0 2017-12-23 by lPwnNoobs
2 -not_a_mimic- 2017-12-23
Why shouldn't we be divided? Rural, uneducated whites are useless as anything except military cannon fodder. Would you interact with them if you had a choice?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-12-23
Who wrote that garbage-ass article? Do they not employ a copy editor at that god forsaken blog site?
2 -not_a_mimic- 2017-12-23
Why shouldn't we be divided? Rural, uneducated whites are useless as anything except military cannon fodder. Would you interact with them if you had a choice?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-12-23
Who wrote that garbage-ass article? Do they not employ a copy editor at that god forsaken blog site?