definition of mental illness is entirely subjective, and we define it only as something that impairs a person's life. it's pointless to define homosexuality as a mental illness because meh, they're not gonna have any children, but who gives a shit?

But without reproduction it just isn't.

Blow your own mind and my stinky little chode while you're at it.

But without reproduction it just isn't.

and? my point was that just because something is what life tends to do, doesn't mean it's somehow more "correct" than the alternative. why is reproducing objectively good?

I'm not saying that anything's right or wrong, rather that a person's sole biological function is to reproduce and further their bloodline. If somebody chooses not to do that then you could go as far as to say that it's natural selection, weeding out that particular behavioural trait.

then why hasn't natural selection weeded out gay people?

your own logic proves you wrong here

Homosexuality hasn't been publicly accepted for all that long really. Historically gay men would still get married and have children (I assume the same for women too).

Nowadays it's much less likely that a gay person will have genetic children, so perhaps over an extended period of time homosexuality will die out.

Historically gay men would still get married and have children

OK, but what about pre-society, when humans, like other animals, were ruled almost entirely by natural impulses? Surely back then gay people would just not procreate, because they didn't feel the need to?

So we're talking a solid 150k+ years of gay people not reproducing before we get to the era where there's a social stigma and they feel the need to get married etc as a cover.

Fair question. I think we can agree that strict homosexuality means the end of your genetic lineage, so you can only really conclude that either:

  • strict homosexuality did not exist in those times and is the result of evolution/mutation

  • or homosexuality is entirely down to nurture rather than nature

and stop editing your posts after i've replied, faggot

Wondered how long it would take before you just resorted to calling someone a faggot.

Homosexuality exists in other species and has for a LONG time. It's not really a genetic trait, and your argument is basically that there is a gay/trans Gene just like eye or hair color when that has been proven false several times.

i r dumdum and wat is reedin?

I said that it's either a genetic trait which has evolved/mutated or it's all down to nurture.

Either way, you can blame your parents I guess bb x

And you can blame yours for raising a complete that who gets off on insulting people on the internet. Have fun with trying to get toped by that's trans model too bb

And you can blame yours for raising a complete that who gets off on insulting people on the internet.

Fair. They tried their best but it just wasn't good enough.

Have fun with trying to get toped by that's trans model too bb

Thanks. Do you think she'll like it if I DM her a dick pic on Twitter and ask if she's pre-op?

I didn't realize what sub I was in my B

strict homosexuality did not exist in those times and is the result of evolution/mutation

considering there's evidence of homosexuality from the very start of recorded history, it seems rather unlikely that it would just start being a thing at exactly the same time people started writing things down


  • strict homosexuality did not exist...

  • or homosexuality is entirely down to nurture

Perhaps our predecessors were less degenerate and, despite going through a gay phase and having a really awkward experience with their childhood best friend, ultimately sucked it up (their feelings, not sperm before you get any ideas) and followed their biological imperative to have children.

homosexuality is a paraphilia

TL;DR but just skimmed glad we agree on something

So, I know this sub is absolute garbage for real discussion, but I'm going to try anyway.

Can you explain what non binary... is? I understand the idea of being transgender, as in being MtF or FtM, but I really don't get what a non binary gender would be... isn't that more akin to a personality? (I know that's common altright phrasing, I'm just trying to understand the experience as much as I can and asking questions that may help me get past the mental blocks keeping me from understanding)

I try to be very open and understanding, but that's just one thing where... I guess I just can't begin to fathom it because a binary gender is something that is just ingrained into my mind, but I just don't get it.

some people experiment with their identity when they're teens. it's a normal part of growing up.

People have been dressing androgynous or with elements of the opposite sex for a long time.

It's only recently they needed special pronouns to feel unique and important. It's obviously a trend.

but the whole "you're making it up for attention" thing is bullshit anyway, it's exactly what people said about gay teens a decade or so ago.

I'm all for transpeople living their lives as they want to, but you can't just suggest that transtrenders don't exist. It is a common way for kids to rebel and carve out their own identity now, especially given that most fashion and music-based subcultures are no longer distinct from mainstream culture anymore. Also, when I was in high school about a decade ago, there were a good deal of my peers who were experimenting with people of the same sex for reasons or other that didn't up being related to their sexuality. This doesn't invalidate the existence of GSA people at all, it just means that kids will follow whatever paths are culturally available to figure out who they are and differentiate themselves from others. It's an important part of growing up.

