I am a good person!!

5  2017-12-21 by hypernreddit

Do you understadn me? People need disipline in life I am a good person. M r roged oisd abad man, I aamm ggogimng to gigivee yououo badd thhinngss. YYOUU NEED ttoo bee diissipllineed. YtIEE yoouu upp anndd iitt'ss whiipedd creeaammm andd aaa cane. I will coooome a nd give hiiim baddd touch . I am a good perosn not a angry person and I know who Ii AMM We are not adverts. I am responible for my own actionss but somehow I alswayas seem ot ger mmaaddddddddd. Ok let me explian my views god DAMMIT Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit


I believe in you.

I believe /u/Matues49 so I believe you

I believe /u/PM_ME_FREE_FOOD so I believe in you

I believe /u/Stuntman119 so I believe in you

I am a adult and if I want candy.I can get into a man's car. Do you understand me

Only santa can judge your soul, infidel.

Are you on bath salts, or is this just how you are?

I am not batty, do you understand me. I am a reasonable man, if I want to do that I will go down to the rainbow bar and have fun with some people.

Do you understand me, I like men freinds and they touch me to ghl

posts here

a good person

dips head You must free yourself from this site to become a truly caring individual, you fool, you fucking moron.

You can do it little buddy!

I also believe in /u/stuntman119 because I refuse to say something nice about ed buttertoast.

I dont believe in any of you fucks