Standard r/conspiracy skitzo breaks third law of thermodynamics. Uneducated sheeple sperg out in comments.

59  2017-12-23 by SPAMRAAM_


The free energy and flat earth conspiracies are my two favourite because aside from being crazy they also have no motive behind them.

Jews control the world? Sure.

Obama orchestrated Sandy Hook to take Bubba's guns? Sure

Who benefits from the flat earth conspiracy? Globe manufacturers?

Probably the Jews, it's generally them.

Poor Jews.

If the 21st century is taking applications for antisemitic conspiracy theories, I'd like to posit that Linda Sarsour is an Israeli agent designed to make Palestinians unsympathetic.

I know right. She is playing the left, or maybe working with them. Either way she is great for military industrial complex, and the one israel plan

Who benefits from the flat earth conspiracy? Globe manufacturers?

People who don't want us to know that GPS is actually powered by magic crystals (and want to keep that secret so they make up that whole "round earth" conspiracy to pretend GPS is based on actual science).

wait do we own the crystals

Plus, think about how many people would have to be in on the flat earth cover-up. Most conspiracies have a motive and a plausible number of people that are in on it, but there’s way too many people throughout history who would know the “truth” about the earth being flat.

A lot of flat earthers are bible literalists and believe the conspiracy from a mix of crazy and because the Bible says so.


The people I’ve seen address this point say something to the effect of “if they can convince you that the earth isn’t flash, what else can they convince you of”??

Cmon man, free energy coverup is clearly concocted by big oil. Do you even conspiratard? Also Obummer and his brigade of renewable energy goons is in on it, the billions spent on solar is a waste because we could just use potatoes and crystals.

The round earth narrative prevents us from leaving our part of the world through the south pole where our god-like space alien creators live. As long as we are prevented from reaching enlightenment the world governments can continue enslaving us for their own benefit.

On another note, I wonder if there's frequent conflict among conspiracy theorists because the flat earth conspiracy completely contradicts the hollow earth conspiracy which seemed more popular a few years ago.

Flat earth is ABSOLUTELY a conspiracy to keep you from looking for the entrance to the hollow earth.

Jews did it to keep you from finding the secret base from which (((Soros))) carries out his nefarious plans to genocide the whites.

You fucking rounders think your so smart yet the horizon remains so flat. But whatever, if ball Earth helps ya get through the day then go ahead.

Can I ask you one question though?

Is your water fluoridated?

If this is being woke, Imma go back to sleep

This^ the comment of 2017

Crystals are the answer.


This is your brain on anime.

Jill Stein posts on /r/conspiracy?

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I don't understand why these people make up these elaborate retarded conspiracies. Are they this bored?

They want to be recognised as the great mind they see themselves as.

The world is full of hunger, strife, and malevolence

These people can't not accept that these things are random or inevitable, it has to be someone pulling strings

It makes them feel safe to believe that bad things happen only when someone wills it

No they are just incredibly stupid and believing in these conspiracies is how they make themselves feel smart.

/u/iamn30, is it true that you shove a potato up your ass to power yourself for the day?

But free energy does exist?

Gibb's free energy, for instance.

Gibb free energy

Work for your energy like everyone else, welfare queen

Gibb says it's free, but once you get hooked he starts charging.

He's betting that you'll forget to cancel when your free trial runs out.

Just alternate between Gibbs and Helmholtz.

The thing I don't get with these people, is even if you could create energy from nothing, what keeps it from devouring the universe or at least the device? How can you contain unlimited energy?