"finally, I can excuse all my meek pathetic ways because I'm a delicate lotus flower!'

Traps are gay and so are you.

/u/DeepStateNine /u/Werty894 /u/AnalogFresh many trannies use that sub as an outlet to vent and cope with abuse. How did you decide your feelings on types of shitposts are more important than the hundreds of trannies in that calling you out who will mow definitely commit suicide?

For the record calling us “trannies” is equivalent to calling a black person the N word. Please don’t refer to us that way.

For the record calling us “trannies” is equivalent to calling a black person the N word.

The fuck lmao... Yeah it's not equivalent. Trannies weren't captured, chained bellow decks in a ship like sardines then forced into slave labor for the rest of their lives. Just because you don't like a word doesn't make it equivalent to being called a nigger.

You are completely missing the point here, but I’m not going argue the etymology of that word. But your right being gay or trans didn’t result in us being enslaved hundreds of years ago. We were just flat out killed.

Expected as much from you honestly.

Oh boy. You really gonna try and one up slavery? Where do you compare on the oppression scale? Are you one below holocaust victims?

Lol, you must really like playing the “whose got the bigger dick” game?

You probably, lol

Fuck off troll.

Am I still a faggot if we have sex?

Small dicks need not apply.

I'm a bottom so it should be fine babes xx

Aww so am I disappointing 😭. You were getting me all excited.

I'll still accepts pics any time honey xx


Yo where are you guys coming from btw

Don’t fuck with the trans community. We will hunt you down, we will find you, and then we will throw glitter in your face.

Post bussy pls


But you're the one playing the “whose got the bigger dick” oppression Olympic game... You just compared getting insulted to being called a racist slur you dimwit.

Sure thing hunnie.

Nah, he's right. You are a retarded faggot.


That'd be condescending if I acknowledged you as a woman. I don't though so it's just funny.

Okay look, I'm going to jump into this without the comparison to the "N" word. Because I agree that's false equivalence.

Originally "tranny" was used to refer to transvestites. It's most often used nowadays as a slut to refer to trans women to mock and demean us. And having myself been screamed at on the street, fired from my job, and lost relationships with family for being trans, someone throwing "tranny" around to top it off is an unnecessarily low blow for someone already in a really difficult situation just trying to make it through. Not trying to compare oppression points or play "more victimized than thou", I just think it's shitty in general to go out of your way to mock people in a difficult position.

Maybe that gives you a bit of empathy. Maybe not. But I figured I'd write this out anyway in a good faith attempt to explain.

Have you tried dabbing on them haters 👋 👳🏿

Maybe next time someone yells a slur at me I should just shout, "THAT WAS LIT, FAM." Then run off screaming "reeee".

I suppose I do that whenever anyone talks to me, though.

In all honesty just PM your address, I'm looking for a qt 3.14 gf (male) to cuddle with these holidays, I'll make it all okay ;0

These are good points I took out the slur.

I appreciate it!

Better than the "I'm mentally ill and chopped off my dick" game

Awwwww, poor guy tranny

thought you were a girl?

Some girls got dicks.

girls have cunts men have dicks. you, a faggot, might have some body dysmorphia issues going on but it’s pretty simple.

if you have a cock you’re a boy. if you don’t you’re. a girl. i really hope you two don’t have a kid. gonna be just another waste and drain on society.

You are confusing gender with assigned biological sex. Though similar terms they are very different and incorrectly used in place with each other.

Lol we have a kid and he is 3.

We are happily married for 6 years.

It’s called dysphoria, not dysmorphia.

I am a successful computer programmer that makes more money in one year than you do in 5.

Fuck off bigot.

there are two sexes. male and female, you are born as one. if your faggot demented mind thinks you’re a woman great, but you are still a man. just an uneducated dumb fuck.

i’m in sales and can promise i make more than you do. you are a cost center im a profit center. also i’m not a delusional retard so i’m confident my social skills are higher than yours.

you should skip the therapist and take a bio 101 class. take a break from installing wordpress themes for a day and realize how fucking delusional you are.

happy holidays, i’ll be hoping you lose your child to CPS. cheers!

imagine unironically bragging about your job on /r/drama.

to someone whos ostensibly a lolcow as well.

keep yourself very safe freindo.

kys as well

Check the sticky post.

it’s funny posting. kys

It really is not.

so as a mod of mayocide when i day KYS to you, you think i’m serious posting?

you’re almost as autistic as ed. chill

The sub > you. And banning you is as simple as copying and pasting your name into a box.

