U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands calls his own words fake news

52  2017-12-22 by IAmAN00bie


Two rich men eating McDonald’s on a plane jfc the tactlessness of it all

We were never at war with Eurasia.

Deep reference to 1984 fam

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Link to the video. This man is a retard

Whats with the sociopathic liars these days, America? Clean your fucking act.


He looks like a slapped mackerel

YEEEEHAAAAWWWWW dueling banjos

Fake news!! Libtards love Islam!! Whiter than you, Muhammad!

!isretard Stumping4Trump

I am 100.00% sure that Stumping4Trump is a retard.

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He's actually being unironic.

May Allah have mercy on his soul. Amen!

Or not! َلوُلْ

Fake news!

you're not helping your case

Fuck off manlet! I am a proud ethnic kekistani

This is not the comic con