TrollX almost reaches self-awareness. Aaaaaaalmost

95  2017-12-21 by Ultrashitpost


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Lol, trollx upvoting an hardcore tankie....nice.

on a sidenote - how can one be an anarchist , but also a tankie?

The vast majority of anarcho-communists on reddit are teenagers with either enough self-awareness to realize well-adjusted people react negatively to people genuinely endorsing Soviet repression tactics (calling themselves anarchists as a front, essentially) or morons who think hating the current state makes you anarchist as opposed to a garden variety wannabe revolutionary.

Internet anarchists and tankies haven't really thought things through enough to grasp why communism and anarchism are completely incompatible.

I hate commies but communism is definitially anarchic as it's against any kind of hierarchy. When it's said that real communism has never been tried it's technically true, because real communism and utopian nonsense that is impossible to achieve. The Soviets were, or at least pretended to be, socialist as a vanguard state with the stated end goal of achieving communism. Turns out trying to do so makes it super easy to highjack your movement and really mob rule isn't exactly better than hierarchy after all.

Hey here's one of them now. Having all the resources belong to the state isn't anarchism, that makes zero fucking sense.

Communism doesn't have a state. You can check my post history, I spend about 40% of my time yelling at commies and 40% yelling about cryptos. I'm not a commie, I'm just pointing out that you're definitions are wrong.

Using a Marxist academic definition of communism is idiotic considering the only political form communism has ever and will ever take is state control of resources.

on a sidenote - how can one be an anarchist , but also a tankie

Tankie doesn't really mean anything at this point tbh. It's just a term leftists use to describe anyone who tells them off, it's the inverse of brocialist which also doesn't really mean anything.

He calls himself an anarcho-tankie, and mods a sub full pictures of dead people from eastern europe from post WWII Stalinism period so that he could make fun of them and shit on our tragic, you know the whole "Holodomor don't real" thing. But yeah keep ln defending real tankies.

Caring about mayos splattering other mayos.

And I thought this sub was WOKE.

Lol who is defending him?

/u/dingogordy but that tweet treats masculinity = toxic and fragile. You can fool those twoXers entrenched in their cognitive dissonance after being called out but not us i.e The Drama llamas!!!

/u/Connie-the-jellyfish no it doesn't.

Jellyfish is the most masculine creature because of its toxicity and fragility. So these traits are inherently lumped with "masculinity". Why are you lying?

OK, what the fuck is the deal with jellyfish anyway? First off, they aren’t even fish. False advertising if you ask me. The jelly part? Fuck me dead! Try spreading that shit on toast and then take a bite. Trust me, it ain’t jelly.



Surprisingly, this is something I haven't seen brought up on here before, I've lurked on this subreddit for a long time but I have not seen much mentioned about cuttlefish or other obscure animals that I've had relations with. That truly is a shame because cuttlefish sex is a very unique experience apart from the mainstream zoo's focus on mammals.

I'm seriously considering doing a much broader series on my experience with animals rarely or never mentioned on here perhaps to get some interesting discussions started, maybe broaden our perspective a bit. I digress, today at least we're going to be talking about what it's like to have sex with cuttlefish.

In many ways, I can understand why we don't see cuttlefish mentioned in the zoo community too often. They're not exactly easy to get, they're for much more advanced aquarists at the very least. Also they're not your typical experience when it comes to the parts, it's a whole new ballgame and I can see why some zoos would be reluctant.

However, despite all of this, cuttlefish are very intelligent, adventurous, adaptable, and passionate lovers. The true nature of their libido and gender fluidity has been somewhat neglected by mainstream biology.

Cuttlefish are difficult to get due to their relatively short lifespan compared to other mollusks like them, and the fact that they're difficult to ship due to transporter's fear of them inking during transit, suffocating themselves. Furthermore, overall they're very finicky animals to ship. I won't go into too much detail for now since it's quite dry and I know you all want to get to the good part.