By the way, is /u/TweetsInCommentsBot banned from /r/drama? I don't see it post here.

Nope, not on the ban list as far as I can see.

yep. i definitely won’t just make new gmail accounts. your authority is super impressive :)

You'd expend time and effort making more Gmail accounts just to come on /r/Drama? Jesus christ, you're an embarrassment.

yes it’s drama we are all embarrassments agreed. kys plZ

Imagine being this angry because of trans people.

/r/islam is that way, friendo.

Sales lol what couldn’t even graduate with a history degree? Let me guess you’re on the phone selling cable in a call center? You sell the product I make bitch. Maybe if you had any real skills other than shooting smoke up somebodies ass you could actually do something with your life other than spout your hate and ignorance online.

I feel sorry for you. At least I have comfort in knowing you have to keep your own miserable company for the rest of your life.

you crack me up. i got a cs degree was a wage slave bitch like you. transitioned to sales engineering and doubled my salary and halved my hours in 3 years.

enjoy being an expendable cost sink at every job you have. you also don’t make a god damn thing, you maintain enterprise or small systems like a cube monkey. you are replaceable with the snap of a finger.

that’s the problem with most devs. you pigeon hole yourself as a programmer. you dumb fuck. you provide solutions to business problems. no ceo cares what stack you fucking use, they want to know if you can reduce their expenses or increase their profits. but you’re too autistic to see that.

can not wait until your wife divorces your faggot ass and your kid ends up being a complete waste of life.

Can we just stop fighting and fuck already. You’ve got me all hot and bothered now.

-tries to brag about being a coding monkey

-realizes he is a cost center and dispensable

-tries being funny to cover his shortcomings

you have a serious cognitive dissonance issue. born with a cock but identifying as a women. seriously if you aren’t a troll i pity your child. seek help.

I’m just really tired of fighting you. Just don’t understand how somebody can have so much overt hate just because I exist. Feel bad for everybody here and everybody in general that has to put up with this crap.

lol too tired you actually might be a woman because you complain just like one. enjoy your delusional life babe

As long as you aren’t in it I’m great.

i was born as a male but identify someone as someone who haunts your dreams. can’t believe you’re such a bigot against my life choices.


fuck you cunt i’m definitely not angry

Relax trap. Is your child an attack helicopter?

Nope, still men, and remember - the rest of the world sees you as still men too.

considering that trans folks were literally holocaust victims, yeah

I had spelled Sexualwissenschaft wrong

Well that's not surprising. I'm surprised it can be spelled right.

Eh, German is German. It's just a compound word: Sexual-wissenschaft; I had used "sexuell" instead which is closer to "sexy" than an academic term. Sexy science does sound kind of fun, but the name of the place translates directly to the Institute for Sex Science.

Well, my dad was a Serb and Serbs took a ride on the Holocoaster too. Where's my parade?


Okay, sweaty, three things:

1) No gibanica, you may as well eat Cro*t food.

2) I've heard Cleveland is a shithole, I don't want to get stabbed in the arse for walking down the wrong side of the street.

3) I don't even live in the Northern Hemisphere, let alone Clapistan. That's way too much time and effort for some measly gibs.

Do your own goddamn research if you have unspoken requirements. I gave you everything you asked for.

Hey, my peoples' bodies were LITERALLY being Shoah'd in the street, also we got fucked by the Turks. If that doesn't justify free gibanica then I don't know what does.

FUCK you, Cleveland is a wonderful city.

But your right being gay or trans didn’t result in us being enslaved hundreds of years ago. We were just flat out killed.

Tranicide? It doesn't really have the same ring as mayocide. PASS

Maybe it was just a transmission?

Could be, I blew a tranny while pullin' out with a big load on I-80 once

Didn't watch my RPM

That sounds like quite the transit.

We were just flat out killed.

If you have evidence of trannies being oppressed : "look how oppressed we are!"

