OED now supports mayocide!

13  2017-12-22 by daskettenkrad


According to the scholarly data that Weber used in her presentation, transgender people of color are 2.46 times more likely to experience police violence than their white non-transgender counterparts.

All fucking 3 of them

Like literally, in the 300 million + Amerifats on this earth how many transgender non-whites have experienced police violence

in the 300 million + Amerifats on this earth

Shouldn't you be comparing transgender whites with transgender non-whites?

No. The point is that Transgender non whites that have experienced police brutality is like fucking 3 out of 300 million people

Approximately 77% of police officers in the US are white, and 88% are male, according to 2015 statistics from the Bureau of Justice. Honestly, it’s pretty bold to claim that you’re the victim of discrimination when over three-quarters of the people who hold your job look like you.

So its impossible to be racists against people working in fields dominated by their Race?

My ongoing research aims to address aspects of the question “What does it mean to sound black”

From Another article of hers:

Is it ok for white folks to say “shade”? How about “yaaassss”?

From gospel music to words like “woke”, many black customs and words that were born out of the difficult living conditions of our communities have now been co-opted by the mainstream.

OED is fucked. Really, really fucked. The world is fucked too. When English corpus authority plays idpol - you know that the world is fucked.

The US should switch to another language. Wait, they do it currently. It will just take a while till everyone speaks Spanish. Feliz Navidad.

Сука блядь ебаный в рот.

From W.C. Minor to this. RIP

How about “yaaassss”

Honestly, no one should be saying this unironically.

Sorry black bitches, but white gurls own yaaaaaaaaas now

Does arguing against the content of this blog post count as "white fragility"?

Yes that’s that beauty of it.

The funny thing is the counter is to call the person “noun” fragility. Example. Someone spouts off about something being white fragility. Let’s say the person is black. Just say, “I think you’re letting your black fragility bring you down.”

So far the only one immune to it is a white male cuck. Unless they’re gay then you’ve got gay fragility.

Just go there and go, "YASSSS GIRL! YOU GO QUEEN! KILL DEM MAYOS!"

It basically has the same effect.

Even thinking about it does.


What a bunch of cucks.

Unironically this.

Black Anality” argues that “black” and “anal” are rendered ideologically, discursively, and representationally synonymous, and that black female flesh becomes the material space on which this convergence occurs. Drawing on an archive of online, widely accessible black pornographies, I develop the term black anality to describe how black pleasures are represented as peculiarly and particularly oriented toward the anus, and thus as peculiarly and particularly attached to anal ideologies. In doing so, I depart from black feminist scholarship, which has long examined the buttocks as an imagined locus of racial-sexual difference and which has developed a set of analytics that now predominate in the study of black female sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. 


🤔 ?

Your comment is a rectangle with an "X"

I had to delete the stupid "v" off the end of your link to get it to play. Are you suggesting my post has made you think a bit? Thought provoking people to woke up.

you might need a new browser, friend

but yes, your post has made me think and now I am “woke af”. can you say some more stuff about “black flesh”? I want to see if I can jerk off to this

now that’s the stuff

unironically fucking kill me

But that's two words

Technically, it should be called a "word unit" I think? I'm not sure tho.

that header picture is completely fabulous

Superb bait, innit?