If you want more information on how to obtain and properly keep a cuttlefish healthy, ask me about it. For now, what you really need to know is that I keep multiple cuttlefish, all primarily identify as male, all sexually mature, all very healthy, and I have casual sex with pretty much all of them, and I know each of their personalities and such.

They have to be kept apart a lot of the time due to how aggressive males can be with other males.

Specifically, they are of the species Sepia officinalis one of the more long lived varieties, and also among the larger. I keep them all in a larger indoor pool that I sunk a lot of money into to make sure it is well oxygenated, acclimated, and clean. Also, big enough that I can sort of step in for some sex.

What you need to know about cuttlefish is that their sex organs are mostly near their mouth parts, and the mouth parts themselves have a role in foreplay. You won't see them use their arms or tentacles in the stereotypical way that tentacle porn would show it, but they definitely use their two tentacles to hold on to you.

As you begin to become more experienced with each other and can communicate through the language of pleasure, they'll catch on to how you like them to use their arms to enhance your pleasure. You'll learn how to behave in the way that gives them the most enjoyment as well.

Make no mistake, cuttlefish get a lot of pleasure from sex, most animals do they just experience it and show it in a different way. They're more reproduction oriented, and females don't live long after they reproduce, therefore not giving them much opportunity. However, male cuttlefish have a lot of untapped potential and can live very varied and active sex lives when with a human partner who doesn't die after they lay their eggs.

Initiating sex with a cuttlefish is obviously difficult due to the fundamental differences in communication and reflexes, however cuttlefish are very smart and once you begin to spend some time with them, they'll pick up on your signals, and you'll pick up on theirs. It's a matter of gradual non-confrontational interaction, letting them see you not as a threat, and soon seeing you as a potential mate.

Sex with cuttlefish is very unique, sex with multiple cuttlefish is even better, sensory overload, all of them grasping onto various parts of your body, grappling on you, nipping and rubbing on you with their beak and sperm sac, god.

Anyway, this post has been long enough, I'm interested to hear what you think.

I'm a cuddlefish. 😊

Awwwwww! C'mere you!!! (Ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)

Wtf do you do for money?

Send bobs n lasagna on snapchat

I demand you produce proof that you aren't directly funded by notch.

You know when I woke up this morning I was feeling very optimistic. I was well rested. The sun was shining and the blue jays spun a delightful cacophony (an oxymoron in aware). As I climbed out of bed and made my way over to my Tom morelloTM acoustic guitar I thought, "maybe this is the day someone finds a cure for cancer, or maybe world hunger. Maybe this is the day that absolute faggot Edward doesn't post some dumb shit on my comments." Euphoria washed over me as basked in the golden light, strumming soft and pleasing chords. Finished, I put down my Tom MorelloTM acoustic guitar and pulled it my phone to pass the time on my favorite subreddit. As my eyes glanced over the replies section I felt my heart drop into my stomach. There in bold letters stood the name u/Ed_butteredtoast . My hands shook with dread as I was hit by a wave of fear and loathing. "Why? Why me?What did I do to pull the attention of llamas most cold hearted and malicious commenter?" Yes, I had stolen my wife's boyfriend's son's finger paints yesterday, but it was for a good cause. The resistance needed those supplies. Besides I already prayed to Karl Marx for forgiveness and said a hundred "Fuck white people"s. No, this most disheartening happenstance was undeserved. With one trembling finger I gingerly touched the rectangle area signifying a reply on my android (iPhones are for sheeple). Under that blasted username lay one single line, coated in blue. A link? The longer I looked the more impatient I became. It seemed to call to me in a deadly manner, as If saying both "come closer" and "stay far away" in the same breath. A dreadful curiosity struck me and and with bated breath I jabbed the link with my vegan fingers. A GIF! I watched in horror as some disease ridden skank shoved an entire stick of butter down the cock highway she calls a throat. Holding back the bile creeping up into my esophagus I had a moment of clarity and acceptance. The world is not just. It is not fair. Starving peasants will die of hunger every day. Children will still get cancer. Donald Trump will still be president (not my president though) And u/Ed_butteredtoast will always leave some scandalous, retarded ass reply to my perfectly reasonably seriousposts. The world is not just. The world is not fair. And it never will be.

