The Organisers Of The Giant Cheeseboard Festival Have Denied They Ran Out Of Cheese

27  2017-12-21 by snallygaster


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Fake and gay.

You are the expert.


Prove it /r/buttsharpies style.


You're the one that won't show bussy, what's creepier than that?

Asking me to show my asshole

Wow, you're trying to make bussy sound gross. You are a very homophobic and problematic person. Keep yourself safe.

The pictures were really depressing, and I have 0 standards for anything in my life

Was Ja Rule behind this one too?

Where is JA?

Amerifags are probably jealous of superior British bleakness

Also spotted this

That's some quality bleakness.

Amerifags lined up at a McDonald's for Szechuan sauce and got none.

My gf and I went to a similar type of event in Philadelphia a few years ago, organized by Madame Fromage (

I don't know if they ran out of cheese, because we couldn't GET to the cheese. The event was held in a space that was far too small for the amount of people. There were some big tables with lots of (completely unlabelled) cheese, but there was zero organization, so it was like a Mad Max riot scene.

Some minimal organiztion and forethough could have fixed it, too: You got some poles and ropes, you put them around the tables, you say "enter here" and "exit here."

Needless to say, we've never attempted to go back.