If you have absolutely no evidence : "it's because we were straight up killed!"

What about black trannies? Yah poked a huge fucking hole in your logic right there.

Is "it" serious

Referring to anyone as an "it" is awful no matter who you refer to

What's a more appropriate term then? "Thing"?

Think for just one moment here. Do you think anyone would want to be referred to as an "it" or a "thing"? That's literally dehumanizing, as those terms are only used for things that are non-human. What seems to be the most accepted pronoun to refer to either gender neutral people or people unsure of their gender by is "they/them". While technically those words refer to a group of people, in vernacular English, it can be used to refer to a single person without reference to their gender.

Them is second person you utter moron, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Edit: Never mind you post in r/neoliberal, a subreddit where 18-24 year olds have co-opted a far right ideology and pretended it's centrist or even left wing so they can post in the discussion friend as a substitute for real life interactions

Them is third person

So is he? So is she? Maybe learn grammar before arguing it?

Where are you low IQ virgins coming from anyway

"waah waah I'm an idiot that hasn't learned grammar and is choosing to rile people up instead of being a decent human being, now I'm getting called on it so I'm just going to insult people"

What the actual fuck are thing talking about?

Hey, you're not a thing! Does someone need a hug?

I'll accept your hug only if I can fondle your feminine penis 😈

Sorry, I've got a boyfriend, plus I'm not interested in people who consider other people "things" and "it"

I was just uneducated :((((((((((( but I'm willing to learn ;)

Hey, back off my GF, asshole.

Sharing is caring honey ;)

I'm an idiot that hasn't learned grammar and is choosing to rile people up instead of being a decent human being

Do you know where you are?

r/neoliberal far right Pretending to be left wing

That's hilarious. Anyways, yes, if you refer to someone or something non-directly, then yeah it's going to be third person. "He", "she", "him", "her", "they", "them", "it" are all third person, so I don't see what your point is

Hayek called the first meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society (the foundation of neoliberalism) to discuss how to combat the rise of Marxism and Keynesianism

Sounds rather far right to me

Wanting to combat the rise of Marxism is far right? Lmao

Imagine being so utterly btfo you resort to this.

Please start spouting your shitty memes whenever someone criticises you now


No like seriously how is wanting to combat the rise of Marxism far right? Literally every us president in the cold war must have been far right then

Can I see your feminine penis :3

You're dense.

DAMMIT! I just want a ride on your disco stick :(

tfw you say someone has bad memes then use le trap penis meme from last year

It's not a meme. I literally want you to fuck me.

haha le funny memester doubles down and jokes that he actually is completely serious! Faggot liberal owned! Compilation (2015)

I am literally gay though.

I'm queer.

I'm gay.

I'm homosexual.

I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce.

I'm a bumboy, baddieboy, backside artist, bugger.

I'm bent.

I am that arsebandit.

I lift those shirts.

I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener.

I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom.

I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks.

I fuck and I am fucked.

I suck and I am sucked.

I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life.

I disagree. Trannies are an it because they’re no longer man or woman. They’re just an it. It speaks. It thinks. It wears panties. It brigades into a troll haven.

Ok retard

Ohhhhhh no it tried to hurt my feelings! 😫

More just dismiss them. And I'm not a tranny

Dost mother know thou protest overly much?

Ok retard

Eat shit

God uppity trannies need to learn their place. I’d ask you to post bussy but meh.

Oh please daddy! I need to be put in my place. I’ve been a bad bad girl and need you to teach me a lesson. Just make sure it hurts or I might have to get on top and teach you a lesson.

Oh please I like the quiet trannies. Talk to Uncle Rosie or Daddy Trump on learning your place.

But do be useful and make /r/Ed_ButteredToast a BLT. And use the special sauce bby.

I’ve been a bad bad girl



Yea, I agree. She's actually been a pretty good girl. Not naughty in the slightest.

Whats up with all the tranny communists? You guys do realize that in order for your ideology to work, everyone needs to share all the resources available including medical.

After your glorious revolution happens, do you really think people are going to be down to have their pooled medical resources going towards cutting off your dicks and giving you hormones to grow tits?

I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist.

everyone needs to share all the resources available including medical.

State distributes resources as per computer calculation, democracy, and supply-and-demand.

do you really think people are going to be down to have their pooled medical resources going towards SRS and HRT?

