Trannies have decided to visit our lovely little corner of the internet, unironically expect sympathy

59  2017-12-21 by PM_ME_FREE_FOOD


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Uhhh I dunno man that sounds kinda gay.


Can I not reee about trannies now without getting downvoted to hell? That's like my favorite pass time

Looks like the tranny sub counter-brigaded that thread.

Man some people just don’t have humor. The downvotes are strong in thee.

considering that trans folks were literally holocaust victims alongside the rest of the LGBT community, yeah ever heard of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft? probably not, because the nazis burned it all

Was waiting for one of them to invoke the holocaust. If the nazi's burned it all how do YOU know about it /u/siosilvar?

because there are records of it existing, but nearly all of the research was burned in 1933 and it's not active any more for that reason, so i don't expect random people to know about it. seeing as it was one of the earliest institutions that focused on LGBT+ studies it's not surprising that it would be in my interests.

In all honesty dude I give as much of a shit about you "people" as I do the 14-18 year old Filipino "community"

nazis burned it all

nearly all of it was burned

Man does anyone else feel some cognitive dissonance?

cognitive dissonance

From the trans community? Why I never.

ever heard of hyperbole

Sure it’s next to my favorite book titled, “how trannies are mentally ill and need help, not inverted genitalia.”

great nonsequitur

Not really if you thought about it. But because I’m nice I want to strongly suggest you keep yourself safe and enjoy the stay here at /r/drama

That was the most polite thing I've read here in a while get out

YOU ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR she's plying me with whiskey and I feel good.

What your mother does to you when you're inebriated is between you two and the lotion she uses to jack you off with

Mmmm I accept that well placed burn. Upvote friend! And then kindly go kill yourself.

How can we be expected to detect hyperbole from the group where a threat to cut off one's own dick is regularly followed?


Imagine thinking you were this woke.

Could you try and make your insults a little biting and not just confusing?

I'm just making them as confusing as your sexuality and sense of identity.

Oh damn that was nice

Trannies are a fad.

3,000 years or so and going strong!

Eunuchs don't count, you fucking degenerate.

Wasn't counting eunuchs. Hijra, saris, two-spirit... the history is there whether you like it or not.

Yes, there's a worrying trend of retarded people throughout history. :(

Yes, yes, of course! Mankind had a very long history of mental illness


Eunuchs you absolute retard. They only act the way they do to intimidate people into giving them money. Travel in a local train here sometime, when they get on, it's like Biharis getting onto a women only compartment except for men. Fuckers stroke your face, grab your groin and shit if you don't pay and no one harms them because a large number still believes they can do stuff like curse people. Any wedding or birth in certain parts of India and these fuckers will be there in a hour, coming in a gigantic group and create a gigantic public scene if you don't pay them to 'bless' the wedding or birth.

If you ever want the subcontinent to be friendly to your particular brand of mental illness, you shouldn't draw parallels between hijras and yourselves.

And don't think of them as some brave pioneers. The hijras are one of the worst cults there are in this country and too big to be taken down but their practices are absolutely brutal.

Khairati Lai Bhola of All India Hijra Kalyan Sabha (AIHKS), formed in 1984 to protect the rights of the community, says most eunuchs in the country are not transvestites or hermaphrodites. They are actually castrated men. “Young and addicted boys are abducted and then introduced to homosexuality by the agents of eunuch’s gurus. Castrations are clandestinely forced on them and ironically, very few people gather the courage to retaliate,” Bhola said.

A victim of forced castration says how he was abducted, made an addict of brown sugar and hashish, and then pushed into homosexuality.

WTF I love Hitler now.

This but unironically... unironically.

I've lost my scorecard, does this mean trans folk have more points than the jews or no?

someone else having more of something desirable than (((we))) do.

This won't stand!

I want that sex tape

They threw their own cocks into an oven.

/> opening a drama thread and realizing this place is slowing just becoming srd 2.0

Day of the canning is nigh.

That's clearly brigaded.

I'm sure most here still want the day of dick-girl death as much as anyone in /r/The_Donald

Only ironically

Yeah.. ironically.....

