Adherents of the religion of peace just couldn't resist smashing through the streets of Melbourne to get to those last minute Christmas bargains....of course this is being misinterpreted as terrorism... #whitepeopleruineverything

66  2017-12-21 by Time_to_Drink


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Religion of peace refers to the notion that the world will be peaceful after Islam conquers literally all of it as is their religious mandate. Nevermind the Islamic infighting that started as soon as Muhammed died. We have the means to deal with them but not the resolve.

Mecca should've been bombed after 9/11. Every terrorist attack should have prompted a new and harsher bombing campaign on Muslim countries with the demand that they renounce their religion. Treating terrorists as individual criminals does not work, they are agents of a 1.6 billion strong political movement intent on conquering the world.

Mecca should've been bombed after 9/11

How would that help do anything? Destroying Makkah wouldn't help in getting rid of Islam (unless you think killing all Muslims is a sensible solution).

bombing campaign on Muslim countries with the demand that they renounce their religion

Religion is an internally held belief, bombing them wouldn't just make the population go "You know what, I don't believe in Islam anymore" after a while.

Nazism and Imperial Japan both inspired insane zealotry in the general populaces and bombing them to shit worked.

not worth it to be a Muslim

In general, Muslims believe in an eternal afterlife, with a hell and a heaven. Worldly circumstances aren't going to change most people's minds. In fact, it's emphasized quite heavily in Islam that this world is just a test from Allah and will be full of hardship and strife, but it's nothing compared to the afterlife.

Beliefs can change, and fuck them until they do. If Nazis had kept on being Nazis after they were conquered we would've just kept on killing them.


Bomb the people that bomb us and follow a religion that mandates that they forcefully take over the world.

If you kill your enemies they win

Yeah bomb all 1.8 billion of them before they spontaneously explode

This is a nuclear world despite what people think and if they get more nukes that's potentially the end of civilization. The fact that there's so many only makes the situation more dire. How would you feel if Japan or the Nazis had 1.8 billion and were on the verge of getting nukes. Would you be all Kumbaya and live and let live?

Islam has made it clear that it's a violent unreasonable enemy of all non-Islam both in scripture and in practice.

How would you feel if Japan or the Nazis had 1.8 billion and were on the verge of getting nukes.


How would you feel if Japan or the Nazis had 1.8 billion and were on the verge of getting nukes.

Japan and Nazi Germany were invading other countries; they were at war with the allied nations. Are Muslim countries uniting under the banner of Islam to go to war with the rest of the world?

Sure, Islam is a terrible ideology, and many Muslims hold backwards views, but most of them aren't terrorists or at war with non-Muslims. Bombing all Muslim countries in hopes of getting them to stop believing in Islam is unreasonable and unrealistic.

Islam is clearly at war with the West and Israel, they're just fighting it in a guerrilla style because they know how superior other militaries are currently. When they get enough nukes that all changes, it would be like a dozen more North Korea's. They're a ticking time bomb that should be dealt with sooner rather than later. Also we have completely transformed countries and their inherent ideology through bombing them to shit.

Excuse me


but this


now belongs to the



So take your




All this talk about preventively nuking billions of people because you don't like their religion sounds a bit bloodthirsty to me. Looks like yours is a dangerous ideology, worse than nazism and communism combined in terms of the death toll. I think that the right thinking people should get together and nuke the mayo, if you're a usual representative. Can't have peace with that sort of murderous inbred fanatics sitting there on a stockpile of nukes.

How are Muslim countries, which you want to bomb to get them to renounce Islam, fighting the West guerilla style? These terrorist attacks, while ideologically inspired by Islam, are not state-sanctioned (unless you want to recognize the sovereignty of ISIS and the likes).

What makes you think that every Muslim country is just itching to nuke the West?

Also we have completely transformed countries and their inherent ideology through bombing them to shit.

The war with Japan can be traced to the imperialism and expansionism of Japan, not an ideology like Islam that they were trying to spread and promote.

It wasn't bombing that changed the minds of Germans who grew up in Nazi Germany, it was an ideological and cultural upheaval of the country that changed them.