Well, yea, that's a given. X% of resources will be allocated to national healthcare. SRS and HRT is included under healthcare.
All processes and most things are are produced today will be pretty much the same under socialism-- it's just the way things are produced and allocated that'll be different.

I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist.

Why are you giving more evidence that trannies are retarded?

I've always wondered whether or not transphobes were lobotomized right out of the womb-- but I guess it's pretty obvious. Yea.

So are nigger trannies like super offended?

Too bad it’s illegal to castrate horrible people like you. Jesus I hope you don’t have children, last thing I need is to have my tax money spent on food stamps for inbreed sheep fuckers like you.

Look at this guy, what a fucking bigot he is.

Oh did I hurt your little snowflake feelings :( . Do I need to hand you a wet wipe so you can get the sand out of your vagina?

You're really....really really really bad at this. No wonder you want to be a woman, you'll fit right in with those retards.

Think somebody is butt hurt. Bet you like it cause you keep coming back for more.

Look at this guy, he's like totally thrown the argument back onto me! He's like a wizard with words and every time I reply it only further validates his opinion!

Oh wait, we're not in elementary school and that's now how it works.

Lol I’m just having fun. Trolling bigots is my guilty pleasure.

Trolling bigots is my guilty pleasure.

Liar, your guilty pleasure is pretending to be a woman.

Seemed like he was trolling you. That said, these Milo fans need to be exterminated inshallah. He’s probably 15

People who don't buy into your delusions aren't bigots. No one sees transwomen as actual women, hence why we say transwomen.

Thanks for pissing off our resident middle schoolers, it's a pleasant sight to behold. :)

Anytime anytime. Thinking about stopping by on a weekly bases now just to make sure you all have a trans girl around to piss everybody off.

You're more than welcum, but it's not a understandable if you don't want to. This sub is really weird about transpeople for some reason. Whenever there's a thread about the topic, people come crawling out of the woodwork to soapbox about how they're horrible or w/e. I honestly don't get it.

We prefer real ones

A day late, but please do.

This sub needs diversity in trolling.

Do I need to hand you a wet wipe so you can get the sand out of your vagina?

Odd that you'd go for that insult, given that you will never have an actual vagina. Jealous?

SRS gives transgirls actual vaginas. Not ovaries, that isn't possible yet. But vaginas, yea.

Fucking SRS, I knew they were behind all this.

actual vaginas

This is generous. Did you mean to say "open wound that keeps trying to heal so you have to shove a dildo in it every day"?

Hmm, nope. After surgery, it needs to dialated (for around 8 months) until the risk is completely gone. Even if no dialation occurs, it's very rare-- what's most likely is loss of depth.

Vaginas are usually formed within the womb, an environment where this isn't necessary. If it's outside of the womb (years after birth), I think it's kind of a given it'll be a major thing-- something like dialation for such a majour is a given, really.

Functionally, aesthetically, and medically, SRS vaginas are considered vaginas. They're vaginas.

Well alright, I live in Canada so I'm pretty sure it's illegal to disagree with you. Pretty sure vaginas can lubricate and don't need to be dilated, tho.

A lot of SRS vaginas can lubricate. But some of the worse SRS jobs can't lubricate. Not all SRS vaginas are created equally…

No, you mean mutilated dicks to fashion a neovagina that requires regular stretching so the wound doesn't close.

that requires regular stretching so the wound doesn't close

Yea, for a couple months. It's a serious GD operation, of course there's some post-op care.

Not to mention it won't lubricate

Some do, some don't, depends on the surgeon.

and looks like a damn Franken-vagina.

Again, depends on the surgeon. If you get a good surgeon, it'll look just like a non-SRS vagina. If you get a bad surgeon, it won't. Comes with the territory.

Hey just what the fuck do you have against us Kiwis?

Oh you were just helping it over the fence 😉 no worries mate I won’t tell.

You make some excellent points. Do you perchance have some sort of newsletter dedicated to castrating inbred sheep fuckers?

Why are libuhruhls always so elitist?

Too bad it’s illegal to castrate horrible people like you. Jesus I hope you don’t have children

You can hope he becomes a tranny, it would solve both problems.

I fully believe that you pretend to be a woman, but asking me to believe that you pay taxes is asking too much.