Pretty sure the upvoted comment stating "shut up nigger" has ensured we're not becoming srd for atleast a couple more days.

Where were we linked to?

The gate to hell.

Abandon hope, ye who enter this place.


What kind of monsters would brigade a sub and down vote people?

report them to the admins, we would gain so much crypto-hate street cred if we got a bunch of trannies banned for brigading

The TERFs would suddenly love us.....

/r/gendercritical will come to love us. They hate all men and PIV sex, we want to wipe out heterosexuality—it’s a match made in heaven.

smfh tranny drama is even more shallow than actual women drama tbh

Too bad it’s illegal to castrate horrible people like you. Jesus I hope you don’t have children, last thing I need is to have my tax money spent on food stamps for inbreed sheep fuckers like you.

How feminine is your penis /u/Jonnie_L?

Some girls have dicks. Get over it.

Whenever you convince your disappointed wife to have sex, does she suck your feminine penis or does that just bring on the dysphoria?

Sucks it all night! Then she whips out the 13 inch long 3 inch thick strap on and goes to town on my ass.


You trannies are almost bad as r9k

Oh I’m married to a cis woman and we have a kid together. The wife has never had a penis why she needs a strap on 😉

So were you born with a penis?

Jesus thought that one was obvious.

your kid is fucked. should report you to cps

Lol for being happily married. Love how people thing what’s between my legs and how big somebodies chest is dictates what makes a good parent. At least my child will grow up loving everybody and won’t be indoctrinated with hate and bigotry. You wanna call CPS on me for that then go fuck yourself. Make fun of me, not an innocent 3 year old asshat.

no one gives a fuck about the actual cock or tits. what sickens me is that you have such a wildly incorrect outlook on simple things like how biology works. and now you’re raising another human being who will turn out to be a dumb fuck like you. enjoy realizing two years from now that you were insane for chopping your cock off and taking hormones. honesty KYS

Wow you got way more issues than I do apparently. I got the number of a good therapist if you need one. Also I’m not chopping my dick off. My wife rather enjoys it.

imagine being this triggered


Someone is mad and confused about feeling all tingly inside when they thought they weren't supposed to.

Jesus. Check our sticky post and stop being retarded.

Your poor innocent 3 year old will grow up to be a shunned degenerate because of you

Make fun of me, not an innocent 3 year old asshat.

You shouldn't call toddlers that.

Transwomen have dicks, real women don't*

So how long do you think it'll take before you start going through Bruce Jenner Syndrome and regret getting your dick turned into a fuck hole?

There are no chicks with dicks just guys with tits

/u/Jonnie_L why stop at castration? Make him wear a dress and call him a girl too.

Sounds like a Tuesday for me.

Man clean this tranny up a bit and we have a new drama llama.

What are your thoughts on vinyl though? Because you are gonna love this guy I know, Nick, and his autistic alterego Jessica.

Vinyl? God don’t tell me somebody actually gets triggered over fucking vinyl.

Oh you sweet summer child.

Follow the tale of /u/craftygirljessica

It's worth the read. And a visit to /r/realvinyl,, and just reading the /r/drama threads. If you like drama, you sexy minx, you'll love Nick and Jess.

Only cause you asked nicely.

Yeah, well, they dont call it tranny tuesdays for nothing.

Prefer transgender Thursday’s.

Seems like thats stepping on tuesdays theme and i think having two trans themed days crosses the line into totally gay. Thirsty throaty thursdays are for bro jobs, choo choo! Sundays are, of course, reserved for bussy. Let no heretic speak ill of the sacred boy hole. Amen.

Lol hats off to you!


Bussy gods visited us and we rejected them. We should be ashamed.

wow a trans thread where the vote totals are correctly balanced for once, nice find

correctly balanced

you are the biggest fag on r/drama

i started losing interest in srd around when jr stopped being a mod, if i were to start posting there regularly again id get banned within a week for telling some mouthbreather twitter feminist to swallow her medicine cabinet

Mean lefties deserve a drama community just as much as nazis or feminists. I salute you.