Libertarians try an unironic use of "but what if the child consents?"

15  2017-12-23 by xbettel


Is everyone too retarded to read the article they're referring to where cops forced a kid to masturbate in front of them? People are acting like the tweet suggests the answer could be yes. I guess Reddit isn't the only place people base their opinion of something on the tingles they get when they read a headline.

People are acting like the tweet suggests the answer could be yes.

According to the official policy of some police department somewhere (obviously I'm not going to read the article), the answer is and must be yes.

Right, but that's because they're the police. Actual human beings with brains and morals should react to that headline by saying, "Holy shit, the police have gone too far this time," not, "OMG the person tweeting is advocating for rape, time to post an image to signal my virtues in the most preadolescent (heh) manner possible!"

(That’s the joke)

Then the headline shouldn’t be a question lmao

Is a rhetorical mechanic you fool

I think the only reason it's a question is because the answer is so obviously "no."

the article literally disagrees with what did police did u fukin mong

First and foremost, the fact that Sims’ initial conduct was criminalized at all speaks to the staggering breadth of substantive overcriminalization.

Should police should have the right to force children to masturbate in front of them so they can take photos? What if it's part of a legal investigation?

Nuke Americanistan

op is a low IQ degenerate.

Libertarians are staunchly anti-state and anti-cop. They are implying the answer is "no," you illiterate twats.

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Only libertarians take themselves seriously

no libertarians wouldn't want police involvement because they're for less government. feel the bern idiot

Should police should have the right to force children to masturbate in front of them so they can take photos? What if it's part of a legal investigation?

The case of the wanking kid?

At least you can call u/xbettel a faggot and be factually correct.

You would have to be one to check.