If you're a woman now then you shouldn't be on the internet you should be in the kitchen.

Lol I am in the kitchen. Making my son the best damn sandwich ever.

A fucking sandwich? That's the best you can do? If I was your son I'd beat the shit out of you.

it has a son

Thanks for giving us another cohort of school shooters

Probably should start training him now to aim at your kids first.

At least you admit it, bro

Not bro, try again please.

You are causing a scene, sir

For the record calling us “trannies” is equivalent to calling a black person the N word.

No it isn't. Know how I know that? You and I are typing out 'trannies' and not the N-word.

If you won't even say the n-word, it is absolutely worse.

A trans person talking about the word "tranny" can say the whole bit just fine, just like a black person can talk meta about the n-word and say the whole thing but a white person really shouldn't.
If I were cis, I would've said "the t-word" instead of "tranny."

the t-word


If I were cis, I would've said "the t-word" instead of "tranny."

It would also mean you'd lack the mental illness that makes you think that, and you might see things for what they are, so I disagree.

Is "dickgirl" OK?

Hmmm not sure about that one. Not all trans girls have dicks and not all transgender people are women. Jury still out.

That's a good point actually. I think of MtF when I hear "trans." FtM's usually look more convincing apart from a few that look like 10 year old boys.

It's just a shame most MtF's look like this rather than this.

Most MtFs pass, but you don't notice because they're stealth.

You should do stand up lmao

"Most" yeah right. Places like /r/transpassing are full of obvious ones.

People who do pass don’t need to go to transpassing to get advice on how to better pass, lol.

I don't think there's another gallery of average MtF where I can look.

But hardly any of the prominent MtF's pass that I've seen.

There probably isn’t a gallery full of average trans women on the internet due to the fact that most trans women are just regular people whose existence doesn’t depend upon the validation of skeptics on the internet. The reason a lot of non passing trans women post is to get advice on how to pass— they don’t want to be trans, and as soon as they can get past the point where they need advice, they’d much rather just blend in with the rest of the population than go seeking out pointless scrutiny.

Well then how would you know most pass if they're all hidden?

I mean you can say "all my friends do" but for all I know that's like when fat women tell each other how good they look.

A) they aren’t “hidden”, and they aren’t hiding. They just blend in with the crowd.

B) how do you know any number of women you’ve met in real life aren’t trans? (It’s a trick question, you can’t know it, because they’re just regular women)

You didn't answer the question you just reversed it.

I don't. But I don't know if any number are lizard people blending in either.

So I have to look at the people that are out and proud about it. And of those most are unconvincing with a minority that actually look like normal women.

I go to a trans group every month, and the vast majority of the people I've seen (aside from the ones who just started transition) pass. You wouldn't notice them in the crowd, really. I've been going to this group (seen so many people come and go) over a couple years now.

Well I believe you guys see it that way, but you're asking me to take your word for it.

Like this person here.

I'm sure some people would say she passes, but I can see it personally. I think a lot of people could.

Take a look at the edit I made-- the assumption that mid-20s and under people tend to pass is generally accepted, even if the assumption that most trans people don't isn't. Looking at it from the most mathematical standpoint possible for something like this, there's my edit.

Yeah I saw it after and put it in.

I did answer the question, just indirectly because I’m tired of being sealioned by someone set on having the most demeaning understanding of the truth as possible.

"Sealioned" is fucking dumb. And you started talking to me you dipstick.

I remember hearing a story about a tranny that passed so well he ended up dead in a ditch because someone found Mr winky.

Yea, there are quite a few stories about that. Transphobes will kill transgirls just because they kissed her and she kept her history quiet, or was too scared to bring up her genitals. It's depressing.

*man *he

Lmao don't be delusional, none of you pass. Seriously, look at r/transpassing and have a laugh

You realize trans people go on /r/transpassing for advice on passing, or validation?

The majority who pass (including myself) don't feel the need to post pics online for validation and advice.

u/Jonnie_L hidy-ho trannarino

Shut up nigger

I've said it once, I'll say it again, trannies who become women only do so in order to become the only gender that can rape anyone and get away with it.

For the record calling us “trannies” is equivalent to calling a black person the N word.

We know. As this subs resident black man, I'll allow it.

How does it feel to know that no matter how much you try to be the opposite gender, you will never, ever succeed?