How have adherents of Judaism survived to this day despite their persecution throughout history?

Agressive retardation on display here

potentially the end of civilization

joke's on them - i already want to die but i'm just too pussy to go through with it

finally we're talking about WASPs! Mayocide now!

And yet Nazi-ism still remains.

Hitler literally tried to exterminate a religion systematically and it still failed

Oh look, SRSposting SRDines are downvoting a thread again.

Counterpoint: the confederacy





Oh hai mark

Shut the fuck up

muh heritage

Here's /u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu to explain why the Civil war was not about slavery but states rights!

I'm not your nigger to come at your beck and call

Don't @ me you whore


Ed_ButteredToast was caught!

"Pls clap"

Civil War was about federal control. Just because states seceded over slavery didn't mean there had to be a war.

LOL imagine still thinking the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

The south started the war idiot.

North was prepping to invade for months. Read a book.

Apparently the only history book you've read was written by delusional confederate apologists from the 1950s talking about how the civil war was really about states rights, lol. Slavery was written into the confederate constitution dumbfuck, they wrote at length about how the reason they were fighting was to preserve slavery!

You can't even manage to read my comment, much less a history book.

great comeback

It's not even a comeback, it's an observation

worked for Afghanistan lol

unless you think killing all Muslims is a sensible solution

Batman's biggest mistake is thinking putting the same people back in jail solves anything. Gotham could be crime free in a week if Batman just used a damn gun.

So, you think that killing all Muslims is a possible, and on top of that, sensible solution to terrorism?

So, you think that killing all Muslims is a possible

How many Sumerians or Mayans do you know?

sensible solution to terrorism?

No terrorists, no terrorism. Simple.

How many Sumerians or Mayans do you know?

Did Sumerians or Mayans make up over 20% of the world's population?

No terrorists, no terrorism. Simple.

How many Muslims are terrorists? It might be a lot, but it's still a minority of the entire Muslim population.

I'm sure you're familiar with the "13% of the population committing 50% of the murders" statistic. Should we kill all black people to stop murder?

Did Sumerians or Mayans make up over 20% of the world's population?


Goddamn, think of all the extra room we'd have.

Shotgun the ruins of Abu Dhabi!

Should we kill all black people to stop homicide?

Well, I mean if you think it could help...

Did Sumerians or Mayans make up over 20% of the world's population?

Did their adversaries have jets and nuclear weapons.

Do the targets not have jets as well?

The fact that you think nuclear states would use nukes to wipe out Muslims as a measure to stop terrorism is hilarious.


Gotta nuke something

Did Sumerians or Mayans make up over 20% of the world's population?


I'm sure you're familiar with the "13% of the population committing 50% of homicides" statistic. Should we kill all black people to stop homicide?

You said it, not me. Just wait for me to have a kid with a white girl and die of old age first.


No, they didn't, not at the time they were wiped out.

You said it, not me.

You're the one that replied "No terrorists, no terrorism. Simple." in response to me asking if killing all Muslims is a sensible solution to terrorism.

This is shitposting at its finest.

So do we also do this to the christians to stop school shootings and abortion clinic bonbings?

Yeah pretty much.

Yeah pretty much.

Please explain how you would go about implementing such a solution, and why you think it's sensible.

unless you think killing all Muslims is a sensible solution

Now you're talking!

How would that help do anything? Destroying Makkah wouldn't have helped in "solving terrorism" (unless you think killing all Muslims is a sensible solution).

Are we ironic posting now or do people seriously NOT believe that?

Not believe what?

Destroying Makkah wouldn't have helped in "solving terrorism"


Do you think that's a sensible solution?

You don't?

20% of the world population either wants to kill us, or supports people who want to kill us. Your solution is, what, exactly? Let them rape more of our women? Let them 'religion of peace' more of us?

implying 20% give a shit about drama users

kek <--- this one




20% of the world population either wants to kill us, or supports people who want to kill us.

That's just not true. The number of Muslims that want to kill you, whether directly or by proxy (I'm not sure why you separated the two, because if you support someone's cause then you would want it yourself) is nowhere near 100% of Muslims.

