CB2 made a really dogshit post I just thought you guys should know

71  2017-12-21 by supergauntlet


That smiley ain't gonna do you any favours when the revolution comes for you boy.

classic, gotta love advocating murder

/u/jonathan__az why are you such a faggot

basically i don’t think saying that a revolution or whatever is coming to get you is the same as saying “i think x should all be killed”

it’s like saying “if you walk into a street a car will hit you” vs “a car should hit you” if that makes sense

i might also be putting wayyyy too much effort into this dumb comment on r/drama

You are perhaps the least aware person I have seen

Saying "The revolution is coming for you" is a death threat

Its the exact same thing

Its just worded in way where you could argue "I didn't threaten to kill him, I just said I approved of him being killed by someone else"

if you want to get that pedantic the person never expressed explicit support for them being killed by a revolution, just that it would happen

The use technicality on internet bullshit is a cancer that must be removed

This "you'll be sorry when the revolution comes" or "the world will be better off with you gone" is the same thing as "i hope you die" and most internet forums count it as the same thing

On reddit death threats are wrong but threats of genocide are OK

it’s not the same though. There’s a pretty big difference between “you will die” and “you should die”, at least in this instance

It becomes a death threat when you imply you support the group doing the killing

Communist reddit is not being any more "factual" when they tell non believers that they will be against the wall any more than right wing is when they talk about the fucking helicopter rides

i agree, just to be clear. If you express support for the group that is doing the killings then yes, it is a death threat. that being said it’s not worth it to care about pathetic internet marxists this much.

Never show fear here

tell /u/stevemisor to fuck off back to some other sub that gives a shit about his shilling for the new ban on violenceposting by the admins

Tbh dude I respect you for being honest and admitting when you're wrong, world be a lot better with people were more humble

You will die, and no one is going to care and some will actually be pleased

no i think its worse because you're too much of a little bitch to kill them urselves.

I want to destroy your cute little twink butthole but I'm man enough to throw you on your knees myself.

oh god I’m so scared by your super scary threats and slurs I don’t know what I’m gonna do!!

just kidding I’m actually just laughing at how pathetic that it is that you have to result to name calling and threats to make an “argument”

where do you live? you sound pretty cute.

lets stop flirting and meet up pls respond

arizona, its nice this time of year

what a coincidence! me too!

wanna come over my place and play around a bit?

not particularly

just that it would happen

Which makes what he said a joke and not a threat

I never expressed explicit support for you being forced to choke on your own dick, I just said it would happen.

Can't tell if you're joking or not. Are you seriously going on about the inevitable communist revolution? Sorry bro, but the revolution already happened. It happened in 1989. And before that was the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

How long are you going to keep following this dead religion? Why not become something more modern, like a Christian Scientist?

I’m not Marxist, lol. you misinterpreted my comment. Basically, I don’t care about idiot leftists going on about “”””inevitable”””” revolutions that won’t happen. However, people being thrown out of helicopters for their political views happened in South America as recently as the 80s, so I’m a tad more worried about that.

I always interpret everything that people say here in the worst possible light, and that works out 95% of the time. Guess this wasn't my lucky day.

cest la vie I guess

For what it's worth, while I don't expect the revolution to come I do sincerely hope that you'll die in the street if it does.

I don’t expect one either which is why I don’t really care

It’s like saying “if you walk into a street a car will hit you” after saying you would support hypothetical revolutionaries who will make you stand in the street at gunpoint


i might also be putting wayyyy too much effort into not keeping myself safe


basically i don’t think saying that a revolution or whatever is coming to get you is the same as saying “i think x should all be killed”

Except it literally does you stupid fucking retard. Honestly you are so retarded it angers me, nice job.

Care to enlighten me as to how? Or are you just gonna say “retarded” a fuckton and somehow think it makes a valid argument?

the revolution is coming for you

How is his not a threat dummy, you know what happened to other people the “revolution” “came for”?

uhh nothing, because a Marxist revolution hasn’t materialized in the West like they say it will? Unless you live in a shit tier 3rd world country saying a revolution is gonna come doesn’t mean anything.