Don't bother, the trolls love this.

Sorry; "mentally deranged man in a dress".

Then what about traps?

cool story nigger

I, uh, don't think any of us will be committing suicide just because some memes were banned on the sub.

I also don't think any of us want to be called trannies. They're clearly trolling.

Whaaaaaaaaaat? /r/drama is trolling?

Go put some panties on and make /u/sperglockholmes a sandwich.

Pretty please.

No, the crippling self-loathing and aspirations toward the impossible take care of that.

Nice brigade my dudes!

Are you complaining about lolcows coming to the feeding trough?

This has been a banner week for lolcows, that's for fucking sure

Autistic Santa must be really happy this year.

Speaking of lolcows we need to sell this trannies some vinyl gimpsuits.

He's making a list, and checking it twice.

You know when I woke up this morning I was feeling very optimistic. I was well rested. The sun was shining and the blue jays spun a delightful cacophony (an oxymoron in aware).

As I climbed out of bed and made my way over to my Tom morelloTM acoustic guitar I thought, "maybe this is the day someone finds a cure for cancer, or maybe world hunger. Maybe this is the day that absolute faggot Edward doesn't post some dumb shit on my comments." Euphoria washed over me as basked in the golden light, strumming soft and pleasing chords.

Finished, I put down my Tom MorelloTM acoustic guitar and pulled it my phone to pass the time on my favorite subreddit. As my eyes glanced over the replies section I felt my heart drop into my stomach. There in bold letters stood the name u/Ed_butteredtoast . My hands shook with dread as I was hit by a wave of fear and loathing. "Why? Why me?What did I do to pull the attention of llamas most cold hearted and malicious commenter?" Yes, I had stolen my wife's boyfriend's son's finger paints yesterday, but it was for a good cause. The resistance needed those supplies. Besides I already prayed to Karl Marx for forgiveness and said a hundred "Fuck white people"s. No, this most disheartening happenstance was undeserved.

With one trembling finger I gingerly touched the rectangle area signifying a reply on my android (iPhones are for sheeple). Under that blasted username lay one single line, coated in blue. A link? The longer I looked the more impatient I became. It seemed to call to me in a deadly manner, as If saying both "come closer" and "stay far away" in the same breath. A dreadful curiosity struck me and and with bated breath I jabbed the link with my vegan fingers.

A GIF! I watched in horror as some disease ridden skank shoved an entire stick of butter down the cock highway she calls a throat. Holding back the bile creeping up into my esophagus I had a moment of clarity and acceptance. The world is not just. It is not fair. Starving peasants will die of hunger every day. Children will still get cancer. Donald Trump will still be president (not my president though) And u/Ed_butteredtoast will always leave some scandalous, retarded ass reply to my perfectly reasonably seriousposts.

The world is not just. The world is not fair. And it never will be.

Literally rape

Besides I already prayed to Karl Marx for forgiveness and said a hundred "Fuck white people"s.

And you didn’t choke the chicken to some plush bussy?

my dude

I fucking hate you so much.

Lmao @ vote brigading a /r/drama post.

Ok let’s cover some things.

/u/FatalistVerdi thank you for the abundant crop of lolcows. However posting an np link? Ffs. Rookie move.

Next issue: why where you there in the first place? Sandwhich making 101, pleasing daddy, or how to post bussy properly?

Yes......fight.....destroy each other. Give in to your own hate.

Ok you’re a lolcow so I need you to go line up for your milking. Kayzies hun?

Oh my! I would love a good “milking”. You offering or promising 😉

Oh you 😅 our 👯‍♂️ Friend 🤗 Ed does all the milking🐓 ✊🏿💦 around here.

Don't lie to the foreigner, ed has no friends.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast is non ironically the most hated and loved user on /r/drama

This but unironically

You have but one teat

you seem to have figured out what it is that we do here on /r/drama

Imagine how awful and shallow of a person you have to be for memes and shit posting to mean this much to you.

yeah haha imagine

The more vocally LGBT someone is, the more shallow of a person they are. These people's personalities can usually be summed up as "likes shoving things up their asses and watching shitty teevee shows." Yes, I know those aren't personality traits, but we have to play around.

Everyone who downvote the lolcows, please keep yourself safe. The world's a dangerous place when you're retarded.