Let them rape more of our women?

Why does the rapefugee meme exist in Europe, but in the US, it's black people? Why aren't Muslims infamous for that stuff here (not to mention that the Sweden rape thing is blown way out of proportion)? Why is 13% of the population committing over 50% of the homicides and robberies in the US instead? Is killing all black people a sensible solution to stopping homicide and robbery in the US?

It seems like you think that every rapist is Muslim (they aren't), and when they are, they go out and think "Well, better rape someone for Allah today" or something.

Let them 'religion of peace' more of us?

Why do you think many Muslims love to parrot the religion of peace thing? It's because they genuinely believe it's a religion of peace, regardless of what others say. The Muslims who say that don't want to kill you, because they think it's a religion of peace.

he number of Muslims that want to kill you, whether directly or by proxy (I'm not sure why you separated the two, because if you support someone's cause then you would want it yourself) is nowhere near 100% of Muslims.

Imagine being retarded enough to believe this shit?

Why does the rapefugee meme exist in Europe, but in the US, it's black people?

Because Europe ain't got no niggers?

It seems like you think that every rapist is Muslim (they aren't)

True, just the males.

Why do you think many Muslims love to parrot the religion of peace thing? It's because they genuinely believe that's what it is, regardless of what others say.

I guess you forgot taqiyya was a thing.

I seriously hope you're memeing as a retard, because if people as stupid as you actually exist, the west is straight up fucked

Imagine being retarded enough to believe this shit?

If you actually think so, you're just paranoid.

Because Europe ain't got no niggers?

Which doctrine are black people in the US following that makes them murder and rob people? Why aren't Muslims in the US infamous for the same thing?

True, just the males.

Reread what I said:

It seems like you think that every rapist is Muslim (they aren't)

As for this:

I guess you forgot taqiyya was a thing.

Taqiyya, as you probably think of it, is not a thing. Muslims are not taught "Tell everyone it's a religion of peace so they accept us, but when we gain power we can just slaughter them all". The Muslims who parrot the "religion of peace" meme actually believe it's a religion of peace. Why do you think people like Anjem Choudary exist? Why don't they do "taqiyya"?

Are you one of the terrorist shitsmears yourself? Why the fuck are you seirousposting defending muzzies?

You should probably lay down the crack pipe. Its killing whatever brain cells you have left.

Please review the rules in this subreddit and keep yourself safe over Christmas holiday!

Your range of vocabulary is shrinking everytime I see you post. Do you need professional help?

Instead of proving our ex-Mohammedan friend over here how his ex-religion sucks balls and needs to be eradicated, you are just down to name-calling and tried to brand it as being "dramatic."

Please keep yourself very safe and ask Santa and Jesus to spank you extra hard this year.


Not an argument.

Which doctrine are black people in the US following that makes them murder and rob people?

Dat Thug Life yo

Muslims believe I should be killed. Only fair if I return the favor, no?

No, they are higher on the progressive stack than your pasty cis mayo bussy. Because reasons.

Serious posting shall be downvotes. It contributes nothing but boredom.

How would that help do anything?

By destroying the overmind, the psionic link is destroyed. The hordes will turn on each other in chaotic frenzy and, eventually, starve.

That's a great way to make yourself poor.

Mecca should've been bombed after 9/11.

I like the cut of your jib



This but unironically

Dank maymay

It ain't a meme, it's a war cry

We Kafirs are coming for you. Outremer will be restored.

it ain't a meme

"we" kafirs

We leave me out?

We might let you live, if you shitpost just right πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


Digital mayo face REEEEEEEEE

That's the spirit

He's doomed then

You're getting a lot of mileage out of that gif.

posting shitty 20 mb gifs

Have you considered buying rope?

C'mon, you know I can't match your gif game. What's next? You're going to criticize me for only having a limited emoji vocabulary?

It's not a gif game. It's just that you should look for gifs on Imgur and post the .gifv links.


Not much of a difference.

Now check this out


If you want to post from giphy, post the HTML5 link of the gif.

I see. My shitposting skills have increased 13%!