Toxic masculinity and fragile masculinity are two very harmful concepts. The pictured text assumes you already know these concepts. Google them.

They are harmful concepts, yeah. They allow you to associate all masculinity with toxicity and dismiss all complaints as "fragility".

Tell me friend, why no feminist will ever talk about "toxic femininity" or "internalised misandry", if it's just neutral ways to refer to traditional gender roles harming the people expressing them and those around them?

For the people who are so focused on subtle ways our words can promote harmful attitudes that they say "dumb" is better avoided, feminists are amazingly inept at noticing that beam in their own eye ^^.

Not the same thing. You would know this if you Googled and kept an open mind. Cheers

The only thing that's not the same is that women should be supported while men are in position of power and could be taken down a notch or two. Everything else is layers of bullshit concealing this reasoning.

Prove me wrong in your own words, or you have no clue about anything.

Not true. Again, Google and keep an open mind. Cheers

Which letter of "in your own words" do you not understand?

I googled and found a bunch of anti feminist blogs. Now what?

I googled it and the results told me that "toxic masculinity" is a bunch of radfem bullshit. Thanks for admitting your mistakes at least.

So I googled it and it claims "toxic femininity" can't exist. Obviously anyone with an open mind would know that's straight up retarded of course it exists.

You googled the wrong term. It's called being bitchy.

claims to be against sexism

lol stupid fragile toxic men

This is how dumb you sound.



I already do! tyvm

You post here a lot

I don't post on twoX

I like anchovies, lemon and paprika.


You're what's wrong with this world.

It's okay young Padawan learner, it's a Jedi reference don't worry about it 😆😉, maybe when you're over 25 you'll learn to love the sweet salty savoury taste of freshly filleted anchovies.

The OP implies masculinity itself is toxic and fragile. It's a prime example of projection by femtards.

/u/dingogordy just because you're a man doesn't mean you get a free pass on saying stupid shit related to men. That's such a stupid cop out lol.

/u/dingogordy none of those fat hags are gonna bang u u know


"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Already, in the Eleventh Edition, we're not far from that point. But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there's no reason or excuse for committing thoughtcrime. It's merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won't be any need even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc is Newspeak," he added with a sort of mystical satisfaction. "Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?"

Source is probably dissertations by several gender studies PhDs, which means they are worth less than a damp turd.


/u/SuchPowerfulAlly Speaking of which, post bussy.

I just hope his victims find justice

/u/dingogordy what is it like to be a self-hating man?

It's a perfect motte and bailey.

  1. Say men are horrible monsters because you've read a lot of fake rape stories online.

  2. Get called out.

  3. Immediately retreat to the more easy to defend position that it's pop sociology toxic masculinity that's the real problem and claim you're trying to help men.

These cows just repeat the same thing all day.

Feminism as a whole is a giant motte and bailey.

They'll say stupid and absurd shit and when you disagree they accuse you of not believing "women are people."

They even print t-shirts saying feminism is the "radical belief" women are people.

It's basically just how they shut down anyone that dares call out their bullshit dogma. They're like untouchable, anyone that dares step out of the shadows and say "wait a minute" is smeared by the left-wing femtard network online.

It's why every article about gamergate written in the left wing media always started with "gamergate, the movement that wants to harass women out of the gaming industry."

It's basically just how they shut down anyone that dares call out their bullshit dogma. They're like untouchable, anyone that dares step out of the shadows and say "wait a minute" is smeared

And then when you finally get a chance to make this point, the fallback position is "oh, well that's only a few fringe voices online, they don't have any serious influence on real life". Wrong. This shit doesn't stay confined to places like Reddit or Tumblr, it metastasizes to Facebook both by way of click sites like Buzzfeed and by way of those meme groups, and then makes its way into pop-science pieces and op-ed columns, first in Salon and Jezebel and then in the New Yorker and Variety, and then the entertainment industry picks it up and runs with it, and so on.

