Bored tranny decides to pick a fight on /r/GenderCritical. The level of discourses reaches a new low.

41  2017-12-23 by IAintThatGuy


/u/closetedxxcishet why don't you calm the fuck down? Lol

Yeah Seriosuly, some people make a choice to get pregnant and some people have a difficult time getting pregnant so annoncing a pregnancy can be a huge deal, let them say it however they want, it wasnt exactly an immaculate conception.

People are fucking stupid if this is the shit that upsets them enough to post a giant rant.

Why dont they post this retarded shit on facebook and watch thier friends call then stupid. Wait, they would have to have friends in the first place in order for that to happen.

What was the username of the tranny? It wouldn't happen to be /r/drama's favorite tranny u/Jonnie_L was it?

It was /u/Drspidermonkey. She really rustled their jimmies at GC lol. We should mod her tbh. Good for drama

Is this another noodlin' expedition? Noone can be that deluded can they?

¡Mierda santa, mis lados!

u/drspidermonkey it's somehow so much worse than I thought

Bored tranny

Is that how they are made? Would you use a through-hole or a butterfly bit for that?

Potato peeler (because this tranny alors looks retarded).

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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u/DrSpiderMonkey you're neither a dr nor a spider, but you might be a monkey.

Actually tbqh man monkey's are smarter than you.

Cutting your dick off doesn't turn you into a womyn any more than going "choochoo here comes the train" turns your hand into a locomotive.

Oh but honey, I am a Doctor. And a Master. And a Mistress, but that’s whole separate filed of study. But hey, if you want to meaninglessly deconstruct my nickname, more power to you. It’s literally like watching a kitten tear up cotton fluff. Keep simplifying things to fit into your conceptually simple boxes ^_^

If saying I don’t pass (obviously, duh) with some name calling is all you got here, and you can’t cite some peer-reviewed primary literature to back up your obviously unsubstantiated a priori beliefs on transitioning, then really, what’s the point of you? OP was right: I’m bored, bored, this is boring. Must be a slow day out there. Time to go fly.

See ya later!

This might be my favorite username ping response of all time. You will from this moment forth have a special place in my heart.

Like I said, must be a slow day ^_^

Keep simplifying things to fit into your conceptually simple boxes _^

OK. You = a dude with anime cat-girl ears on. So simple!


This and the post before screams "desperate to let everyone know how not bothered I am."

               /   Post    \
              |   Bussy^^   |
               \__ ________/
                   ||  ||                              
                   ''  ''       
             ~~~  Congratz!!! ~~~
 U haff been visited by the r/Drama Llama!! 

good bot