Seriousposting should be punished with anal rape.

punished anal rape

Choose one.


Definitely not my kink 😏

post bussy

Great, now I have to throw you off the roof of a building for being gay.

Do you infidels ever consider going on a diet? My chiropractor is buying a dozen new wives off the damage this is doing to my back.

muh back hurtz when i enforce sharia

How about you learn how to deadlift?

Hey, I have a 324 Wilks score. Burgerfats are just heavy.

Psh wilks score.. just get mega fat and lift your body weight like 90% of power lifters

β€œIm at 1300lbs club, at 405 lbs”

I wish I could afford to eat that much. Right now my choices are basically "daughters college fund" or "whey protien powder".

Honestly I think Wilks is much more important. I was just being a sarcastic doucher. Im 328 so suck it 😎

Im 342 so suck it 😎

😭 not fair, I had to leave humanity behind to pass 200.

No homo, but post cussy.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

>sending your daughters to college

I don't think sharia bloody allows it

Sending daughter to college

Absolutely haram abdul. You should find a nice Ahmed in your father's village in Bumfuckistan and send her there.


This but unironically

Pasta so fresh it's still warm, we've been blessed this week

This but unpasteurized

Nevermind all the Christian infighting, that will all go away when we get rid of the mooslems right?!? I mean Christians only bomb abortion clinics and shoot up theaters because those damn mooslems exist..

TIL the Irish Republican Army only existed because of mooslems.

There was also a plot foiled a couple of weeks ago to shoot up people in melbourne by another muzzie

"Rats! Australian gun laws have foiled us again! Those crafty fucks!"

"No, don't worry I have a license, several bottles of Barcardi 151, some cloth and a lighter."

"Huh. Weird how easily we can fuck people up if we just feel like it at literally any given point in time, regardless of if we have a gun."

Vehicle ramming attacks are fast becoming the chosen method for terrorists. Any idiot can hire a car and drive it into people. Guns are complicated up and down the line....except in Murica because FREEDOM. Bombs are even more difficult than guns. Of note is the fact that no one has died from this opposed to all those wholesome mass shootings that are just to darn hard to stop. Easier to just let white boy weirdos shoot up little kiddies in school than institute communistic gun control laws.

Of note is the fact that no one has died from this attack

Such a crying shame

Simple incompetence. They really aren't sending their best.

Look, if American kids didn't have to waddle out of quiet Jimmy's kill zone everyday, they wouldn't get any exercise at all!

hire a car

One the attacks (in Germany) was even done with a stolen truck. No paperwork, just have to bash a pollack in the face and steal his ride (which to be honest isn't even a deterrent, who wouldn't want to bash a pollack for fun to begin with?).

I find it weird how car bombs aren't a thing anymore? They used to be a massive deal during "the troubles" and 7/7 proved just how devastating bombs in small confined areas can be... but yet they've seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth within first world countries.

The authorities put all kinds of restrictions and surveillance measures on almost everything you would need to make bombs...of any kind. It’s often a joke when people say β€œoh I’m on a list now...” but if you buy certain chemicals and components, you will at the very least be under surveillance or at worst visited by a few dozen anti terror sim officers. The supply chain for bomb making is now highly controlled. This is why ram attacks (and probably Isis inspired mass shootings in the US) have taken off.

That actually makes a lot of sense, I just assumed people would be making dirty bombs like petrol bombs, but then again those are mostly useless unless you're in a very confined indoor space filled with flammable material.

I have a friend who has the ingredients to make a pipe bomb, napalm, and chlorine gas all derived from home supplies. It's really not hard to be a frugal domestic terrorist if you think about it. It's just hard to be a successful one.


You will not disarm us, no matter how hard you cry.

Infidels in this thread rn

May your backs be broken my allah.

This but unironically.

They were a criminal meth addict dipshit. They're basically a stereotypical Trump supporter.

Muslims love meth

Maximum Halal. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Muslims take drugs that dull your sense of fear before suicide bombings, etc.

In the same way your mother took drugs in her pregnancy because she feared you'd turn out exactly like you did?