I know a bunch of people IRL who lap this shit up like a kitten does milk, and it's kind of unreal to watch. Social media is like gasoline for the id, and it allows even the most nauseating bullshit to gain momentum and solidify into an ideology in real time. This trend has been gathering steam for three-five years now, and I honestly don't know how big the bubble is going to get before it pops - if it does.

they accuse you of not believing "women are people."

Why is that a bad thing exactly?

And the only reason why that tactic works is because when a woman is in trouble, society as a whole immediately drops everything and rushes to save her. Rich white women living in western countries are the most privileged people in the world.

Also /u/dingogordy if you think that becoming a feminist will finally get your dick wet, I have bad news for you. That's why male feminists are always rapists; they go into feminism expecting women to love them for being a true Nice Guy, and when the feminists go fuck 30 guys on Tinder and have you drive them to their abortions, you get so frustrated that you can't help but hold women down and fuck them.

women are people.

Wait, what?

Look, I didn't say I believe it, but that's what feminists believe.

Oh you scared me for a moment.

Toxic masculinity is totally real tho that's what my professor said lol


I don't feel as if this is bashing men, as much as it is bashing toxic masculinity.

That's the same argument I use to defend my criticisms of Toxic Blackulinity.

that entire sub is dudes isnt it?

No they are mostly hideous ugly and fat women.

If you don’t believe me check out the stickied “Friday trollcall” thread and browser the images. Also works as an appetite suppressant

Wow - they actually look exactly as I pictured them.

What the FUCK

I wasn't sure what I was expecting as I took my first hit of my Black&Mild and did as instructed but I know I certainly didn't expect to inhale so sharply in response to seeing such a fucked display of insane ham planets. My stomach feels queasy and I don't think it's from the extra large hit I accidentally took.

So close, and yet so far

Trollx is the gay retard of subreddits: gay and retarded

I recognise you from /r/Cumtown. Who are you to call anyone gay and retarded?

It's a stupid joke, it doesnt mean anything. The problem is when the tablea are reversed amd 2x acts like some horrible thing just happened.

Source: am man

/u/dingogordy I question this.

Source: am man

/u/dingogordy a man posting anti-masculinity content on TrollX lol. Since you like comparing masculinity to creatures you must fall under bugman. Christ you "ally" types are pathetic.

/u/dingogordy, how do you respond to these allegations that you are a S O Y B O Y

Unironically saying soyboy is rly cringy

ur face is rly cringy

/u/dingogordy i bet you like pegging

The only sex that /u/dingogordy doesn't like is the type with consent.

I thought it was funny.

I laughed.

It's a pretty funny diss, whatever you aim it at.

It's pretty funny, but not really accurate. Jellyfish are venomous, not toxic.

Not only that,

not all jellyfish

are poisonous.

It's time to end toxic masculinity; all hail the new era of venomous masculinity!

Male Feminists: not even once.

fat women blaming men for not having men.

"In the year 2014, when twox became a default sub, a unit of dense, judgeMENTAL and oblivious upper-middle class white women ( and their male feminist alt accounts) were sent the hell off said subreddit by sensible human beings and a couple MRA's, because of the idiocy they commited.

These women promptly escaped from a default sub to the reddit underground and took over what used to be a funny gif sub for laid back women of 18-24 age group .

Today they are still commiting the acts of slacktivism , continue to smear the ideas of feminism and survive as soldiers of REEEING.

If you to are an oblivious white, american woman, if no real feminist group takes your bullshit seriously or you want to tell fake stories about "evil men" for karma boost, and if you can find them....maybe you can subscribe to the Jezebel of reddit...I mean - The Trollx Team."