I'm watching a TV show about the intelligence of crows right now. They're literally smarter than reddit communists.

Tbh the moment empathy is introduced, Marxism falls the fuck apart.

Karl Marx somehow got every single benefit of Communism wrong while simultaneously predicting every flaw and pitfall in Capitalism. It's impressive really how someone can be so thoroughly wrong about what they support but spot on when it comes to something they hate.

Reddit in a nutshell, really.

while simultaneously predicting every flaw and pitfall in Capitalism

Except, you know, his biggest prediction that Capitalism would fail

Except, you know, his biggest prediction that Capitalism would fail

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.

Barring an apocalyptic catastrophe I doubt it. It will be slowly replaced, not fail, as more things become post-scarcity.

Becoming obsolete is failure.

Oh yeah everyone looks back the original iphone as an abject failure because no one uses them anymore

That's different, we look at past, present and future iPhone users as failures. The people who got those idiots to buy them are fucking geniuses.

Certified Apple Geniuses.

Sounds like shit a poor would say, no wonder you like Marx

Making me out to be the Marxist?

Standard Marxist behavior.

I know you are but what am I 💩💩💩

I know you are 💩💩💩

Are you saying I'm Patrick Stewart?

Are you?

Fuck, I dint know. Am I??????

original iphone as an abject failure

The original iphone was an abject failure. It was massively outsold by competing technology, and it wasn't until 4, phone and iOS, that it was even remotely usable and had even the mediocre quality that Apple always oversells.


Trying to have a fucking apple vs. android argument.

Dude's neck is hairy as shit, guaranteed.

Who cares faggot

What was that apocryphal Zhou Enlai quote?

You sound just like a bible thumper waiting on the front porch for Jesus to stop by.

wrong while simultaneously predicting every flaw and pitfall in Capitalism

Not really. He had very outdated views.

while simultaneously predicting every flaw and pitfall in Capitalism.

His biggest criticisms of capitalism are based on a pants on head retarded theory of marginal value, he didn't even come close to predicting issues such as the efficient market hypothesis not holding so well or the tragedy of the commons.

10 years ago 90% of that thread would have been praising Venezuela.

Doesn't matter anyways, none of these self described socialists/commies/anarchists have the ability or guts to pull off a revolution of any kind.

That really is the great thing about American far leftists, they're too incompetent and self destructive to actually pull anything off.

See Occupy wall street a few years ago and how it ate itself from the inside.

You're talking about a thread full of reddit commies, 10 years ago 90% of that thread hadn't had their first wet dream yet.


CB2 is full of commies, what a surprise

t. fascist

haha yeah

t. fascist

haha yeah

t. fascist

haha yeah

this is true though

stalin did nothing wrong

Global warming is accelerating like crazy, we're entering another economic crisis and tension is rising between nations. The stage is set for a revolution, be afraid fascist.

this is the most pathetic post ive read all day, including the vinyl nazi's

economic crisis

DOW at record highs

Reddit commie retard checks Mother Jones every morning like it’s a newspaper, so he has no idea.

tension is rising between nations

Bitch have you ever read a book that wasn’t written by a NEET with stupid facial hair sitting in a coffee shop (ironic) in the 1800’s?

I thought those losers were a parody like r/circlejerk, boy was i wrong.

Social plans only make poor people useless

i think i label myself as Right-wing

It's hard to be empathetic to his situation after that.

t. normal person with real empathy

... apparently there are some people who outretard us.

Lmao "State Capatalism" these dipshits don't even know what they are advocating for.

Communism will win.

Inshallah ☭

May Allah break the backs of those who support these capital-owning rodents.

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

no, bitcoin will stop it.

i think you mean "whine"

Actually, the kulaks were the ones whining under Stalin (pbuh).

oh i thought we were talking about this decade