lolcow /u/RagingFuckALot's new account, /u/brownorbluegoldstone, has been permanently suspended from Reddit.
36 2017-12-22 by DeepDickedHillybilly
I am actively investigating the cause, although it could be related to felonious aggravated sexual obese charges.
Anyway, once /u/RagingFuckALot died from doxxing people and spinning /r/TrollXChromosomes into a jizzy froth, no less than 2 people sent me private emails to me informing me that /u/brownorbluegoldstone was our new lolcow's username.
It was her, without a doubt. The same angry, Asian-Australian, bitchy voice complaining about sexism in threads where such a discussion doesn't belong in exactly the same style. I was watching her posts, waiting for the proper "coming out party" where she made a particular fool of herself.
Unfortunately, it never came. I went to do a quick scan of her comment history and found she is no more.
I don't have a cause, but if anyone knows anything, please chime in. I'll swing by that Asian subreddit afterwards and see if they are saying anything.
Also keep an eye out for her new account. It won't be long until she's back at it with her cheeky chinky anger.
2 MishieruChan 2017-12-22
She already came out on Hapas where her flair said something among the lines of "Asian Australian (ragingfuckalot)".
Don't think the Asian subreddits care right now, but will let you know if I see her pop up on the usual places.
1 Honk4Tits 2017-12-22
Oh man i didn't know she had another account, missed out on some grade A spergin'.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-22
(. )( .) Τ(ββΏβΤ )
1 Hammer_of_truthiness 2017-12-22
ed let me just say how much i appreciate you.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-22
1 zergling_Lester 2017-12-22
1 xXBreezy 2017-12-22
[out of the loop] Who the fuck is ragingduckalot?
3 MishieruChan 2017-12-22
Ragingfuckalot (RFAL) is a self-described Asian Australian feminist known for her conflicts/drama with not just OP, but a couple other users on Reddit (regardless if they're Asian, female, or a combination of both).
OP filed a doxing complaint back in October after RFAL posted the personal info of a FB user making a rape joke. Cue Reddit swinging the banhammer on her, while Drama and Hapas bring out the champagne on their respective subreddits.
Unsurprisingly, RFAL evaded her ban under the guise of brownorbluegoldstone and returned to her usual behaviour of logical fallacy ridden arguments, picking fights with users on racial and female subs, and appreciating good cake decorating.
Not sure why she's banned this time though.
1 SuperiorExcess 2017-12-22
Can't you get banned for ban evasion?
1 MishieruChan 2017-12-22
Yes if it has to do with subreddit ban evasions IIRC, but I'm not sure about Reddit's policies on sitewide ban evasions.
1 SuperiorExcess 2017-12-22
Admins themselves? Probably don't care if you don't lay it on thick like this retard. More user numbers = more of that delicious investor cash.
1 Zozbot 2017-12-22
1 Zozbot 2017-12-22
1 Zozbot 2017-12-22