" cue The A-Team theme"

Use asterisks, bud. Works way better ;)


Just doing my part to aid a fellow sperg, famalam

Majority of reddit users males

Compare sub counts of sub reddits for woman shitting on men and visa versa

Decided for yourself who is more fragile and toxic

I don't feel as if this is bashing men, as much as it is bashing toxic masculinity. You can still be a man and want toxic masculinity to go away. Source: am man.

u/dingogordy might want to go through with chemical castration since the soy diet will take longer.

What? It's men calling women TERFs? I dont think I know any men who know what a TERF is. TERF is used in trans, queer, and feminist circles.

tfw /r/drama is all too familiar with TERFs

You're probably more likely to get struck by lightening than to see an internet feminist who knows anything about feminism. I really can't believe that i've never seen anyone use the term 'toxic masculinity' correctly. Not to mention the fact that internet feminists frequently try to immaculate their opponents, which is actually sexist and completely contrary to everything they supposedly believe.

For anyone wondering, toxic masculinity describes a situation where men have their masculinity/self worth tied up in a toxic behavior, usually violence. The situation where this is most applicable is like in prison or a gang where someone feels like they have to beat up/kill a guy because they've be disrespected or some shit like that. It has nothing to do with violent media or whatever other nonsense these retards attempt to apply it to.

try to immaculate their opponents,

Make them pregnant without fucking them?

The immaculate conception doesn't refer to Mary getting pregnant with Jesus, it refers to Mary being born without original sin so that Jesus could also be born without original sin

Yes, I was just making a crack.

"The more masculine you are, the more toxic and fragile you are."

"Doesn't that seem a little sexist?"

"It's not saying the more masculine you are, the more toxic and fragile you are, it's pointing out that toxic masculinity exists."

/u/dingogordy we just had a swarm (gaggle? guzzle? gurgle?) of trannies roll through here today who might be able to help you with your self-hating man problem: Cut your dick off and wear a dress.

Then you can be as toxic and fragile as you like. If men call you out you can call them sexist, if women call you out you can call them transphobic.

For that kind of power, never getting your dick wet again seems like a small price to pay.

Toxic masculinity and masculine fragility (as well as parallels for other dominant classes along other axes- e.g. white fragility) are very much valid sociological terms. Toxic femininity and feminine fragility are not, which is why just saying "but if you turn the terms around..." doesn't really hold a lot of weight

Seriously believing in this drivel. Holy shit.

Sociology is junk science and it should be ridiculed then promptly forgotten.

These fucktards have never published a study that managed to replicate, much less hold up under the most trivial peer review.

Damn look at all this male fragility in here

You're getting upset over the opinions of overweight hairy PCOS-afflicted lesbian socialists

Get ahold of yourselves

I read it as Jellyfish = Masculine because Toxic/Fragile. Not Toxic Masculinity = Fragile/Toxic.

I agree with you based on a strict interpretation of the way it's worded. Right now, it does seem that overt masculinity is often both toxic and fragile. However there is definitely a sort of masculinity that can come from within, in very self aware individuals, which is not toxic or fragile. And as a note, fragile is not the same thing as vulnerable. A vulnerable person can tell you honestly how they feel and open a dialogue. A fragile person will just break down when things get hard and in the case of toxic masculinity, the fear-based need to HIDE the vulnerability leads to the toxic way of interacting, where you can't just accept that you feel vulnerable and talk about it, you have to find other ways of manifesting your issues. I think many women are just done with dealing with it, and this joke speaks to that frustration. It's kind of ridiculous how the need to be perceived as masculine overcomes taking care of one's basic needs. And it can happen to women too, I can attest to this as a woman who has a lot of latent toxic masculinity fucking shit up.

Women's personality problems are caused by 'toxic masculinity'?? lol WTF

Fishmouth cat ladies trying to tell people how they are supposed to think and feel!?


It's funny because the joke implies the more masculine you are the more fragile and toxic you are and nobody but u/672 get's that.

This post only mocks toxic fatuculinity

No one anywhere can object to that right?

Source: am man

Implying everyone doesn't already know that, you pathetic future rapist. /u/dingogordy