Old lolcow /u/KubrickIsMyCopilot spergs about Russian trolls in /r/MapPorn (Just scroll to the bottom of the thread)

19  2017-12-23 by eufouric


Thanks ed. You're a credit to your species.

I don't talk to traitors ✋

Is a mother who babbyproofs her home by padding all the sharp corners a traitor?



I mean all the negative replies are his. I didn't really feel like it was necessary to link all of them, especially since only one is lengthy.

Nope. You can lie all you want, but the botting was reported and will be dealt with. If you were part of it, there will be consequences.

Watch out guys, /u/KubrickIsMyCopilot the slav slayer is on the trail.

Thats why the squat is so important -present a smaller target, harder to be slayed.

Haven't heard about this guy in a while, but recently (or maybe I'm only just noticing him now) he's been doing his usual shenanigans in /r/MapPorn. Gonna say that he's probably psychotic.

This is pretty quality OP, worth a good chuckle

u/KubrickIsMyCopilot you're a Ruskie bot, aren't you?

u/KubrickIsMyCopilot я в твоих интернетах и ты с этим ничего не можешь поделать ))))

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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/r/MapPorn: how can we twist data to fit our narrative?