Male Fragililty poster goy and mod of r/conspiracy /u/JamesColesPardon announces his retirement, blaming targeted harassment "by various drama subreddits" and especially meanies over at top minds

41  2017-12-22 by Strictlybutters



shredder_13(top mod in TMOR) is a marching band homosexual, that's the type of people harassing you. People of low stock, if you let these IRL losers get to you, then my friend you need thicker skin.


What part of liking bussy is low stock? Also remember that kinkshaming is literally violence.

The fact you have to march with other losers.

Ohhhhhh the meta irony of someone who posts in r/conspiracy caping for /u/jamescolespardon calling other people losers is too much

Hey it's cool if you want to emulate whale farts as your choice of musical instrument I won't knock you.

Did you see my sticky about kinkshaming you discusting creep


Hey if you like getting sodomized that's your problem, you're entitled to get your fudge packed in, and it's none of my business. More power to ya, we're all pretty kinky.

/u/JamesColesPardon, making you quit: did the Jews do this too?

/u/jamescolespardon please this is important, if you leave who will stop the Jews? The future of humanity depends on your answer.

who will stop the Jews?

Alex Jones!! Duh!

Alex jones can’t even stop the destruction of his own family I highly doubt he can take on a force as powerful and malevolent as the Jews

That's why I took out Jewish world domination insurance with I pay a low, low premium of $9.99 / month in return for the promise that I will be spared in the event of Jewish world domination. They said after two years I can even count my premiums towards the cost of a full conversion to Judaism, which not only means I'll be spared, but I'll get a free Hanukkah box full of mysterious prizes!

How can you put your faith in a man who can't handle chilli?

Cool story, bro


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Today I found out that being a reddit moderator is just as difficult as a soldier in the trenches. Where’s my Medal of Honor then?

Shitposting about Pizzagate is literally more stressful and difficult than fighting in a war zone, LOL. You're retarded.


Our mod vets deserve better

I'll write a country song

That's pretty close

MFW that was posted non ironically


oh god, I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not, help.

How dare the NFL players disrespect our brave Reddit mods by kneeling

I can't believe anyone would even read half of that and I also can't believe someone has so much time and passion for spreading his opinions or whatever that post is about online and then also write such a goodbye cruel world type letter. I mean why didn't he just leave it's not like anyone really cares / will remember him for more than 2 days.

come on, u/jamescolespardon, don't go. Just because you're a complete fucking dipshit, doesn't mean we hate you! We love you! We love you because you're a huge fucking idiot!